The pure villainy of Kingpin has recently been put on full display in the new Marvel Comics series Devil’s Reign, and while Wilson Fisk pursues his dream of eliminating New York’s superheroes, he could be unwittingly creating the future’s Daredevil. Devil’s Reign follows Mayor Fisk as he uses his political standing to outlaw superheroes while giving a select number of villains to enforce his new law. If Kingpin is successful in his efforts and takes down Daredevil along with the other heroes for good, he could be creating a new version of Daredevil, one that he is actually related to. 


In Daredevil 2099 by Robert Kirkman, Karl Moline, and Mike Perkins, the futuristic world has been rid of superheroes after the Mutant Registration Act becomes reinstated and Sentinels are used as the primary form of law enforcement. The few heroes that remain operate in the shadows, including the futuristic version of Daredevil aka Samuel Fisk, Wilson Fisk’s grandson. In the issue, Daredevil explains how the Kingpin was able to take down the Daredevil of his time, calling the event the “Fisk family triumph”. From the downfall of Matt Murdock’s Daredevil by the hands of Wilson Fisk was born the Daredevil of the year 2099. 

While the overall landscape of Marvel 2099 depends on the Mutant Registration Act and the mutants of the current comics have made significant strides to avoid such a catastrophe by establishing the Island Nation of Krakoa, the future Daredevil could still become established as the events currently stand in Devil’s Reign. Perhaps Kingpin’s law against superheroes results in the downfall of Matt Murdock’s Daredevil which Fisk fondly tells his grandson about calling it the “Fisk family triumph”. Even if mutants remain safe on Krakoa, the events of Devil’s Reign, if they play out in Kingpin’s favor, could still result in Samuel Fisk taking on the mantle of Daredevil in the year 2099. 

Daredevil 2099 is more like a Marvel version of Batman than Daredevil (minus his use of guns) as Wilson Fisk’s vast amounts of wealth have been passed down to Samuel who uses his inherited riches to fight crime in secret. While the original Daredevil uses his heightened senses to take down bad guys, Fisk’s version uses advanced technology wrapped in a Daredevil suit to enact his form of brutal justice. While the futuristic Daredevil greatly resembles Batman in both his day-to-day life and how he fights crime, he is fully an incarnation of Daredevil, using the moniker to both instill fear in his enemies and rebel against the sins of his family’s past, shoving his grandfather’s greatest triumph back in his face in a heroic form of cosmic irony. 

So far in the Devil’s Reign event, the superheroes are remaining non-violent when it comes to avoiding arrest for simply being themselves. While it has yet to be written, the status quo will likely not remain the same, resulting in an inevitable fallout that will show the end of either the Kingpin or Marvel’s superheroes. If Kingpin wins, the world would forever be shifted and could become something much like the dystopian future of Marvel 2099, opening the door for Kingpin’s grandson to become the Daredevil of the future.

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