Hamilton creator and star Lin Manuel Miranda expresses a desire to write music for the Disney classic The Sword in the Stone. Miranda has experienced immense success over the last decade, ever since making his Broadway debut in 2008 with In the Heights, which won Tony awards for Best Musical and Original Score. Miranda’s career reached its apex when he created the cultural phenomenon Hamilton, a rap-musical that retold the story of the American founding father Alexander Hamilton, which won countless awards and is still performing seemingly endless sold-out shows.

Naturally, this attracted the attention of Hollywood, leading to Miranda being involved in several film projects and becoming a somewhat permanent fixture of the Disney corporation. Miranda has been a regular contributor to various projects across the company’s IP, whether it be writing the instant classic “You’re Welcome” for Moana to contributing incidental music for Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Most recently, he has contributed all of the original songs for Disney’s newest animated feature, Encanto, focused around a family living in a hidden enchanted place that grants them unique magical gifts.


In an interview with Collider, Miranda says that, if given the opportunity to work on any of Disney’s IP, he would be most interested in writing a song for the 1963 animated feature The Sword in the Stone. The film, based on T.H. White’s novel of the same name, is a retelling of the classic King Arthur myth, with Arthur as a young boy aided by the wizard Merlin to fulfill his destiny. Miranda admits in the interview that the film had been something of a blind spot during his childhood and that he had developed a new appreciation for it after watching it with his young son. In the quote below, Miranda details seeing his son’s reactions to a particularly intense moment in the film and realising the dramatic potential the film delivers on:

I can tell you one of the ones that I didn’t watch so much growing up, that my kid loves is The Sword in the Stone. There’s something so incredible about when that wolf first shows up to menace Wart, I saw my kid get really scared for the first time. And then, immediately the wolf light falls down a cliff and falls on his face, and the laugh my kid let out when that happened was so delicious. It was such a lesson in tension and release and relief. So, there’s probably something fun in The Sword in the Stone to be mined. I don’t know. I’m spit-balling.

It’s clear that Miranda not only identifies what works about the aforementioned moment but, more importantly, how it is received from the perspective of a child. For being a family-friendly company, Disney has developed a reputation for providing many vaguely ‘traumatising’ moments in children’s movie-going experiences. These can range from overtly scary moments, such as the frightening forest that in Snow White in the Seven Dwarves, to emotionally upsetting ones, such as the death of Mufasa in The Lion King. Miranda seems to identify that, while these moments challenge children, this is a healthy part of their development, and it can be beneficial to introduce them to new emotional experiences through the window of fiction.

There is certainly a possibility for Miranda to contribute to The Sword in the Stone in a certain sense, despite the film releasing nearly 60 years ago. A live-action remake has been in development since 2015, with director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo at the helm, and is set to release onto the Disney+ streaming service. Miranda himself has been writing new songs for the upcoming live-action remake of The Little Mermaid alongside original songwriter Alan Menken. Of course, Miranda may not want to be signed onto another very similar project so soon after, but with his deep connections within the Disney company, the potential is definitely there.

Source: Collider

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