In the most recent episode of Legacies, there were hints that a loophole pertaining to the Originals, specifically Hope, could make Lizzie the world’s most powerful Heretic. Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) has had an eventful time so far in Legacies season 4. Her dad, Alaric (Matthew Davis), is in a coma and currently trapped in the limbo of Purgatory; her sister, Josie (Kaylee Bryant), left the Salvatore School (and the show), and Lizzie herself turned into a vampire during her quest to kill Hope (Danielle Rose Russell).

Strangely, though, becoming a vampire–or more accurately, a vampire-witch hybrid Heretic–could be the best thing to ever happen to Lizzie. Legacies season 4, episode 11, “Follow the Sound of My Voice,” lent further evidence to support the idea that Lizzie is like her mother, Vampire Diaries‘ Caroline, as a vampire. The previously volatile Caroline became more compassionate and level-headed as a vampire, and it seems her daughter may be the same. It’s a rarity. As shown in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, most newly-turned vampires have an incredibly hard time managing their powers at first, as well as their emotions. Thus far, however, while Lizzie doesn’t yet have full control of her new vampire powers, she’s about as calm as she’s ever been.


Hopefully, that’s the case, as Lizzie could very well become the world’s most powerful Heretic in Legacies season 4 thanks to the Original Vampires bloodline, as well as the spell that created the ultimate loophole in nature’s design. As a rare Siphoner witch, Lizzie is now an even more rare Heretic. As Siphoners, Lizzie and Josie can draw upon the magical energy of supernatural creatures around her to use magic, including from her sire bond with Hope. However, Hope isn’t just any vampire or hybrid. She’s the Tribrid, the only one in existence, and of the Originals bloodline, so Lizzie can siphon power directly from the strongest vampire bloodline ever known. What’s more, she’s also drawing directly from the spell that made Hope in the first place, the rarest of nature’s loopholes that allowed the Tribrid to exist. Lizzie’s still brand-new to being a vampire, but once she learns how to fully utilize her Tribrid-tapped powers in Legacies season 4, Lizzie could very well become the most powerful Heretic the world has ever seen.

In fact, it’s worth speculating that it will be Lizzie, and not Hope, who takes down Aurora de Martel (Rebecca Breeds) in Legacies. Right now, Aurora views Hope as her only real threat; even if she knew Hope and Lizzie had teamed up, she wouldn’t care. The last time Aurora squared off with Lizzie, Lizzie was just a teenage witch and they haven’t seen each other since, meaning Aurora has no idea that Lizzie is now a Heretic drawing on the most powerful and ancient bloodline of vampires to have ever walked the earth and the only Tribrid in existence. That makes Lizzie Legacies season 4’s secret weapon to taking down Aurora. She’s not on Hope’s level yet, but Lizzie appears to be growing into her vampire powers quickly, and by the time they confront Aurora again, it’s likely the older vampire will be caught off-guard.

Even if Lizzie isn’t the key to stopping Aurora, Legacies would be smart to continue this storyline of the remaining Saltzman twin coming into her own. Lizzie has consistently been one of the most interesting but often short-changed characters on the show from a character development standpoint. She may have asked Hope if they could keep the sire bond going for a little while longer, simply because she misses her Gemini Twin connection to Josie so much, but already in Legacies season 4, Heretic Lizzie is growing stronger and more independent than she’s ever been. In previous seasons, she always had her dad, Josie, and even MG (Quincy Fouse) to support her and, truth be told, enable her. Now she’s largely on her own, save for Hope, who is a love-hate relationship at best. If Lizzie gets right with herself while learning to control her Heretic powers, there’s no telling what the limits of her potential in Legaciesmight be.

New episodes of Legacies air Thursdays on the CW.

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