Louisa May Alcott’s classic novel, Little Women, continues to be adapted onscreen due to its endearing tale of young women finding their place in the world. One of the main characters, Jo March (thought to be based on Alcott herself), struggles to balance her creative passion with family, friendships, and romance.

One of the most important people in her life is Theodore Laurence, her best friend who harbors an unrequited love for the fiercely independent heroine. The two share a unique connection, and many fans of the story wish that Jo hadn’t turned down Laurie’s proposal. Ultimately, Jo finds a good match in Friedrich Bhaer, and Laurie settles down with Jo’s sister, Amy. Here are five reasons Jo should have chosen Laurie, and five reasons Friedrich was truly her perfect match.

10 Laurie: Appreciates Jo’s Nonconformity

Jo March is truly one of a kind, something Laurie recognizes and greatly admires. Her passion and independent spirit inspire him and draw him to her. It’s not in spite of Jo’s non-traditional nature that Laurie loves her, but because of it.

Jo is self-aware enough to know that while Laurie admires these qualities in her, he would be better suited to someone more traditional, who could fit in better in his world.

9 Friedrich: He Humbles Jo

Jo’s passionate nature is a source of inspiration for many young women. It doesn’t always work out in her favor, however, and can often lead her to arrogance.

Friedrich humbles Jo, because he is humble himself and is not afraid of her. Though many are intimidated by Jo’s strength and brilliance, Friedrich admires these qualities, but does not shy away from telling Jo when he thinks she’s making the wrong choices. This helps Jo grow and mature.


8 Laurie: Is Jo’s Best Friend

Jo and Laurie may not have been soulmates in a romantic sense, but they were certainly soulmates on some level. They shared a strong friendship and were one another’s best friend. They shared an immature and fun sense of humor and supported each other through everything they went through. Their playfulness and intimacy made them an endearing match.

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7 Friedrich: They Understand Each Other’s Differences

Although Jo and Friedrich share a passion for literature, their personalities are quite different. She is open, he is reserved; she is loud, he is quiet; she is quick-tempered, he is patient. These differences complement each other, and neither requires the other to change.

6 Laurie: They Share Similar Taste

One of the things that Jo and Laurie bond over their shared love of tales of swashbuckling adventure. Jo wanted to be a writer, but her genre interests were considered too unladylike at the time. Laurie encouraged and shared these interests, deepening their friendship, and furthering the idea that the two understood each other in a way that other’s didn’t.

The two friends also shared a brash and informal sense of humor. The 2019 film adaptation of Little Women even showed them sharing clothes.

5 Friedrich: Helps Jo With Her Writing

Any writer knows the value of a good editor. Friedrich has years of experience and a passion for literature and uses these qualities to help Jo with her stories. He admires her work and gives her honest feedback out of respect for her talent.

4 Laurie: They Accept Each Other

When Jo and Laurie first meet, they’re both avoiding the crowd at a party. Neither has much taste for high society and typical socialization, but the two hit it off right away. Jo doesn’t mind that Laurie is shy at first, and her bold nature draws him out of his shell.

Even when things don’t work out between them romantically, they accept the partners they’ve chosen, despite the awkwardness and heartbreak. The two can’t live without each other, as they each get something from their friendship that they don’t get from anyone else.

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3 Friedrich: Is Patient With Jo

Jo has a temper that can test even the people who love her the most. Friedrich’s steadfast, calm nature makes him slow to meet Jo’s anger with his own.

As Jo points out when she’s refusing to marry Laurie, their stubborn personalities would have clashed too much, possibly leading to resentment and the dissolution of their love. Friedrich is able to disagree with Jo calmly, and so the two have fewer arguments.

2 Laurie: They’re Completely Comfortable With Each Other

Jo and Laurie find ease in their relationship from the moment they meet. They can be as silly and free as they want when they’re together. Laurie finds Jo’s unconventional traits charming and allows her to be who she is. This level of comfort with another person is rare and valuable, and something only they share.

1 Friedrich: Is The Only Man Jo Loves

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