Ghirahim makes his second appearance during the Fire Sanctuary in Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. This guide will show players hows they can defeat him. At this point in the story, players have explored a majority of its main dungeons, collected a slew of usable items, and have increased their total heart count for more difficult challenges. Ghirahim is on the hunt for the second Gate of Time in order to locate Zelda. After exploring the Fire Sanctuary, a second battle with Ghirahim is required to progress to the game’s final challenges. He mentions needing Zelda to bring back his lost master. This guide will show players how they can defeat him in the Fire Sanctuary.


Ghirahim has grown to become a staple in the Zelda series since his initial debut. While he has not made an appearance in any other future mainline Zelda titles, his presence is felt throughout the story. Without getting into spoilers, Ghirahim is the one to kickoff tons of important events throughout generations of the Zelda timeline. Now, players will need to defeat him a second time to make their Master Sword stronger. This guide will show players how they can defeat Ghirahim in the Fire Sanctuary.

How To Defeat Ghirahim in Skyward Sword HD (Fire Sanctuary)

This fight starts off similarly to the player’s first encounter. This time around, he reveals his arms but the method of getting through the first phase is the same. Players will need to line up their attacks with his hand and then strike when he looks directly at Link’s sword. Only this time, players should try and slash in the direction of the daggers that are surrounding them. That way, players can attack him directly while deflecting the daggers. Players will need to repeat this process until he summons his swords.

This will begin the second phase. Players can line up their swords to attack their daggers directly. Similar to other enemies in the game, Ghirahim will leave himself wide open when approaching with his blades. Attack him in the direction that he is not blocking. Not only that, but players can also wait until he teleports closer to get some attacks on him. Repeat this process and Ghirahim will be defeated. This isn’t the last time players will encounter him during their adventure but the threat grows larger the closer Link gets to find Zelda.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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