Warning: Letters for Lucardo is a MATURE comic.

Following his two critically acclaimed entries in the Letters For Lucardo series, centering around the relationship between Lucardo, a vampire, and his mortal lover Edmund Fiedler, Finnish comics creator Otava Heikkilä and Iron Circus Comics are announcing a new crowdfunding effort for the newest graphic novel: Letters for Lucardo: The Silent Lord. A planned 4-part erotic fantasy series, this new chapter will feature Edmund who, stricken with a fatal disease, may finally make the choice to join the “Night Court” by becoming one of the immortal undead at the fangs of the god of all vampires.


The crowdfunding initiative will be spearheaded by Iron Circus Comics Publisher Spike Trotman, a highly successful crowdfunding financier whose recent efforts to break away from traditional staple Kickstarter saw the publishing of The Poorcraft Cookbook crowdfunded completely independently, exceeding their $6,000 funding goal by almost $40,000. “The Silent Lord, and Letters for Lucardo as a whole, is an absolute masterpiece,” said Trotman in a statement.

Heikkilä’s gothic horror tale of woe picks up with Lucardo learning that Edmund, from whom Lucardo was separated in the previous chapter Fortunate Beasts, is afflicted with Shifter’s Lung, a fatal condition causing him to drown in his own blood. Though Edmund wishes to die human, Lucardo instead brings him to the Silent Lord, the god of all vampires, to offer him the chance to make the same blood oath he did. “Letters for Lucardo is about love and natural desires in a supernatural setting, but it’s also about queer coming-of-age experiences that may happen later in life, all the rebirths and shedding of old skins we go through as our identity and life circumstances evolve,” Heikkilä said in a statement to Screen Rant. “The story is tender, but through it courses an unbroken link of generational trauma, as each member of the Night Court family attempts to find relief, empowerment, or control over their irreversible blood-oath to a cruel god-patriarch.” Check out an exclusive preview below, and support the project on Iron Circus Comics’ crowdfunding page.

Letters for Lucardo gained critical acclaim when it debuted in 2017 for its sober yet sensual take on the classic vampire/mortal love story, as well as Heikkilä’s somewhat muted yet nuanced approach to the erotic subject matter. The series is planned to run four graphic novels of roughly 140-148 pages in length, and takes an upliftingly emotional ride for the horror-laden subject matter, predominantly telling a story of a fascinating relationship in all its complexities and trials.

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While the Silent Lord has the capacity to “help” the lovers as Lucardo hopes and Ed fears, the vampiric deity is a cruel master who loves to toy with its subjects, and the path ahead is likely strewn with malevolent surprises neither could have guessed. What happens next is anyone’s guess, but it seems fans of the story are in for the most intriguing chapter yet, while newcomers have the perfect prompt to dive into this rich and evocative world. Supporters of independent LGBQT+ comics can back Letters for Lucardo: The Silent Lord now, with release planned for June 2022.

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