The television show Little Fires Everywhere features a cast of dynamic characters navigating through challenging circumstances. These characters are bold, entertaining, and well-developed. But while the characters are a large appeal for many, the plot of the show is what had fans hooked.

Little Fires Everywhere tackled many complex issues, allowing fans to consider their own stances on many complicated situations. One of the central conflicts of the show is about the custody rights of May Ling. During this conflict, many fans may find themselves empathizing with both Linda and Bebe. Here are some reasons why Bebe deserves custody of May Ling and some reasons why she should stay with Linda.

10 Bebe: Biological Mother

There are several studies that show that children benefit from being raised by their biological parents. Due to this, in most circumstances, courts rule to give custody to the biological parents.

Unfortunately for Bebe, she has several other factors working against her. The judge seems to believe these factors are more important as he orders that May Ling stay in Linda’s custody.

9 Linda: Two-Parent Household

One benefit that May Ling would have being raised in Linda’s house is the benefit of being raised in a two-parent household. While there are many wonderful single parents, studies show that children tend to do better when raised in a household with more than one parent.

There are likely several factors that contribute to this including a strong support system, financial implications, and the sharing of responsibilities.


8 Bebe: Surrendering Of Rights

When Bebe forfeited her parental rights, she was extremely distressed. She was worried about her daughter’s safety and well-being as her child refused to breastfeed and was crying nonstop.

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This led Bebe to make a decision she may not have made had she been in a better mindset. During Bebe’s trial, evidence was presented that indicated that Bebe may have been suffering from postpartum depression. It seems evident that Bebe was not in the proper mindset to surrender her parental rights.

7 Linda: Access To Resources

One of the strongest arguments that is presented in Linda’s favor is her ability to provide a stable life for May Ling. Linda is wealthy and has access to many resources.

Living with Linda, May Ling will never have to want for anything. As a citizen, Linda also has access to certain supports and rights that Bebe does not possess.

6 Bebe: Hard Worker

Bebe is an extremely hard worker. She works several jobs to try to care for herself and her daughter. After leaving May Ling at the fire station, she searches for her tirelessly, determined to get her back. It is clear that May Ling will learn to value hard work if she is raised by Bebe.

If she remains with Linda, there is a chance she may grow up spoiled and not learn the importance of earning her accomplishments.

5 Linda: Protective

Linda is extremely protective of May Ling. She has taken many safety precautions to keep May Ling safe. Knowing that May Ling was discovered in poor health, she is fearful to allow Bebe near May Ling.

Linda is attentive to May Ling’s needs and quickly responds to her cries, which Linda’s husband attempts to discourage as he believes May Ling is growing too codependent. It is clear that Linda will do anything within her power to keep May Ling safe and out of harm’s way.

4 Bebe: Willing To Sacrifice

Bebe is willing to sacrifice anything to be reunited with her daughter. She gives up countless hours of sleep searching for her. She attempts to steal money from her job, risking her livelihood in an attempt to acquire a lawyer. She even goes as far as breaking into Linda’s house twice. The first time to accuse her of stealing May Ling and the second time to steal her back. While these incidents may make her seem unfit, they also show just how far Bebe is willing to go to have her daughter back.

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Bebe is also willing to sacrifice her own happiness for May Ling. Although she wants nothing more than to care for her when she is unable to do so, she makes the selfless decision to leave May Ling somewhere she believes she will receive help. When the courts deny Bebe’s claim for parental rights, she leaves her entire life behind to start out somewhere new with her daughter.

3 Linda: Only Mother May Ling Knows

Though May Ling is only one, she clearly recognizes Linda as her mother. Linda has been raising her since she was only a few months old and is the only mother May Ling knows.

The two have clearly formed a bond and May Ling is even shown calling Linda mama. Though May Ling is still young, she would still be impacted by being separated from Linda, with whom she has formed a fond.

2 Bebe: Values

Bebe has a strong set of values whereas Linda’s values are questionable. When Elena convinces Linda to try and pay Bebe to go away, Linda is quick to try the suggestion.

Bebe is extremely insulted by the idea that she would sell her child and stands up for herself. It is clear that Linda feels entitled due to her wealth and social status. It is quite possible that Bebe would instill better values in May Ling than Linda would.

1 Bebe: Cultural Identity

One of the most crucial arguments in support of Bebe’s parental rights is the importance of May Ling’s cultural identity. May Ling is Chinese and while Bebe can help her understand her culture, Linda is unable to do the same.

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In fact, Linda is shown to be somewhat ignorant when it comes to Chinese culture. During May Ling’s first birthday party, she allows Elena to give out fortune cookies as party favors, but fortune cookies are not part of Chinese culture. Though Linda says she will attempt to raise May Ling with some understanding of her Chinese ancestry, it seems clear that she is unprepared to do so. May Ling will likely have a better understanding of her cultural identity if raised by Bebe.

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