What happened to Ian McKellen’s Magneto in the world of Logan? While Hugh Jackman has come to define Wolverine, the actor very nearly missed out on the part. Scottish actor Dougray Scott was originally cast for 2000’s X-Men but scheduling overruns on Mission: Impossible II forced the production to recast. The response to Jackman’s casting was initially mixed too, as fans felt he was much too tall for the character and they wanted a bigger name like Russell Crowe.

X-Men would prove to be a career-making movie for Hugh Jackman, with the actor reprising Wolverine for a further eight movies and several video games. The actor decided the time had come to bow out gracefully from the series, with 2017’s Logan being an epilogue and love letter by Jackman to the role that made him famous. The R-rated movie is set in the bleak future of 2029, where mutants have been all but wiped out. Logan is now looking after an elderly and ill Professor X (Patrick Stewart), and his life is made immensely more complex when he learns of his daughter/clone Laura – AKA X-23.


Logan was helmed by James Mangold, who returned after directing 2013’s The Wolverine. While that entry received solid reviews for being a more character-focused journey following 2009’s woeful X-Men Origins, it was let down by studio insistence on big setpieces like the ill-fitting showdown with the Silver Samurai. With Logan, Mangold and Jackman set out to create a lean, stripped-down take on the character, which included trimming away series staples and appearances by other mutants. This is why the story takes place in a world devoid of other mutants.

James Mangold has confessed the world-saving antics of previous X-Men adventures held little interest for him, so he ignored them as best he could in Logan. This also applies to the fate of the X-Men and even Ian McKellen’s Magneto, who like Jackman and Stewart, had been with the series since the original movie. The continuity of the franchise is twisted and broken beyond recognition, with Logan seemingly taking place in an alternate timeline to the rest of the series. The film greatly implies that Professor X, who is suffering from dementia, had a seizure that killed a number of the X-Men, though exactly who died is never revealed.

Since Magneto isn’t an X-Men it’s unlikely he was present in the X-Mansion during Charles’ seizure. That said, his whereabouts in Logan is never stated, with the most likely answer being that he’s dead. The character would be at least over 90 during the events of Logan, and if all of mutantkind is on the verge of extinction, his odds of survival would be bleak. Mangold did reveal earlier drafts of Logan included mutant cameos that were cut due to being distracting, so it’s possible Magneto’s fate would have been explored. In a way, it’s fitting Ian McKellen’s final scene as Magneto is in X-Men: Days Of Future Past, where he and Stewart’s Professor X reconcile and he laments all their years of fighting.

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