Warning: Spoilers for The Legend of Vox Machina episode 2. 

The setting of Gilmore’s Glorious Goods offered a couple of Easter eggs in The Legend Of Vox Machina episode 2, and they already plant the seeds for a Mighty Nein campaign. Gilmore’s Glorious Goods, owned by Legend of Vox Machina character Shaun Gilmore (Sunil Malhotra), is a fantastical magic shop that the members of Vox Machina frequented during their adventures. In The Legend of Vox Machina episode 2, Pike (Ashley Johnson) and Vax’ildan (Liam O’Brien) are sent to retrieve information from Gilmore to kill a blue dragon, and the interesting teases for the Mighty Nein are spotted in his shop.


Played by Laura Bailey in Critical Role Campaign 2, Jester “Genevieve” Lavorreis a Tiefling Trickery Cleric and member of the Mighty Nein adventuring party based in Wildemount. She worships her childhood best friend the Traveler, secretly the Archfey Artagan. The crimson weasel seen on a shelf in Gilmore’s in The Legend of Vox Machina episode 2 is a reference to Jester’s pet, Sprinkles, who was always Artagan in disguise in order to keep tabs on her. The second Easter egg of meaning in the Vox Machina episode is the Tusk Love novel that Pike looks at while perusing the shop. Tusk Love was a book that Jester bought early on that became an ongoing joke in the Mighty Nein Critical Role campaign. It turned out that many NPC’s all across Wildmount read the “romance novel,” as it would be a frequent talking point between them and Jester. It also had personal meaning for her, as Tusk Love‘s story of a secret romance mirrored how her relationship with Fjord began.

These little nods toward Jester’s backstory in The Legend Of Vox Machina could very well be planting seeds for a future Mighty Nein animated series. Though there are currently only two of these Easter eggs, they’re still noteworthy as they’re both related to one character and played a significant role throughout Jester’s Critical Role arc. If not a full Mighty Nein animated series, the Easter eggs certainly seem to be foreshadowing Jester and some of the other Mighty Nein campaign characters showing up in The Legend of Vox Machina. It’s especially hard to believe that Artagan won’t become part of the story or interact with the Vox Machina adventuring party in some way.

A large part of Vox Machina’s story involved Artagan in one form or another, either as the satyr Garmelie or as himself. Vox Machina had journeyed with the Archfey in the Feywilds and played some role in him going into the Material Plane. Once there, Artagan encountered Jester as a little girl and befriended her because she shared a chaotic spark akin to his own, taking on his Traveler persona. Once Jester started journeying with the Mighty Nein, the Traveler couldn’t always be with her. Eventually, Jester acquires Sprinkles, a crimson weasel that was secretly a vessel for Artagan to be there for Jester whenever she needed it. Artagan is one of the important links set between the first and second campaigns in the Critical Role timeline, making Sprinkles an Easter egg for both campaigns.

The Jester and Artagan Easter eggs inside Gilmore’s in The Legend Of Vox Machina might just be brief teases, but they’re exciting in that hint at the larger scope of the world. They seem to have planted the seeds for a future Mighty Nein spinoff animated series, or for the characters to appear in Vox Machina. Either way, the successful translation from live-action web series to animated series shows that there is enormous potential in the world to create an entire interconnected universe.

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