While growing up, fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra crushed on the younger characters from the series, now that many aren’t kids or teens themselves, they have been talking about how awesome many of the adult characters actually are.

Fans who have grown up with the series, and new fans as well, have realized that there are a lot of great characters who aren’t teens that deserve a lot of attention. And, it’s fun to speculate on what it might be like to date these characters. Keep in mind that all of the characters on this list are adults throughout the series The Legend of Korra, so this list doesn’t include Korra’s friends as they weren’t adults through all of the series.

9 Bumi

Bumi is rather a misunderstood character, and he definitely has things the worst out of any of Aang and Katara’s kids as he was the only non-bender.

While Tenzin was Aang’s favorite, Bumi was often overlooked. However, while he has good qualities, he can be quite immature and border on annoying at times, and his personality, at least in the first couple of seasons, would get old fast.

8 Varrick

Varrick surprisingly turns out to be a decent partner to Zhu Li, but he does a lot of pretty troubling things throughout the series. He starts out being mostly out for himself, and he screws many people over along the way in his quest to make money and get out on top.

So, unless one is someone like Zhu Li who can handle someone like Varrick, he probably wouldn’t be a good choice.


7 Aang

In one way it’s surprising Aang would be so low on this list as his personality in the original series was so kind and fun, but he didn’t really turn out to be the best husband and father.

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While much of what we know about Aang as an adult is told from the perspective of his kids, so the truth is probably somewhere in between, he was very busy and distant as a father. He might have been close to Katara, but given his duties as the Avatar, he would have been gone often.

6 Tonraq

Tonraq is Korra’s father, and many fans have noted that they find him quite attractive. In many ways, Tonraq is a good parent and a good husband to his wife, Senna.

But, he does seem to have a bit of a controlling side at least when it comes to parenting. He has a strong personality, but he also has the ability to be gentle and loving. So, it would just be a matter of if his personality complements his partner’s.

5 Zuko

As young fans of the series, Zuko was definitely the good-looking bad boy that fans adored. His redemption arc was amazing, and while we only see him when he’s rather old in Legend of Korra, he turns out to be a great, compassionate Firelord who completely changes the legacy of the Fire Nation.

While fans don’t know all that much about his romantic life and who he ends up marrying, they do know that he has a daughter named Izumi who becomes the next Firelord. And, Zuko seems like he would make a loving partner.

4 General Iroh

General Iroh is a young adult in the series, and while fans don’t see as much of him as some of the other characters, many have noted that he is rather handsome and also has a great personality.

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He seems to be very loyal and committed, and many fans would love to get to learn more about him. So, while it’s hard to say for sure, it seems like he would be great to date.

3 Tenzin

Tenzin isn’t a perfect character by any means, and he does always have a lot going on. However, while in some ways he has the same flaws as a parent as Aang did, he seems to actively work on them.

He wants to keep the Air Nation legacy alive, but he also spends as much time with his kids and wife as he can. However, in order to be with him, one would have to be willing to have children which is a dealbreaker for some people.

2 Sokka

If there’s one character that fans wanted to learn more about in Legend of Korra, it’s Sokka. While he’s shown briefly in some flashback scenes,  fans don’t even get to learn much about what happens to him after the events of The Last Airbender.

However, everything fans know and see about Sokka makes it clear he’s a great person to be with. He grows up to be a very self-possessed, intelligent, and confident leader.

1 Uncle Iroh

Uncle Iroh was married at one point and had a son, but fans don’t know all that much about this relationship. But, what fans do know is that Uncle Iroh is one of the most amazing people in both series.

He’s compassionate, wise, and caring, and he also has a lot of life experience and has changed himself for the better. He is funny and calm, and he would make amazing tea for his partner.

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