Amidst a vast lineup of holiday movies lurks 2015’s Krampus, a unique Christmas romp that turns the usual cheeriness of these themes on its head. This comedy-thriller by Michael Dougherty entertains in a distinct fashion. It simultaneously spooks and amuses its audience with its zany, sadistic sense of humor.

On the one hand, it’s a comedy centered around a quirky family partaking in a Christmas celebration. On the other? It’s a twisted, dark ride full of thrills and chills brought courtesy of an evil counterpart to Santa and his killer toys. In a sense, Krampus is a celebration of campiness which is good for some laughs, though it also has some genuinely creepy moments. Let’s take a look at five prominent examples of each.

10 Funniest: Reactions To The Evil Elf Intruders In The Final Act

Krampus‘s diametrically-opposed tones are in full-force in the final act, which sees most of the remaining family being whisked away by the killer elves. While this is a pretty spooky scene overall, there are some humorous moments sprinkled in as well.

An aggravated Howard offers some yuks with his proclamation that this whole ordeal is “twisted fairytale horse s***!” Dorothy too provides her zany brand of humor, simply shouting “see you in hell!” as she’s yanked off-screen like a Warner Brothers’ cartoon; goofy sound effects and all. But Max’s dad Tom may just take the cake with his nonchalant reaction to Howard – a man he doesn’t quite care for – being taken away. It’s hard not to chuckle at his amusingly understated, “ohh great” as he’s pulled out of the scene. It’s the little things…

9 Creepiest: Beth’s Trek Through The Snow

Ironically, it’s often a thriller’s lack of action and reveals that can muster the most prominent scares. Atmosphere and building tension can really go a long way, as viewers are left to their imaginations as to what’s lurking out of sight. Dougherty establishes this in an early scene involving Beth’s perilous journey to her boyfriend’s.

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The eerie atmosphere is laid on thick as we follow the uneasy character through the snow-laden neighborhood. A bone-chilling howl echoes in the distance and the shadowy figure of Krampus can be seen leaping from roof to roof as she runs for her life. It’s a well-crafted scene that’s effective in coaxing some goosebumps.


8 Funniest: Howie Jr.’s Tangle With A Gingerbread Cookie

The cookie scene involving Howard’s gluttonous son can really be tagged as both creepy and funny; though the latter is definitely stressed given its absurd nature.

It’s not often in films that one sees a killer gingerbread man drop from a chimney, get part of his head bitten off, and proceed to rope up a child and yank him away like a cowboy.

7 Creepiest: Perchta’s Attic Attack

There are few settings more chilling than a dark attic – especially when a terrifying killer doll resides in said location. When it comes to Krampus’s twisted minions – the animatronic “angel of death” doll named Perchta is one of the scariest.

It’s tough not to get chills while watching the large-winged creature maniacally shrieking and flapping her big wings as she attacks Sarah. It really has the vibe of one of those classic horror movie moments.

6 Funniest: The Dysfunctional Family Dinner Scene

Krampus can reasonably be described as a monster thriller-meets-Home Alone – and the latter influence can be seen early in the film. The dinner scene features all of Max’s wacky, dysfunctional family play off each other with various quips, banter, and remarks. From Howard’s subtle digs at Tom to Linda’s quips, there’s plenty of moments to snicker at here – with a slightly endearing tinge too.

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It’s a wacky, somewhat subdued sitcom-esque moment to enjoy before things take a dark, crazy turn.

5 Creepiest: The Final Break-in By Krampus’ Elves

There are plenty of startling and spooky moments in Krampus, but ultimately we still feel a little safe, as the family remains quietly holed up inside their house. This quickly changes in the final act, when the evil elves burst through the boarded-up window and scoop up more of Max’s family.

It’s an unsettling moment – as any shred of security is obliterated and vulnerability takes hold.

4 Funniest: Basically Any Scene With Aunt Dorothy

Many of Max’s family members have their humorous moments, though it’s really the zany Aunt Dorothy who tends to fill the role of the “comic relief” character. She injects humor in just about any scene where she’s prominently featured, with her sarcastic, wisecracking ways.

Whether it’s her reveling in her peppermint Schnapps or her comically blasting a toy with a shotgun, Dorothy brings plenty of yuks.

3 Creepiest: The Final Scene Reveal And Jump Scare

While Dougherty mainly provides chills through creepy imagery, Krampus ends on a note that’s more subtly unsettling. After the chaotic climax, Max awakens in his bed to find everything seemingly back to normal. But he senses that something’s amiss. Looks of uneasiness replace the cheery smiles of his family, as they start to remember or realize what occurred earlier. We then pan out and – surprise! We’re in the underworld with Krampus and friends, as Max’s house is seen inside a snowglobe.

The creepy implications really set in here, as the scene takes its time to breathe. But then, the director goes in the other direction completely, startling viewers one last time with an epic jump scare as the evil toys pop into the scene. It’s a strong – and spooky – way to close out the film.

2 Funniest: Howard’s Christmas Cookie Showdown

When it comes to thrillers – or most films for that matter – there’s usually “that scene;” the one that really stands out and leaves an impression. In the case of Krampus? That would be the shootout between a shotgun-wielding Howard and the nefarious gingerbread men.

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This one is thrilling, bizarre, and hilarious all in one measure – as the seemingly tough, gun-toting uncle shields himself from chuckling cookie-men who are shooting him with a nail-gun. It’s this sort of twisted weirdness that makes Krampus the distinctly funny and creepy movie it is.

1 Creepiest: Max Facing Krampus And His Elves In The Underworld

The scary series of events in Krampus lead up to a pretty chilling climax. In it, Max finds himself amidst a sinkhole leading to an underworld glowing with red flame. The scene is riddled with hazy smoke, snow, and a creepy band of “Christmas-gone-wrong” creatures.

Then, of course, there’s Krampus himself, who’s shown up close in all his scary and grotesque detail. Not only do these figures look creepy, but their sadistic mannerisms bring an uneasy vibe, as it’s clear that they’re enjoying this terror they’ve brought.

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