With not much time remaining in the current season of the CW’s hit spinoff show Legacies, fans are eagerly anticipating what will transpire between Hope and Lizzie’s deceptive cat and mouse game. Of course, there are likely to be some major dramatic moments that are bound to be received differently among viewers.

Some will love what happens, some will hate, but clashing opinions will always convene on the internet and popular forums like Reddit. As Legacies speeds towards the rest of season 4, now is a great time to iron out some of the most polarizing opinions about the show as it relates to certain characters, storylines, relationships, and more.


Danielle Rose Russell Is A Weak Actress

In a Reddit thread entitled “Actually Unpopular Opinion” about Legacies, the original poster began a six-part tirade by stating one of the most roundly rebuked takes of all: that series lead Danielle Rose Russell (who plays Hope Mikaelson) is “one of the least best actors on the show so I’m honestly fine with the idea she’s sidelined for a while. The huge acting disparity between her and Aria is one of the reasons that I am not a fan of Handon.”

The opinion is blasted time and again in the responses, with White_Kingsley simply retorting with “1,000 percent disagree” while another Reddit thread is devoted to how improved DRR is an actress and how she is the main reason to watch the show, with avidityrara stating “DRR is one of the reasons to watch Legacies and has been since S1. She doesn’t ham things up and or underplay/miss the scene at all.”

The Lack Of Deaths & Darkness Improves The Show

For a show about the long-lasting bloodline of werewolves, vampires, witches, and hybrids, much of the appeal is derived from the intense violence, grisly carnage, and lethal consequences of the characters. However, the second unpopular take by the OP of “Actually Unpopular Opinions” thinks that “the lack of deaths and the show not being too dark is one of the better parts of the show.”

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Despite a modicum of support, most of the tepid responses range from “sorta agree” to another Reddit thread entitled “Something Is Missing…” devoted to how the lack of vampirism and lethal dramatic stakes is ruining the show, a theory that has far more support. Mashedbangers adds “what is missing is actual stakes…we don’t fear death/consequences because we know the monster of the week will disappear and Hope will save all.” Indeed, the general consensus is that show needs more death and darkness, not less.

Rafael Is A Good Character

One of the most common refrains among Legacies critics is their overwhelming dislike of Rafael. Yet, Redditor keen-on-klance lists their number one unpopular opinions as “I like Rafael. He is not my favorite character of all time, but as far as the show goes, I enjoy the character enough.”

While one responder supports the opinion, all kinds of pushback include FrostyDeadman’s accurate assessment, saying “I just have a problem with him flip-flopping between girls.” Not only did Frosty’s opinion earn more upvotes than the OP, so too did a mic drop moment from another poster, who flat out stated “not liking Raf isn’t unpopular…it’s actually popular.” Indeed, most responders of the thread castigate Raf’s character.

Josie & Penelope Are Bad For Each Other

Despite being considered as one of the strongest couples on Legacies, an unpopular opinion found on Reddit says that Josie and Penelope (Posie) are a toxic couple. “I don’t understand why people go CRAZY for Posie. Sure they look great together but that’s about it. Penelope has shown that she’s willing to hurt Josie if it also means hurting Lizzie.”

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Immediate push back to the opinion includes Redditor ectora saying “you clearly didn’t understand their scenes” before launching into a one-page paragraph about the sacrifices the two have made to ensure each other’s happiness. The counterargument earned far more upvotes than the original unpopular opinion. Hope and Josie is a far more popular potential romance.

Alaric Is A Good Father

Another pretty unpopular opinion about Legacies on Reddit comes from mellybee222, who stands by their assertion that Alaric is a good father. “I like Alaric and think he deserves to be one of the leads on the show.” Doubling down, the poster also says “I don’t think Alaric is a bad parent to Josie and Lizzie.”

With a separate Reddit page full of evidence to the contrary via “Why Do People Think Alaric is a Bad Father,” many claims that Alaric is indeed a terrible parental figure who favors Hope over the twins, with one responder pointing out how “Alaric is not that great, like how he hides drinks, he isn’t always there for his daughters like when Lizzie was possessed, etc.” Riabe is a bit more sarcastic in their response, asking “why do people say Alaric is a bad father? Because we watch the show.”

Hope & Landon Are A Terrible Couple

The prevailing wisdom among most Legacies fans is that the romance between Hope and Landon serves as the emotional crux of the entire series. Hope’s heartbreaking act of taking Landon’s before turning off her humanity to avoid the grief is the most salient plotline of Season 4. Yet, despite Hope and Landon ranking among the best couples on the show, some Redditors feel the exact opposite.

In one thread entitled “Hope and Landon Unhealthy,” a poster lays out how obsessive Hope is and how toxic their relationship is “stuck in a bad cycle” and “doesn’t seem like they’re good for each other anymore.” While some support can be found, another Reddit thread sticks up for Landon and Hope’s kinship as the emotional core of the series, which is how most viewers feel writ large.

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