The main characters of Lizzie McGuire have gotten a lot of attention with the show’s pending reboot. The 2001-2004 series was a huge hit on Disney Channel back in the day, and longtime fans still catch the show on Disney+ from time to time.

As with any favorite childhood show, some characters are more likable than others. They all make mistakes, but the best characters are the ones that fans love unconditionally. It’s hard to knock any of the brilliant characters on Lizzie McGuire, but here they are, ranked from least to most likable.

12 Kate

Kate is the most iconic mean girl of the early 2000s. She rules the cheerleading squad and loves to make Lizzie miserable. The writers did a great job to bring out other sides of Kate–hardcore fans easily remember that Kate and Lizzie were friends in elementary school, before the time of the show. Unfortunately, Kate is a huge snob and normally does not give Lizzie, Miranda, or Gordo the time of day.

11 Claire

Where Kate is, Claire is not far behind. The tween queen is normally positioned as mean girl #2, but she has time to shine in the lead spot whenever Kate is forced to work with Lizzie. The key moments where this happens are when Lizzie and Kate are partners for a school project and when Kate falls and hurts her arm, thereby temporarily losing her spot on the cheerleading squad.

Those episodes are aptly titled “Lizzie and Kate’s Excellent Adventure” and “The Rise and Fall of the Kate Empire,” respectively.


10 Melina

Matt McGuire’s friends are always entertaining. One of the main ones is Melina, Matt’s pretty but torturous crush. She is a troublemaker from her very first episode to The Lizzie McGuire Movie. Matt tries to please her in the beginning, but the two learn to make mischief fairly as the show progresses. Melina’s pranks might be funny, but she is really mean to Matt sometimes and is quite disrespectful to adults.

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9 Lanny

Lanny is Matt’s other most seen friend. The problem is, Lanny is only seen and never heard. He uses quirky facial expressions, nods/shakes of the head, and limited gestures to convey his thoughts to Matt. Lanny is a great character, but his lack of speech is never properly explained, and it still hasn’t been.

8 Larry

Larry Tudgeman is not given enough credit, but he confuses people at the same time. For all anyone knows, Larry might not have another shirt to wear. He tends to sneak up on people and bewilder them with his incredible gift of knowledge. Larry has the hots for Lizzie at one point and Miranda at another. He might not be the most popular guy in school, but the Tudge needs more love in the Lizzie fandom.

7 Matt

Matt McGuire is 80% of what makes Lizzie McGuire such a funny show. He is a hilarious kid, and he loves to play practical jokes on his friends and family members. Matt is a cutie with a great personality, but his pranks go too far sometimes, and he has trouble learning his lesson the first time. He loves Lizzie, but he provokes her into arguments by messing with her belongings or sabotaging her plans.

6 Miranda

Miranda Sanchez is one of the coolest Disney Channel best friends, and she could have carried her own show well. The spunky tween is up to date on the latest trends in hair, makeup, fashion, and accessories. She keeps Lizzie in line, but she doesn’t always make the best decisions for herself. Everyone likes Miranda, but fans get frustrated with her choices sometimes.

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5 Ethan

Ethan Craft has become a famous nostalgic heartthrob through the years, and Lizzie and Miranda knew he was legit all along. The popular middle schooler is known for his luscious head of hair, his lack of common sense, and his sweet way of talking to others. Ethan may be a little ditzy, but he’s a great guy and a lovable character.

4 Gordo

Gordo is the sensible, dependable friend everyone needs. He is passionate about film and works to earn A’s in school. Most importantly, he is always there for the people in his life. He would do anything to help Miranda and Lizzie, and he is a good role model for Matt McGuire. The only glaring flaw with Gordo is his moodiness.

3 Jo

Jo McGuire is such a great mom. She is the ideal blend of comforting, responsible, understanding, and embarrassing. The conversations between Jo and Lizzie are priceless, and the mom on a mission would stop at nothing to care for her children and husband.

Even when the family messes everything up, Jo still claims them and loves them so much.

2 Lizzie

With Miranda and Gordo by her side, Lizzie is unstoppable. When she was on the air, she resonated with so many young girls going through the same changes she was. To this day, Lizzie is the imperfect, slightly awkward yet incredibly cool girl everyone wants to be like. She has made an impact on the lives of countless viewers, so she’s insanely likable.

1 Sam

“Dad, dad, he’s our man. If he can’t fix it, no one can.” Mom might be the man, too, but Sam McGuire is hands-down the most likable character on the whole show. He is a little clueless sometimes about the activities of his kids, but not as clueless as they think. Sam loves Jo, Lizzie, and Matt and works hard to provide for them. He makes efforts to spend time with both of his children individually and always shows an interest in whatever is going on in their lives.

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