Warning: SPOILERS for Legends of Tomorrow season 5, episode 10, “The Great British Fake Off”.

Legends of Tomorrow recently introduced DC Comics’ Enchantress, who is best known as the villain of the Suicide Squadmovie, into the reality of the Arrowverse. Moreover, the show revealed that Enchantress had a major role in the story of the Loom of Fate, the magical artifact at the center of Legends of Tomorrow season 5’s storyline.

Enchantress first appeared in Strange Adventures #187 in April 1966, where artist June Moone was empowered to become an evil-fighting witch whenever she said the name “Enchantress.” After appearing in only two more comics and being ignored for over a decade, Enchantress was revived as a Supergirl villain for a storyline in The Superman Family #204 in November 1980. This discrepancy was eventually explained in the pages of Suicide Squad, where June Moone’s Enchantress persona was revealed to be a demon meant to be bound into the service of good (similar to the Demon Etrigan) who had managed to slip free of its tethers. June joined the Suicide Squad in the hopes that the team might help her find a way to regain control of the Enchantress mantle or free herself from its evil influence.


The modern DC Comics simplified this, giving June Moone and the Enchantress a relationship closer to that of Billy Batson and Shazam, with Enchantress being the spirit of a powerful sorceress who required a host to walk the Earth. The Arrowverse seems to be utilizing this take on Enchantress, based on what was shown in the Legends of Tomorrow season 5 episode “The Great British Fake Off.” Legends of Tomorrow season 5, episode 10 opens with a flashback to Ancient Egypt as Charlie (who was once the Ancient Greek goddess Clotho and one of the three Fates) explained how she chose to destroy the Loom of Fate that she and her sisters used to control the destiny of humanity and give people free will.

Viewers see Clotho as she meets with a woman playing a lyre, and Clotho remarks that “It’s always the artsy types with you, isn’t it?” (This hints at Enchantress having a preference for hosts and also makes indirect reference to June Moone.) The woman says the word “Enchantress” and transforms into a different woman in a green robe, similar in design of the current Enchantress costume in the comics. Clotho gives her the final piece of the Loom of Fate, transfigured into the form of a golden ring, and charges her with hiding it so that no one, not even Clotho, can find it.

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The rest of the Legends of Tomorrow episode concerns the search for this ring and it is ultimately revealed that Enchantress cleverly worked a spell upon the Loom piece that prevented it from being seen by anyone who was actively searching for it. The Enchantress is also revealed to be alive and active, with John Constantine seeing through her disguise and correctly guessing her identity, which he keeps a secret. The scene ends with Enchantress ominously saying, “See you around, John Constantine,” once she is alone. It remains to be seen if this means she might take up a villainous role like in Suicide Squad or if she might show up again as an ally, as when she and John Constantine worked together as part of Justice League Dark.

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