Warning: SPOILERS for DC’s Legends of Tomorrow‘s Season 5 Finale – “Swan Thong”

The season 5 finale of DC’s Legends of Tomorrowsaw the time-traveling misfit superheroes bring reality back to normal after the world was turned into a dystopian reality of “perfect order” by the Fates – Lachesis (Sara Strange), Atropos (Joanna Vanderham), and Clotho (Maisie Richardson-Sellers), who is also the shapeshifting Legend called Charle. By the end, both Charlie and Astra Logue (Olivia Swann) were redeemed but the Legends’ roster was shaken up once again in a cliffhanger setting up season 6 for the Arrowverse’s weirdest (and best) show.


After they got free from their prison of being trapped in various television shows, the Legends regained control of the Waverider and destroyed the Loom of Fate, the mystical device that allowed the Fates to rewrite reality and subjugate humanity. Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) and her team were able to destroy the Loom and used the Waverider to jump four months into the future, only to find Lachesis had managed to find another way to maintain her control: by turning the Waverider’s A.I., Gideon (Amy Pemberton), into the new Loom of Fate. In this revised Fate-controlled reality, Lachesis controlled everyone through FateWatches on their wrists. The Legends also learned that they were ranked #2 among History’s Greatest Villains in Lachesis’ History Museum, second only to Charlie herself.

This culminated in a battle between the Legends and the Encores – which included Caligula, Julius Caesar, Josef Stalin, and Marie Antoinette (a returning Courtney Ford) – accompanied by Sisqo performing his hit “Thong Song”. But the real battle was to give Charlie back her self-confidence; the brash, irreverent shapeshifter was cowed by Lachesis and blamed herself for everything that ever went wrong with humanity after she broke the Loom of Fate millennia ago. But thanks to a pep talk from Mick Rory’s daughter Lita (Mina Sundwall), Charlie regained her mojo and provided the Legends with the Hell weapons necessary to destroy the Encores once and for all. Charlie also confronted Lachesis and showed her sister mercy, proving just how different she is from her sisters.

Legends of Tomorrow’s season 5 finale was as delightfully bizarre as ever, including the Legends fighting the Encores using “history’s greatest mistakes” like the pogo stick and the Shake Weight as weapons.  The finale was jam-packed with resolutions for season 5’s various storylines and “Swan Thong” ended with another big upheaval for the team that set the stage for Legends of Tomorrow season 6.

The Meaning Of The Loom Of Fate’s Destruction

The Loom of Fate was destroyed twice in Legends of Tomorrow‘s season 5 finale. The Loom, which was broken up into three rings, was Legends of Tomorrow‘s season 5’s MacGuffin and, originally, the Legends wanted it so that Charlie could use the Loom to bring Astra’s mother Natalie and Zari Tarazi’s brother Behrad (Shayan Sobhian) back to life. Charlie did indeed resurrect them both in last week’s episode, “The One Where We’re Trapped On TV”, where Behrad was part of the Friends-inspired reality, Ultimate Buds, while Natalie and Astra were the family that lived in Highcastle Abbey, a send up of Downton Abbey.

However, Lachesis and Atropos were using the Loom to maintain their dystopian control over the world, forcing history to be scrubbed of humanity’s mistakes and making everyone eat blue mush. When the Legends located the Loom, Constantine put Astra in touch with the magic inside her, derived from her mother, while Sara battled Atropos and she realized how to use the Fate to destroy the Loom, which rewrote reality. Unfortunately, Lachesis repaired the Loom using Gideon and restored her “perfect order” until the two Zaris and Behrad managed to reset Gideon, thereby setting the world back on its proper path.

When the Loom of Fate rewrote reality, presumably it did so for all of the Arrowverse, or, at least, all of Earth-Prime. However, this crisis was only dealt with by the Legends since the other Arrowverse shows already ended their seasons. It’s not clear whether The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, or Black Lightning will ever acknowledge that the world was briefly turned dystopian by the Fates but, given Legends of Tomorrow‘s reputation as an outlier within the Arrowverse, it’s unlikely.

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Why Sara Lance Lost Her Superpower When She Killed Atropos

Sara Lance became the Paragon of Destiny during Crisis of Infinite Earths but, in Legends of Tomorrow season 5, the White Canary gained a new superpower when she saw Atropos’ true god-form and miraculously survived in episode 9, “Zari, Not Zari”. The encounter with Atropos left Sara blind but gifted her with clairvoyance, essentially turning Captain Lance into Cassandra, which was fitting since Atropos was one of the Fates of Greek myths.

Sara’s clairvoyance was crucial to her surviving and defeating Atropos in “Swan Thong”. White Canary was able to see exactly how Atropos planned to kill her and she countered it. Sara than realized that she could literally pull the thread of life out of Atropos and did so while the evil Fate was trapped in the Loom. When the Loom was destroyed, so was Atropos. After the Legends escaped in the Waverider, Sara realized that her blindness and her superpower were tied to Atropos. With the Fate dead, Sara lost her superpower but she regained her eyesight after spending the last 6 episodes blind.

John Constantine Redeemed Astra, His Original Sin

John Constantine’s goal in Legends of Tomorrow season 5 was to redeem his original sin: allowing Astra to be sent to Hell as a child and causing the death of her mother Natalie. Astra was initially the Big Bad of season 5; it was she who sent the Encores back to Earth and she also caused Constantine to die of lung cancer from his habitual cigarette-smoking. But the Legends have a unique way of turning enemies into allies and Astra reluctantly threw her lot in with the Legends when she realized Lachesis had been manipulating her in Hell and she intended Astra to replace Clotho as the third Fate.

After Astra was reunited with Natalie in Highcastle Abbey, she committed herself fully to the Legends’ cause. Constantine got Astra to see that the magic and goodness inside her were derived from her mother all along. Astra then confronted Lachesis and proved she was not the pawn of Fate. After the Legends were victorious, Astra, who is free of Hell and once again mortal, gave Constantine his Hell Coin, freeing him from his curse of damnation. Astra then decided to become the caretaker of John’s home in Northumberland County, UK. It seems Astra is considered a Legend now but whether she will keep joining their time-traveling exploits remains to be seen.

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Is Zari 1.0 Gone Forever From Legends of Tomorrow?

The strange case of the two Zaris was resolved in heartbreaking fashion. The original Zari Tomaz was wiped from reality after the Legends’ season 4 finale victory at Heyworld. Behrad, who died in Zari’s 2046 future, retroactively took her place on the team, with no one remembering Zari existed. Behrad’s sister, Zari Tarazi (or Zari 2.0), who is a social media influencer and fashionista, then joined the Legends. Zari’s 1.0’s love, Nate Heywood (Nick Zano), then discovered the original Zari was still living in the Air Totem and got his memories back of their shared experiences together. In the Ultimate Buds TV reality, Zari 1.0 was freed from the Air Totem and possessed Zari 2.0’s body. Later in “The One Where We’re Trapped On TV”, the two Zaris split and existed separately, complete with their distinctly different personalities, voices, and their love interests: Zari 1.0 loves Nate while Zari 2.0 is attracted to John Constantine.

In “Swan Thong”, Behrad began physically manifesting how he gets shot and killed in Zari 1.0’s 2046 future. The original Zari realized that by continuing to exist outside of the Air Totem, she’s forcing reality to erase Behrad, who is supposed to be dead in every reality. Out of love for her baby brother, Zari 1.0 made the difficult decision to leave Nate and return to the Air Totem to save Behrad’s life. Zari 2.0 officially takes her place in the Legends and now shares the power of the Air Totem with Behrad, making them the Legends’ first brother/sister superhero combo. As for Zari 1.0, she remains in the Air Totem to keep Behrad alive, but, since this is Legends of Tomorrow, it’s quite possible the original, donut-loving Zari will return someday.

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Legends of Tomorrow’s New Team And Season 6 Cliffhanger

After saving the world from the Fates, the Legends celebrated by time-traveling back to 1970s London so Charlie could reunite with her punk rock band, The Smell, and perform their cover of the theme from “Mr. Parker’s Cul-De-Sac”. Meanwhile, the Legends’ ever-changing roster was shuffled once again: Charlie decided to stay in the 1970s and leave the team. This marks the second time a character played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers quit the Legends after two seasons; Amaya Jiwe AKA Vixen exited the team after season 3 and was replaced by Charlie (who shapeshifted to look exactly like Amaya). It’s not clear whether Charlie will return to guest star in Legends of Tomorrow season 6 but Richardson-Sellers is no longer a series regular.

At the end of Legends of Tomorrow season 5, the team roster now consists of Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe (Jes Macallen), John Constantine, Nate Heywood, Zari Tarazi, Behrad Tarazi, and Mick Rory, with Sara and Mick as the final two remaining members of the original Legends team assembled by Rip Hunter (Arthur Darville) in season 1. Also, Gary Green (Adam Tsekhman) remains Constantine’s apprentice and a sort-of Legend while Mona Wu (Ramona Young) is also still considered a Legend. Mick Rory gained the love of his estranged daughter, Lita, in season 5 but it’s not clear if she will also join her father as a Legend.

Ava became the Legends’ Co-Captain in season 5 and she earned the trust of the team but, after the shocking twist in the final moments of “Swan Thong”, Sara Lance was suddenly abducted by aliens as they were leaving 1970s London. No doubt, Ava will take full command of the Legends to rescue Sara but where White Canary went, who kidnapped her, and what the Legends of Tomorrow will do to save Sara are all questions that season 6 will answer.

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