Developed and published by Valve, Left 4 Dead 2 gives four survivors the opportunity to fight off hordes of zombies through different maps and campaigns, and gather resources at a variety of different safe houses. Many different items can be picked up that give players certain advantages, resources, and achievements. Try to collect as many items as possible to get an edge over the infected, and bring all four survivors home safely.

Players can find golden crowbars in Singleplayer Survival to get the Golden Freeman achievement, a tribute to Valve’s Half Life’s crowbar toting scientist, Gordon Freeman. With these valuable crowbars, anyone can feel like a silent but deadly protagonist. Any crowbars found in Multiplayer Survival will not count towards this achievement, so players should go back and try to acquire them in Singleplayer if they come across them in Multiplayer.


All Golden Crowbar Locations in Left 4 Dead 2

There are 22 different golden crowbars that can be found across seven different maps in Left 4 Dead 2, including the Last Stand DLC. Many of them are hidden in places off the beaten path that require players to jump up to ledges or squeeze into hidden areas, while some are fairly easy to access. These Golden Crowbars can also be used as a regular weapon, so look for them in a pinch.

No MercyThere are four golden crowbars in the No Mercy map. In the Generator Room, players can hop up onto a crate to reach the Golden Crowbar wedged between a pipe and the ceiling. Then, at the Gas Station, climb on top of the truck and turn to find the Golden Crowbar in the gap between the AC units and the building. In the Hospital, there is a room at the end of a hallway with a closet on the right. Open the closet door and find the Golden Crowbar on top of the shelf. Jump up to reach it. On the Roof, there is a platform with a spotlight on it. Jump on the platform and look at the far edge to find the Golden Crowbar.

Crash CourseThere are two golden crowbars in the Crash Course map. On the bridge, there is a booth. On the backside of the booth, there is a small wall blocking the area between it and the railing. Hop back there to retrieve the Golden Crowbar. At the Truck Depot, go back behind the buses to find the Golden Crowbar, along with a few other weapons.

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Death TollThere are four golden crowbars in the Death Toll map. At the Drains, there is a ledge above one of the drains that has a Golden Crowbar. Jump near it and grab the crowbar in the air. At the Church, jump up on the piano and jump up to the ledge to collect the Golden Crowbar. On the Street, look for the movie theater. On top of the movie theater ticket booth, there is the Golden Crowbar. In the woods at the Boathouse, there is a tree in the woods with the Golden Crowbar wedged between its branches.

Dead AirThere are four golden crowbars in the Dead Air map. At the Crane, there will be a barrel on fire under it holding a Golden Crowbar. At the Construction Site, there will be a Golden Crowbar hidden on the ground between a column and some scaffolding. In the Terminal, there will be a Golden Crowbar hidden in the men’s restroom. It is stuck between the wall and a urinal. On the Runway, there is part of a demolished building with a ledge. Jump up near the ledge to reach the Golden Crowbar.

Blood HarvestThere are three golden crowbars in the Blood Harvest map. In the Warehouse, players can climb up a yellow plank and cross some air ducts to drop down and jump on a crate. Between the crate and the wall is the Golden Crowbar. There are multiple train cars near the bridge. Between one of them and the rock wall is the Golden Crowbar. At the Farmhouse, there is a red barn. Walk through it and look to the left to find a stacked pile of logs. Between the pile and the barn is the Golden Crowbar.

The SacrificeThere are three golden crowbars in The Sacrifice map. At the Train Car, players can jump on top of a boat and then jump up to a fire escape to collect a Golden Crowbar. At the Barge, there is a brick building with concrete posts. Jump on the post closest to the ledge, and jump up to reach the Golden Crowbar. At the port, after some careful maneuvering, players can use a traffic cone to jump up on the scaffolding. At the end of the scaffolding, jump up towards the next ledge and grab the Golden Crowbar.

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The Last StandThere are two golden crowbars in The Last Stand map. At the junkyard, near the storage container, walk through some branches to access a Golden Crowbar stashed between the container and the rocks. At the lighthouse on one of the window ledges, there is a Golden Crowbar. Climb to the roof and then jump around the corner and grab to access the crowbar. Players can also access the crowbar through the room with the spiral staircase within the building.

With all 22 Golden Crowbars collected, players can earn the Golden Freeman achievement, and feel like a true Valve completionist.

Left 4 Dead 2: The Last Stand is available on PC.

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