The supernatural world of The Vampire Diaries continues in the series’ second spinoff: Legacies. The current series takes place in the same town of Mystic Falls, features some of the same characters, and focuses on the children of characters from The Vampire Diaries and The Originals. These children are teenagers navigating the supernatural world and their own powers in the helpful shelter of a school built especially for them, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. They are surrounded by other supernatural students, who are also legacies in their own right.

While these characters have more structure and support than those in The Vampire Diaries, many other values stay similar. Friendship is important to them, and like any good teenage drama, there is a fair share of relationships. Although many of the relationships are flawed, some are stronger than others, evolving over time. Meanwhile, others remain weak.

10 Strong: Emma & Dorian

While viewers don’t see a lot of Emma and Dorian, these two serve as adult models of a successful relationship. Both had been teachers at the school, and both were willing to communicate in order to improve their relationship. Even when Emma had the option to cheat and leave Dorian, she didn’t. The two left the school, deciding to make their relationship a priority.

Now that Dorian is back in the series, Emma can’t be far behind. Hopefully, this relationship stayed successful and strong. The teenage characters could use this as an inspirational relationship.

9 Weak: Alaric & Sheriff Mac

The other adult relationship wasn’t so promising. Alaric has been through a lot throughout his time on The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. Nearly every woman that Alaric seemed to genuinely love died a premature and horrible death. Josie and Lizzie’s biological mom was literally stabbed in front of him on their wedding day.

Alaric deserves a break and a great relationship. But this relationship isn’t it. When he opened up to Sheriff Mac and told her the truth about the supernatural world, she left town and cut communication. Will she come back soon? It seems unlikely.


8 Strong: Josie & Landon

Briefly, when Hope was in Malivore, everyone forgot Hope. During this time, Josie and Landon connected. True, there weren’t fireworks or passionate embraces. Yet, these two truly cared for each other. Being very alike, they were able to communicate, connect, and support each other. Their romance was short, but it was sweet.

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Even the way that they broke up, once their memories of Hope returned, was endearing. They were friends in their romance, and both just wanted the best for each other.

7 Weak: Josie & Jade

Even more brief was the relationship (or hint of a relationship) that Josie had with Jade. Once Jade’s humanity was back on, she connected to Josie. However, Jade (a vampire) had known Josie when she was a kid. Matter-of-fact, Jade had babysat her. Although vampires age differently, Jade noticed the weird factor of this potential relationship.

They ended it before it could really begin. While Jade isn’t as old of a vampire as Stefan or Damon were when they courted Elena in The Vampire Diaries, it makes sense that Legacies would want to change this vampire-romance narrative. So Jade stepped back to give Josie a chance at a more normal relationship.

6 Strong: MG & Lizzie

These two haven’t yet officially became a couple yet, but their relationship is evolving. MG has loved Lizzie for years, and he’s been there for her. When others thought less of Lizzie, MG accepted her flaws but acknowledged her strengths. On top of that, he got others to recognize her strengths as well.

Lizzie used to treat MG like he was her second-stop or who she went to when things were bad, but now she’s recognized that she cares about him. The two characters and their friendship is growing. In time, these two will come together, and they have the potential to become one of the strongest couples. As far as friendship/potential-romance couples go right now, they are a strong duo.

5 Weak: Josie & Finch

For a more timid character, Josie seems to have had more romances than other people on the show. Most of them are brief, unfortunately, and Finch is one that has yet to really start. However, Josie declared her interest in Finch in the last episode -revealing an honesty and vulnerability that she usually keeps hidden. There are hints that Finch may not be the best relationship for Josie. For one, Ethan tells Josie that Finch dated his sister, and it wasn’t a good relationship.

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And two, Finch is very quick to anger and judge when Josie has to make changes to their non-plan plans. Added to this, both Josie and Finch hide their authentic selves from each other. Josie is a witch worried about turning dark again, and Finch is a werewolf. This could develop into a decent relationship, but it’s a very rocky and weak start.

4 Strong: Josie & Penelope

This relationship was over before the show began, but there were strong echoes of it when Penelope was there. For a while, it seemed that Penelope was the villain that Lizzie and Josie saw her as, like she hadn’t really cared for Josie. However, out of all of Josie’s relationships, Penelope was the one who cared for her the most.

Penelope found out about the Gemini Merge, and she was worried that Josie wouldn’t fight for her life. At this stage, Josie always put Lizzie first. Penelope wanted Josie to realize and embrace the power that she had in her. It became clear that Penelope loved Josie, and she had let Josie believe her to be a villain so as to make the break-up easier. Later, they briefly reconnect, and the love is still there.

3 Weak: Lizzie & Sebastien

Although these two had some strong elements between them, as Sebastien did save Lizzie and her family, it was always a little uneven. Sebastien was a much older vampire, and he was adjusting to this new world when he was awakened. While he couldn’t adapt that well and didn’t really like this new world, Lizzie was the one person who was worth it for him.

Yet, Sebastien tried to seduce Lizzie away from her family and friends. He tried to keep her in a sort of castle in the prison world so that she couldn’t go to her family to help them. It was an all-consuming relationship, one with a lot of chemistry, but one which was better short-lived.

2 Strong: Hope & Landon

Hope and Landon are the core relationship of the series. The two have their complications – communication and control – but they are working through them. Added to that, as a tri-brid, Hope’s body is toxic to Landon, Malivore’s “son.” Still, the two fiercely love each other and will do anything to make it work.

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Initially, Hope became a little too obsessed with Landon, willing to sacrifice anyone to save him. And he called her out on it. He said that she needed to make things right with her friends and that she needed to spend time with them. He assured her that he’d always be there for her, so she needn’t worry. The fact that these two are now able to have a conversation like this, shows just how far they have come since Season 1.

1 Weak: Alyssa & MG

Alyssa had always wanted to be with MG. He was kind to her when others weren’t. She tried to kill him, but MG still didn’t give up on her. He believed that she deserved a chance. That led to MG giving her one, and starting what he believed was a healthier relationship rather than yearning for Lizzie.

Even Kaleb, who liked Alyssa, stepped back so that MG could have a chance with Alyssa. Unfortunately, Alyssa cheated on MG with Jed right at the beginning of their relationship. Their relationship wasn’t one of trust; it was just one built on chance.

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