The game Little Misfortune by Swedish indie studio Killmonday Games is all about choices and their consequences. Similar to the mini-series Over the Garden Wall and indie game Fran Bow, an eight-year-old girl called Misfortune is approached by a sinister, horned, faceless entity called Mr. Voice who offers to let her play a game with him where the prize for winning is Eternal Happiness. It is clear from the start of the game that Misfortune has a troubled home life, suffering neglect and abuse by her own parents. Still, she agrees to Mr. Voice’s terms, hoping to win the Eternal Happiness for her mother. As players journey with Misfortune and Mr. Voice through the dark fantasy landscape, they will need to help Misfortune make difficult choices and deal with the consequences of those choices.


There are two possible endings to the indie horror adventure, with one considered the Regular ending and the other considered the “good,” True Ending. Players will come to the Regular ending simply by playing the game. But, for those completionists who leave no stone unturned and who take advantage of Misfortune’s love of glitter and wild imagination, there is an even greater reward in the end. This article will contain spoilers for the endings of Little Misfortune, so fans who want to experience the game for themselves first will not want to read further. Here’s how to get the good, True Ending in Little Misfortune.

Unlock the True Ending in Little Misfortune

Toward the end of the game, after Misfortune confronts Mr. Voice for his lies and abuses and is saved by Benjamin the Fox, it is revealed that Misfortune has been dead since the moment she left her house. In a flashback, the player sees that, upon accepting Mr. Voice’s game and crossing the street in front of her home, Misfortune was struck by a car, and the subsequent adventure has taken place in a sort of limbo. Benjamin then appears again and, after she offers a heart-wrenching goodbye to her mother, Benjamin guides Misfortune to the Beyond, an afterlife underworld of sorts.

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As Misfortune finds a skull rock and rings a bell hanging from a scythe, a nearby tree’s branches will start to glow, representing the happiness Misfortune spread during her travels with Mr. Voice. For each time the player sprinkled glitter when prompted, a branch will glow. Misfortune is received at the door to the skull rock by a female grim reaper figure who says “they” have been expecting Misfortune’s arrival. This is where the game ends unless the player sprinkled glitter on every possible spot.

In the True Ending to Little Misfortune, all the branches will glow, and the glitter will transform into a ball of light that travels directly to Misfortune’s grieving mother. This represents the Eternal Happiness Misfortune won and, in a powerful moment, Misfortune’s mother removes the happy face mask she and all the other human adult characters in the game wear to hide their true feelings.

The game will prompt players to sprinkle glitter with a colorful sparkle effect over the object and a sound cue. The player will need to use sparkles in the following places:

  • Inside the fridge in Misfortune’s home on the Dead Rabbits
  • On the pot of soup on the stove in Misfortune’s home
  • On Misfortune’s mother in the kitchen of her home
  • On the family car outside Misfortune’s house
  • On the dead crow across the street from Misfortune’s house
  • On the dead puppy (if Misfortune chooses to play with him instead of freeing him)
  • On the trash on the beach by the dock
  • On George at his house
  • On the box that was supposed to contain the Eternal Happiness
  • On the doors of the shop Misfortune says she was forgotten in overnight
  • On the wishing fountain outside the zoo
  • On the Phantasmagoria sign
  • On the creepy fox popup by the food stand at Phantasmagoria
  • On the decorations by the Games and Rewards at Phantasmagoria
  • On the bear trap outside Benjamin’s house
  • On the VCR and TV inside Benjamin’s house
  • On Benjamin’s bag outside his house

Though it does not necessarily affect the ending, players should also be sure to grab all the crudely made voodoo dolls hidden on the different stages of the game. These were left by Benjamin the fox and can help give players a clue about the identity of Mr. Voice and the true nature of Misfortune’s situation before the end of the game.

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Little Misfortune is available for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, and Android.

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