Throughout its time on ABC and Fox, Last Man Standing has proved to be a rating success with a devoutly loyal fanbase. Whether it is fans of Tim Allen from his days as the popular tool man Tim Taylor on Home Improvement or those who just enjoy the in your face comedy stylings that Last Man Standing has become known for, there are multitudes of fans who will watch anything with his name on it.

No matter fans’ reasons for watching, each and every one of them will find something that will keep them coming back for more. Like many popular shows before it, Last Man Standing has its own fair share of funny memes pointed back at the show and even a few more geared towards its audience.

10  Ryan And Mike’s Relationship

Mike Baxter doesn’t mind speaking his mind and isn’t afraid to say whatever he thinks whenever he so chooses. Many times, Ryan, Mike’s son-in-law who is married to his oldest daughter Kristin is usually in the crosshairs of Mike’s rants. Most of his disgust with Ryan involves his strong liberal bent that Mike feels has infected Kristin’s mind.

While this relationship has been strained from the very beginning the pair do seem to somehow hash out their differences. Sadly, it first involves them fighting to the point of having their relationship break before the two will seek peace.

9 Mike’s Behind The Times Technological Stance

If there is one thing that Mike Baxter hates more than anything it is the teenagers’ obsessions with their electronics. He is a traditional man who built his business through hard work. He doesn’t feel like he has time to spend texting or chatting with his family, friends, and coworkers.

So, it makes sense that being surrounded by three Millenial daughters would make Mike feel like he is being bombarded with mindsets he firmly stands against. Even though his daughters’ respect his wisdom, his opinion over their cellphones doesn’t mean two cents to them.


8 Mike’s Awkward Relationship With His Neighbors

One running joke that impedes both Vanessa and Mike Baxter is their uncomfortable nature when it comes to being around other races. It isn’t that their racist or that they intentionally try to be rude, it’s just that they try too hard to prove themselves culturally conscious on ideas of race when in the company of people that are not of their race.

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Many of their awkward mistakes happen when dealing with their African American neighbors’ Chuck and Carol Larabee. Both Chuck and Carol are at first hesitant about the Baxter’s but over time they have overcome their differences.

7 Mike’s Less Than Manly Son-In-Laws

Both Mike Baxter and Ed Alzate have a hard time understanding today’s youth. Especially those who have a leftist viewpoint. Mike considers himself to be a manly man who will take on the world for his family and stand up for right when important moments arise.

However, Mike’s son-in-laws Kyle and Ryan aren’t exactly the men he wants them to be. In fact, they seem to represent everything he stands against. Both Kyle and Ryan are always complaining about how society has brought them down, making Mike have to teach them a lesson of personal responsibility.

6 Agreeing To Disagree

Conflicts are sure to occur in a house full of strong-willed individuals. Whether these disagreements are political in nature or are just the everyday arguments that come with living in a household that has 6 people living under one roof.

Mike’s unwillingness to bend has been passed on to his three daughters who all have conflicting ideas of not only how they wish to live their own lives but of how the world around them should function. Disagreements are just a part of life even in the healthiest of households but in the Baxter home, it’s a pastime.

5 Mike’s Introspective Way Of Life

Mike Baxter is full of opinions about how the world is falling apart due to political correctness. He isn’t the type of guy to keep such opinions to himself and is willing to scream them to the world if given the opportunity.

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That said, he isn’t necessarily the nicest of individuals to deal with in a one-on-one setting. Partly because he just isn’t that interested in hearing about other people’s problems or feelings. He is a simple man, who enjoys cars, guns, and other outdoor activities. However, people are not on his short list of things he enjoys.

4 Mike Baxter The Outdoorsman

In Tim Allen’s career, he’s been everything from Santa Claus to Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor and finally Mike Baxter the outdoorsman extraordinaire. His actual love of the simple things in life has always been key characteristics to the characters he has portrayed in every TV series or movie.

His persona in Last Man Standing is that of an avid outdoorsman that due to having a knack for marketing trends was able to live the dream of being part owner of a sporting goods store. Though, he isn’t above doing a little hunting in his spare time.

3 Teenagers These Days

Being a parent is one of the hardest thing’s fathers and mothers around the world will ever do in their lifetimes. Especially when it comes to raising teenage daughters like Mike Baxter has to do.

Mike believes in valuing family, freedom, and religion, though in his household the only thing most of his girls care about is material objects such as cellphones and cars. These obsessions with wants instead of necessities are what causes many arguments in the Baxter home, as no matter how hard he tries, he can’t see their point of view.

2 Political Hostility

Starring in a politically motivated sitcom is something fairly new to Tim Allen. During his time on Home Improvement, political ideas or associations were just unheard of. Though, in this age of television series and movies pushing agendas hard to the left, Last Man Standing decided it would go against the grain and focus on viewers that are more prone to have a traditional mindset.

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To the surprise of ABC, this proved to be a smart calculation. It no longer is just a sitcom but, instead, is a mouthpiece for those who feel underrepresented on the right.

1 Mike Baxter Is Really In Charge

Ed Alzate might be the founder of Outdoor Man but is far from the person actually in charge. Before Mike Baxter, Alzate’s store was nothing more than a typical bait shop but with Mike’s help and marketing skills, they managed to turn one little store into a chain of successful stores across the state.

While Ed Alzate still tries to hold on to some of the power, he isn’t shy about who is the brains of the operation. For all intents and purposes, Alzate is nothing but a figurehead in the company he created.

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