The story of a group of con artists taking on corrupt individuals and rewarding their victims with the spoils is a modern-day Robin Hood story. Instead of the merry men, Leverage has a grifter, hacker, jewel thief, hitter, and a mastermind to get it all done.

Though the show undoubtedly focuses on the cons themselves, there’s also a firm focus on the group as a found family and all of the relationships that come with it. Romance is not a huge part of the show, but it’s significant enough that there are quite a few pairings that make an impression on the audience – even amongst some of the guest stars.

10 Best: Nate And Maggie

Nate and Maggie divorced long before the events of the series take place. The tragic death of their son drives a wedge between them when Nate can’t process his grief. That doesn’t make their relationship a bad one.

Instead, Nate and Maggie actually have one of the best relationships in the series. When Nate tells Maggie the truth about a con concerning his former employer, she joins the team to help. When Maggie gets framed for theft on the other side of the world, Nate comes to her rescue (with the team in tow, of course). Maggie even offers her support of a potential romance between Nate and Sophie, wanting him to be happy in his new path in life.

9 Worst: Eliot And Katelyn

Alona Tal only appears in a single episode of Leverage as Katelyn. TV fans will likely recognize her from her stint as Jo from Supernatural. Here, she plays a very different role as a country music singer/songwriter whose brother is maliciously targeted by a record executive.

Katelyn is a great character until it becomes evident that most of her story is simply being used to flesh out Eliot’s. She becomes a one-night-stand for him (as far as the audience knows) that he even allows to teach him how to play a few chords on the guitar, even though it’s clear he knows how to play. Katelyn sees him as her hero, briefly, and there isn’t more to them than that.


8 Best: The Scotts

Karen and Alan Scott are completely in love. When he dies in a horrible “accident,” Karen hires the team because she doesn’t believe the reports of what happens to him. There are a handful of spouses who come into play as clients – or enemies – but these two make the list because of just how fierce their commitment is to one another.

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Karen knows that something isn’t right since her husband is an experienced climber. She wants his body back from the mountain it was left on by his business partner – or at the very least, she wants evidence of the truth. As it turns out, Karen knows her husband as well as she thinks she does and his business partner killed him. Karen gets her justice and the audience gets a tragic love story.

7 Worst: Jake And “Katherine”

Sophie Devereaux has a lot of aliases thanks to the bulk of her life spent conning wealthy people out of their money, art, and even property. When she briefly takes a break from the team in the second season (while actress Gina Bellman is pregnant), the break is spurred on by her identity crisis as Katherine.

Her boyfriend Jake breaks up with her Katherine identity because he realizes that, no matter how much they talk, he feels like he doesn’t actually know anything about her. Sophie using a false identity is never going to allow her to build a relationship with someone outside of the Leverage team. Sophie, after all, isn’t even the character’s real name, but she’s still herself when she’s working with the team.

6 Best: Parker And Hardison

Parker and Hardison’s relationship is the one the audience really gets to see grow the most. It’s clear from the beginning of the series that Hardison has a bit of a crush on Parker, but it’s not until the third season that the audience gets to see just where Parker stands.

For two people who have such opposing interests, Parker and Hardison manage to find a lot of common ground – and not just when stealing from people. They learn to put each other first, compromise, and be honest about their feelings, which is a whole lot of growth for a pair of thieves.

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5 Worst: Maggie And Alexander

After the audience is introduced to Maggie, the first love interest they see her with is Alexander. He’s initially who the team suspects of setting her up for theft.

Alexander seems nice enough, but he also doesn’t really make a big impression compared to numerous other characters in the series. The biggest takeaway from he, Maggie, and Nate winding up in an elevator with a potential bomb is that he doesn’t stay calm under pressure like literally anyone else in the show. If Maggie is calm and collected enough to pull jobs with a group of international thieves, the person she ends up with should be as well.

4 Best: Sophie And Nate

Like Parker and Hardison, Nate and Sophie have an early connection in the series. They also have an interesting history. Going from being on opposite sides of the law to working together should have had an adjustment period, but it’s smooth sailing at the start.

Despite how easy it is to work with Nate in the beginning, Sophie is one of the first team members to call him out when his drinking becomes a problem. She doesn’t pull any punches with him, and though she doesn’t get him to quit, her absence from his life does make him think. The two are able to find their way back to one another – repeatedly – and even retire together.

3 Worst: Parker And McSweeten

Though this relationship is pretty one-sided, McSweeten does recur in the series, so it’s worth a mention. When Parker and McSweeten meet, she pretends to be a fellow FBI agent, along with Hardison, to find out how much the FBI knows about their latest mark.

They cross paths repeatedly in the series, and it’s clear McSweeten has a huge crush on her. Even once Parker has feelings for Hardison, she never tries to dissuade McSweeten from pursuing her. His awkward interactions with her are played for laughs, and it’s easy to feel bad for him.

2 Best: Eliot And Parker And Hardison

Though Parker and Hardison are overtly in a relationship by the time season five rolls around, there’s a more subtle relationship that develops over the course of the series. For a lot of fans, Eliot simply protects Hardison and Parker as he would any teammate, but just as many fans believed, during the run of the series, there was more to it than that.

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The season five episode “The Rundown Job” solidified the idea of Eliot, Parker, and Hardison as a throuple for a lot of people as they each had a chance to get emotionally vulnerable with the others over the course of the hour, even if the series couldn’t explicitly address it. Showrunner John Rogers has confirmed the trio as canon multiple times via twitter.

1 Worst: Eliot And Aimee

Aimee debuts when her father calls Eliot for help with some horses. Eliot and the team run a con on the man responsible for the deaths of numerous horses in his care, but the team quickly realizes that Aimee and Eliot have a history.

It’s hinted throughout later episodes of the show that Eliot and Aimee were as close to engaged as they could get without making it official, but he joined the military, and she married someone else. Their relationship might have been great as kids, but as adults, Aimee seriously resents him leaving her even though she supposedly moved on. Likewise, Eliot doesn’t seem to initially think he did anything wrong. The two hooking up again seems ill-advised with all of the animosity between them.

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