While some Champions in League of Legends prefer to deal damage from the sidelines or channel helpful spells, Garen is a Champion that likes to be in the thick of it, swinging and slamming his sword in a dizzying dance of damage.

Garen and his sister Lux were born into the noble Crownguard family, a family that proudly serves the kingdom of Demacia’s military. When Garen was young, his uncle would tell him and Lux stories of protecting the kingdom from danger. Unfortunately, Garen one day receives news that his uncle was killed by a mage outside the kingdom. Upon hearing this, he swears a vow to never use magic or let it within the walls of Demacia. When Garen was old enough, he took his first step to honoring his vow by joining the military as a squire. Garen trained day and night, eventually building a reputation as a great warrior who embodied the very ideals that Demacia was founded upon. Garen was revered by his fellow soldiers so much so that they even nominated him to lead them. A great Champion for beginners, Garen doesn’t use Mana or Sorcery, which is one less resource to manage. By having a basic skill set, a ton of passive tank, no mana to worry about, and an easy to grasp playstyle, Garen is a devastating force even in the hands of new players. Stay tuned and in this guide, you will learn his abilities, how to effectively use them, what items and stats are essential to Garen, and also how to do his famous trading pattern.


Garen’s Abilities in League of Legends

Getting to know Garen’s abilities and leveling them in the right order is essential to playing him well. A good basic order for Garen to level up his abilities is putting the first point into Decisive Strike, followed by Judgement, and then a point in courage. From there, you are going to want to prioritize leveling Judgement but still be sure to level up your Ultimate when you can. Once Judgement is maxed out or close, prioritize Decisive Strike and then finally Courage. It is also recommended to use Flash and Ignite as your Summoner Spells. For runes, use Conqueror and get Triumph, Tenacity, and Last Stand.

Garen’s passive, Perseverance, allows Garen to regenerate a percentage of his maximum health every 5 seconds. However, if Garen is hit by an enemy or an enemy ability, he will have to wait 8 seconds for the ability to return. This ability is very useful because it allows Garen to frequently and confidently exchange hits with the enemy without having to waste time in base healing as a result. When Perseverance is active, Garen will have glowing green particles fly around him and a little icon will appear above the Champion icon.

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Garen’s first active ability, Decisive Strike, give Garen a short boost in movement speed and physical damage when targeting an enemy with the ability. When Decisive Strike is cast, Garen is freed from all slows afflicting him and his next basic attack will silence the target for 1.5 seconds. When this ability is performed correctly, Garen will do a small jump up in the air and do a slam attack on the opponent being targeted. This ability is great for dealing quick damage to an enemy in a lane or securing a minion or canon last hit. It can also be used on towers to deal extra physical damage.

Garen’s ability, Courage, is both his second active and second passive ability. The passive ability is a permanent buff granted to Garen for slaying enemies. For every unit killed by Garen, his armor and magic resistance increase by 0.25 points until he reaches a total of 30 points. Once at 30 points (or stacks) Garen will gain an additional 10% increase to both his armor and magic resistance stats. Courage’s active protects Garen by reducing all incoming damage by 30% for a few seconds and during the first 0.75 seconds of the ability being active, Garen is also granted a bonus shield and 60% Tenacity. Tenacity decreases the time Garen is affected by crowd control abilities based on the percentage of Tenacity, which can help prevent Garen from being locked down or kited. Use Courage’s active ability during Judgement or immediately after if you expect to be hit hard by enemies.

Garen’s third active, Judgement, will cause Garen to spin quickly and swing his blade in a circle for a few seconds while dealing damage to those who are hit by the spinning blade. Initially, Garen will spin his blade 7 times over 3 seconds, but the number of spins will increase by 1 for every bonus 25% attack speed Garen gets from items or just leveling up.  Enemies hit by 6 or more spins will lose 25% of their armor for more than a few seconds. If you try to activate Judgement again while it’s being performed, you can stop it early which may be useful if you need to quickly use another ability and can’t wait for Judgement to end.

Demacian Justice: This is a single target ability that when activated, will cause Garen to jump high into the air and slam down on a single opponent, dealing true damage in combination with a percentage of the target’s missing health. This move is best used as a finisher because it has a long cooldown and relies on the target only having 10-25% of their max health.

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Items For Garen in League of Legends

At the start of the match, purchase a Doran’s Shield and healing potion along with a ward for the lane. For your early game items, purchase a Phage, Kindlegem, and Boots of Speed of course. These early game items will allow you to kill more minions and harass the enemy more frequently because of the movement speed buffs and cooldown reductions.

When you can afford it, build your Phage into a Black Cleaver. This will be Garen’s ideal first essential item because of the extra health and cooldown reduction it provides. For your selection of proper boots, go with either Mercury’s Treads or the Ninja Tabi. If the enemy team has a lot of crowd control abilities that can slow Garen down, the Tenacity from both Mercury’s Treads and Courage will greatly lessen those effects. If the enemy team relies on dealing damage with basic attacks, go with the Ninja Tabi to block an additional 12% damage. You can also build the Kindlegem into a Spirit Visage which will really beef up Garen and also increase his overall healing. Next, consider purchasing a Dead Man’s Plate to have Garen tank up considerably. With Dead Man’s Plate, Garen can gain movement speed and attack damage just by moving around and avoiding crowd controlling effects, which is easy to do thanks to Courage and Mercury Treads.

Some good optional items for Garen include those items which further reduce cooldown, improve armor or magic resistance, increase health, increase armor penetration, and boost movement speed. Death’s Dance provides all of the above except movement speed but instead provides an extra heal and 30% damage delay. Duskblade of Draktharr is also a great optional item for Garen that gives cooldown reduction and extra armor penetration. Duskblade of Draktharr’s passive, Nightstalker, can be paired with a Decisive Strike from the shadows to deal massive basic attack damage. It is also important to note that building items that increase movement speed can sometimes provide greater attack damage than just purchasing a straightforward attack damage item. This is because the extra movement speed will allow Garen to chase his foes and stay on top of them longer to get more hits in.

Garen’s early game is reliant on his kit’s simple and effective trading pattern. First, basic attack an enemy, then use Decisive Strike to quickly attack them again. While the enemy is silenced and you are right on top of them, use Judgement to deal a ton of damage. When Judgement is over or the target is no longer silenced, activate Courage to block any incoming damage while you retreat away from the target. Repeating this pattern over and over again is a great way to lane effectively as a Garen. Courage and Garen’s healing passive, Perseverance, basically ensure that Garen will come out on top of every trade because he can easily recover the damage his opponent has dealt to him while his opponent may not. At around level 6, Garen can even begin to do his trading pattern under the enemy Turret safely, granted the Turret only hits him once or twice. Judgment and Decisive Strike are also great abilities for securing lots of last hits on minions. Last hitting minions serve a double purpose for Garen as it provides gold as well as passive resistance so be sure to focus on it during the early and mid-game. Spamable abilities and no Manacost are a deadly combination of Garen which should be exploited as much as possible. Unlike many other Champions, Garen doesn’t have to suffer from having low Mana so he doesn’t need to worry about using Decisive Strike and Judgement sparingly. Instead, he can unleash his fury every time the abilities are off cooldown, which is why you should build items to further decrease the cooldown. The biggest weakness of Garen’s playstyle is being kited, which means to have your abilities wasted because the enemy can successfully outrun them. Instead, build movement speed and use bushes to your advantage. Also, save your abilities until you are already in close quarters with an enemy. On the other hand, Garen is great for baiting because he can use his movement speed to lead enemies into ambush positions. He can then use Courage to block incoming bursts and escape crowd control effects which can stall long enough for his team to arrive and back him up. Garen can also cause enemies to waste their mana or powerful abilities on him by using them only to have Garen block the damage and promptly heal it back. You can also cancel Judgement early by activating it again, which is good if you know you can just quickly confirm a kill with your Ultimate or a Decisive Strike. Conserve Courage for big burst abilities or whenever a lot of damage is incoming, also save it for when you’re baiting enemies. Overall, build damage resistance and movement speed to be a great tank while also reducing cooldowns in order to deal mass amounts of damage frequently.

League of Legends is available now on Windows and macOS.

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