It looks as if Nintendo is planning to put a bow on Super Smash Bros Ultimate development, as a listing on YouTube implies that there are two videos set to drop around the game during E3 2021 in Nintendo’s Masahiro Sakurai playlist. Fans have long been speculating on which newcomers may join Smash Ultimate since the game arrived in 2018. Truth be told, the act has become a consuming aspect for the fandom as the months have come and go.

Almost every video game character has been pitched by fans by this point, but one of the most requested additions is Crash Bandicoot for Smash Bros Ultimate. While fans hold out hope for the marsupial to score one of the (seemingly) final two spots in Fighters Pass Vol. 2, the character additions have been so hard to predict that nothing is certain. Although, it looks like all of the online guesswork could wrap up rather soon.


One dedicated Super Smash Bros Ultimate fan known as LastAtari on Twitter has noticed that the Masahiro Sakurai playlist on Nintendo’s YouTube channel (traditionally reserved for the ongoing Mr. Sakurai Presents segments) has two hidden videos uploaded to it. Now, since these spots are traditionally reserved as videos that release ahead of character drops, the assumption is that two DLC characters will be revealed during Nintendo’s E3 2021 broadcast.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that two characters will be revealed during the show, but it does imply that Super Smash Bros franchise creator Masahiro Sakurai will appear in two separate segments – which could mean several things. Truth be told, it’s unlikely that both characters will be revealed and then detailed so soon considering that they’d likely release several months apart. Still, the fact that two segments are featuring the beloved Smash Bros dev is intriguing all the same. Maybe a third Smash Ultimate Fighters Pass is en route? It’s impossible to say.

Regardless, it doesn’t appear as if fans will be waiting long to see who the next Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC character is at any rate. While expectations ride high on the favorites of each individual, the most difficult challenge Nintendo and Sakurai face is the perception fans hold for the end of DLC. It’ll be tough to appease everyone with the final reveal. But, hey, if Banjo and Kazooie can join Smash then nothing is impossible.

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Super Smash Bros Ultimate is currently available only on Nintendo Switch. Two more DLC characters are scheduled to arrive as part of Fighters Pass Vol. 2 by December 2021.

Source: YouTube (via LastAtari/Twitter)

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