Titanic actor Leonardo DiCaprio finally responded to the controversy surrounding the fate of his character, Jack, and whether he could have fit on the door that saved the life of his lover, Rose. Titanic’s controversial ending left Rose floating on a door after the ship sank, with Jack holding onto that remaining ship wreckage in the freezing waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Eventually, Jack froze to death and Rose let his body fall to the depths of the ocean.

However, a theory long held by many Titanic fans is that Jack might have lived had he pulled himself up on the door and joined Rose. Many believe that there was plenty of room for him on that floating piece of ship debris. Even the Mythbusters team tested the theory and used science to surmise that the door would have stayed afloat if Jack had joined Rose on it. Famed physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson also weighed in on the issue. Tyson believes that Jack’s survival instinct would have been much stronger and that the character would have tried harder to save himself. Unfortunately, Titanic director James Cameron continues to defend his decision to have Jack give up so easily.


In an interview with MTV News, DiCaprio finally responded to the door controversy. However, his response is pretty much “no comment”, although his Once Upon A Time In Hollywood co-stars, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie, seem to have their own opinions. DiCaprio refused to offer an answer even after being asked if it was something he considered when he and co-star Kate Winslet originally filmed that scene.

DiCaprio, Pitt, and Robbie are currently promoting Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the latest period piece from director Quentin Tarantino. In the film, DiCaprio portrays a fading movie star in the late 1960s looking to reclaim his fame. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, and will officially land in theaters on July 26. Much of the movie’s plot remains under wraps, although it’s likely that the film will have a crazy Tarantino-style twist.

In the meantime, the debate about Jack, Rose and the door continues. Titanic fans were initially heartbroken when the film premiered in 1997, and it seems that they are still not ready to let Jack go. Their hearts will go on, though, as they must, just as Rose continued to live long after the doomed ship hit an iceberg and sank.

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Source: MTV News

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