Season 6 was meant to be Line of Duty‘s last, but following its massively controversial ending, a Line of Duty season 7 would honestly be a great idea. The finale of the hit BBC drama aired in the summer of 2021 and received a lot of criticism following the anticlimactic reveal of the main villain, H–so much so that fans created a fake ending theory for Line of Duty. As a result, should writer Jed Mercurio decide to bring the show back for season 7, it could go down really well with audiences and open the door for a number of new storylines to take place.

Throughout the decade that Line of Duty occupied television screens, the overarching story was that there were four corrupt police officers that the anti-corruption unit AC-12 was trying to take down. By Line of Duty season 6, three of them had been caught and they were searching for the final one, “H.” However, after leading audiences to believe that the big reveal would be someone incredibly shocking, the ending was underwhelming, similar to the much-criticized Sherlock finale “The Final Problem.” H was revealed to be Detective Superintendent Ian Buckells. Throughout the series, Buckells was portrayed as a blubbering idiot and far from being a big name, so the reveal had little positive impact. Instead, Line of Duty‘s ending left a real sour taste in audiences’ mouths.


That’s why a Line of Duty season 7 revival makes sense on a number of levels. First, it can somewhat rewrite the ending of the sixth season, even retcon who H really is. Or, if the series sticks with Buckells as the ultimate culprit, a seventh season could at least dive more deeply into what happened. A Line of Duty season 7 could flesh out the story and go into a lot more detail about the season 6 finale. It would give audiences more of a reason to understand why Buckells is H, perhaps helping Line Of Duty season 6 to ag better and erase most of the previous criticism for the original ending.

Along with fixing the disappointing ending, there are so many new stories that could be told in a Line of Duty season 7. Corruption in the police department is something that unfortunately will linger for a very long time and is even more relevant in the present day. There are more than enough plotlines and even different standalone stories that can be explored with no real risk of things getting stale due to the wide scope of anti-corruption.

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Line of Duty was one of the most popular British TV shows. Leaving it with the ending it has would be far from fitting after the amount of intrigue it delivered to audiences. There are few details about Line of Duty season 7 as of now but it would undoubtedly be welcome. The number of possible story routes it could take means it is likely to stay fresh for a long time. If Jed Mercurio is up for it, Line of Duty should return and continue the strong legacy it established back in 2012.

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