Characters and interpersonal relationships are at the heart of La Brea, the new sci-fi drama about a sinkhole opening up beneath Los Angeles and separating the world above from an alien environment below. As families and loved ones try to mount a rescue effort, the survivors of the sinkhole disaster have to work together to navigate their surroundings, a wild environment filled with sabertooth tigers, giant sloths, and indigenous warriors.

La Brea features a diverse group of individuals from different eras and different parts of the world who draw on their life experiences and unique skillsets to help each other. Whether fans take a shine to fearless pre-med student Riley Velez, determined mother-of-two Eve Harris, or thoughtful psychiatrist Ty Coleman, the best characters in the series are relatable, intriguing, and complicated.

10 Josh Harris

At first glance, Josh Harris may seem like a typical high school student, but after he falls through the sinkhole, he starts to think beyond what college he’s going to be accepted to. A wolf wound he suffers early on in his exploration of the alien world acts as a catalyst for big change within the teen, and soon he’s rising to the challenges, whether they involve sabertooth tigers or a fierce indigenous population.

Josh has always wanted to fill the shoes left by his estranged father, and he gets his chance when he’s plunged back to 10,000 BC, forging a stronger relationship with his mother Eve as they battle the elements, savage creatures, and other survivors in the encampment. While he exhibits all the stubbornness and hot-headedness of a teen, it’s nice to watch a young character slowly become self-aware and mature in real-time.

9 Marybeth Hayes

Coming from a law enforcement family and having twenty years of service in the Baton Rouge PD under her belt, Marybeth Hayes provides the presence of law and order once she falls through the sinkhole, but she’s also not delusional when it comes to her situation. She knows that the survivors won’t adhere to societal niceties if they can’t obtain food, shelter, and resources, so she’s wary of making any alliances with anyone she doesn’t think can take care of themselves.

Marybeth is a complicated, morally ambiguous character that transcends the crooked cop trope in order to appear more human. She’s a loving mother despite feeling responsible for alienating her son, and regardless of a strong self-preservation streak, eventually becomes one of the least selfish members of the encampment.


8 Tony & Billy

Tony and Billy are a couple who fall into the sinkhole along with everyone else, and while they aren’t featured as predominantly as the other characters, they nevertheless serve several vital purposes. Tony manages to get close to Lilly, a shy mute girl who keeps to herself, and together with Billy, helps fix up a jeep that becomes the only working vehicle to bring survivors to different parts of the world within the sinkhole.

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One of the only surviving couples to pass through the portal, this positive representation of an LGBTQ+ couple provides a foundation of teamwork, compassion, and normalcy. They contribute what resources they have to the entire group, and rather than see to their own survival, want everyone to benefit from what skills they can provide.

7 Riley Velez

A brazen former pre-med student, Riley Velez has a lot to offer her fellow survivors when she falls into the sinkhole, if only she can get past her own self-doubt. Having a former Navy SEAL and successful surgeon as a father doesn’t help, but once she watches everything he does for those in the survivor camp, she finds her conviction and jumps into action.

Riley might seem confident, but beneath her snarky exterior lies a vulnerable side she doesn’t like accessing. Once she accepts every part of herself, she’s free to live her life on her own terms, without being defined by her father’s expectations. They become a strong team in the camp, and Riley becomes a trusted leader.

6 Levi Delgado

When it comes to questionable missions using experimental aircraft traveling into mysterious portals, Captain Levi Delgado is the man for the job. While he has his own personal motivations for accepting the assignment, he’s a courageous pilot that will do whatever it takes to bring survivors back to the surface and out of the sinkhole.

Captain Delgado comes across like Maverick or some other iconic movie pilot, but appearances are deceiving. He might have a perfect record in the Air Force, but his conscience isn’t clean. Once he acknowledges his own human failings he can access his feelings, and stop compartmentalizing everything to the point of risking love and friendship.

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5 Gavin Harris

Gavin might not see himself as the best father, but he’s there when it counts. As soon as he learns his estranged wife Eve and their son have fallen into the sinkhole, he immediately tries to determine a way to rescue them. Once he connects strange psychic visions from his past to their location, he finds the evidence he needs to convince the DHS to let him try to reach survivors.

Gavin acknowledges his part in breaking up his family but doesn’t do the emotional labor necessary to earn their trust back. He believes in emotional honesty with everyone but himself, but once he takes accountability for his actions, he can finally be the person his family (and the rest of the survivors) can depend on.

4 Doctor Sam Velez

Dr. Velez jumps into action immediately after landing in the sinkhole, putting the lives of survivors before his own. His skills as a former Navy SEAL and one of the best general surgeons available are invaluable when gathering supplies and fighting off a pack of wolves that raid the encampment, though that sort of self-sacrificing often puts him at odds with his daughter Riley.

Dr. Velez is a loving father and a compassionate member of the survivor camp, but he’s not Superman. He’s as fallible as the rest of the group, and represents an oft-ignored part of society — veterans who suffer from PTSD. Eventually, he comes to realize that being vulnerable and open about his perceived weaknesses makes him an even stronger leader. His best quality is believing in the uniqueness of everyone’s strengths, and playing to them whenever appropriate, which makes him well-liked and well-respected.

3 Eve Harris

Eve is the heart and soul of the series in many ways, a fearless mother who grapples with her own inadequacies while fighting tooth and nail to survive in the sinkhole with her son. She is one of the first survivors to try to find supplies and make an encampment, and she thinks nothing of traversing dangerous terrain to save someone’s life or render medical aid.

Eve is a refreshing character because she’s shown to be resourceful, highly skilled in hunting and trapping, and complicated when it comes to her emotional connections. She’s also over forty, and rather than be viewed as obsolete or a liability, she’s consulted by her male contemporaries, and respected by nearly everyone in the camp.

2 Ty Coleman

Initially a more reserved and mysterious figure when compared to the other survivors, Ty Coleman chooses to connect with others on his own terms. Even after bravely saving Josh during the wolf attack on the camp, he nearly takes his own life a short while later, highlighting the fact that even people who present themselves as indefatigable on the outside might struggle with internal conflict.

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Ty finds purpose in helping Eve find medical supplies for Josh’s wound, and later, his skills as a psychiatrist help others unpack their own emotional journeys. He gives fellow survivors permission to relieve themselves of grief, guilt, and other invisible burdens, but he’s the hardest on himself for his own past transgressions. He’s a touching, complex character that sheds light on mental health awareness.

1 Scott Israni

A student of anthropology, Scott brings his scholarly knowledge of the animal kingdom and prehistoric life into play once he finds himself in the La Brea sinkhole. He pushes aside his anxiety to help others, including watching over Josh after he’s wounded and explaining to survivors about their surroundings, including the habits of the indigenous people they encounter.

Some survivors don’t care for Scott because he’s eccentric, is a proud Atheist, and vapes marijuana for his panic attacks, but he’s one of the most genuine people in the whole encampment. He encourages everyone to connect in ways they normally wouldn’t by being a prime example of authenticity. Plus, he lightens the tension by quoting memorable Indiana Jones dialogue and making references to Treebeard from Lord of the Rings.


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