The King of Fighters 15 continues the franchise’s current story arc by reconnecting it with its recent history through two of its returning protagonists. Through its near-30 year history, the King of Fighters franchise has carried its narrative across three completed story arcs, entering its fourth with King of Fighters 14. The latest arc of the long-running series began in a manner almost completely separated from its previous story due to Ash Crimson, its leading character, being erased from the timeline as a result of a heroic sacrifice. The aftermath of King of Fighters 14 and the defeat of Verse at the game’s finale, however, allowed for characters who had died or been otherwise removed from the series to return once again.


[Warning: spoilers for King of Fighters 15 below.]

As some characters would be brought back into the spotlight for King of Fighters 15, Ash’s return was teased in the previous title. Ash’s revival was revealed initially during the ending scene for the Official Invitation Team in King of Fighters 14. The mysterious figure known as Kukri is shown locating Ash Crimson’s newly restored body for Elisabeth Blanctorche, a dear friend of Ash and one of the protagonists of the previous story arc. Ash’s erasure from the timeline resulted in his existence being forgotten, leading to what would become the new Team Ash in KoF 15.

While Ash and Elisabeth’s history goes back to their childhood as friends and confidants in a sibling-like relationship, Kukri’s history with the pair boils down to a partnership of convenience. As a result of his hand in relocating Ash Crimson’s restored body and restoring Elisabeth’s memories, she agrees to join him with Ash in tow for the tournament in order to repay her debt of gratitude. Kukri’s goal in the tournament remains a mystery, but in divulging the details of his history to his newfound teammates, Kukri reveals that his intentions go beyond the tournament itself, his sight centered partially on King of Fighters 15 newcomer Dolores.

The King Of Fighters 15: Team Ash’s Role In The Story

In his initial meeting with his future teammates in King of Fighters 15, Kukri divulges details about his past, including the death of his mentor by his own hands having lost control of his power. While Kukri claims to have made the story up, the sight of Dolores on Elisabeth’s phone sends him off in a hurry much to Ash’s suspicion. During the events of Team Ash’s Story Mode, Kukri confronts Dolores about seemingly abandoning him, confirming Dolores’s relationship to Kukri as his long lost mentor. It is shown that both Kukri and Dolores were keenly aware of the arrival of Verse during the events of The King of Fighters 14 and what his defeat would cause in the future.

By sacrificing his very existence in the timeline, Ash created a timeline distortion that would eventually summon Verse into the world. In relaying his story to Ash and Elisabeth in King of Fighters 15, Kukri also spoke of special individuals he referred to as “Amplified Specters” as the only individuals who could confront beings such as Verse. This term was first used by Kukri to refer to Shun’ei of the Hero Team in the previous title, further affirming Shun’ei’s status as the story arc’s primary protagonist. Verse’s defeat set loose the souls it had gathered through its existence, resulting in revivals throughout the world such as Dolores and even bringing Ash back into the world.

At the end of Team Ash’s Story Mode, it is revealed that Ash’s former teammates, Shen Woo and Duo Lon, now suddenly remember Ash once again after Team Ash’s victory in the tournament and defeat of King of Fighters 15‘s final boss. Shen Woo claims that it was as if he’d “forgot that he forgot“, with Duo Lon agreeing with the sentiment. As Ash reunites with his former teammates alongside Elisabeth, Kukri also reunites with his mentor and mother-figure in their homeland, leaving his new teammates behind and ending their alliance.

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Team Ash’s role in the overall story remains unique in that it provides exposition to the ongoing plotlines while effectively reintroducing two fan-favorites to the franchise. The revival of Ash Crimson and the return of Elisabeth Blanctorche would shine a spotlight on the returning duo’s role in the story. By allying with Kukri, the two returning characters would immediately become involved in the main narrative of the current arc, allowing a closer glimpse at the story arc’s lore while also reconnecting with two fan-favorites of the previous story. As The King of Fighters continues to navigate its expanding lore, the upcoming DLC for The King of Fighters 15 may continue to take steps toward connecting returning favorites with the main story being told.

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