Caution: spoilers for Loki episode 4 ahead

Here are all the MCU Easter eggs from Loki and Lady Loki’s most recent not-so-low-key adventure in Loki. By MCU standards, last week’s antics on Lamentis-1 were much smaller in scale compared to Loki‘s opening two episodes. Viewers came to understand Sylvie a little better, and her relationship with Loki deepened dramatically during the space of a single train ride, but the central plot merely inched forward. Perhaps that was to let audiences take a breath before episode 4, since “The Nexus Event” cracks Loki‘s narrative wide open through shocking (and not so shocking) reveals, mind-blowing new characters, and one very painful cameo.


Beginning on Lamentis-1, Loki and Sylvie prepare for death, the sexual tension only slightly less obvious than the massive planet looming in the sky. They’re picked up by the TVA and taken for questioning just before calamity strikes, but Sylvie’s enchantments have sown seeds of doubt in B-15 and Mobius, leading to a short but sweet uprising spearheaded by a double-barrel Loki assault. When “The Nexus Event” comes to an end, it’s Sylvie who finds herself in control, demanding answers from a defeated Judge Renslayer, but a timeline-breaking post-credits scene suggests there’s more work to be done.

Loki episode 4 draws heavily from comic lore, arguably more so than any installment thus far. Where the narrative ups its tempo, Loki also drops several key references, allusions and parallels to past events in the MCU – as well as proving a Sam Wilson theory absolutely correct. These are the Easter eggs that managed to evade the TVA and invade the Sacred Timeline in Loki‘s “The Nexus Event.”

A Return To Asgard

Welcome back to Asgard! Given the planet’s importance to Tom Hiddleston’s meddling mischief-maker, it was only a matter of time until Asgard made an appearance in Loki. While that trademark golden architecture and ornate decor was seen in the premiere’s flashbacks to Thor: The Dark World, episode 4 opens with fresh Asgard footage – an establishing shot of the Royal Palace and Rainbow Bridge, before cutting to young Sylvie playing outside a lavish bedroom.

In a later sequence, a TVA Time Cell recreates a previously-unseen memory from Loki’s past, which uses an Asgardian courtyard as its setting.

Valkyrie & Fenris

As the junior Sylvie (played by Cailey Fleming, who you might recognize from The Walking Dead and The Force Awakens) plays obliviously with her toys, fans might start having flashbacks of their own, with the scene nodding heavily toward Thor: Ragnarok. One of the miniatures Sylvie plays with is Valkyrie, which is perhaps more likely to represent the Asgardian battle force, rather than Tessa Thompson’s character specifically. Maybe their fate was different in Sylvie’s timeline, and the Valkyries remained revered protectors of Asgard, rather than getting slaughtered by Hela.

Also among Sylvie’s action figure collection is a little (giant) wolf sitting beside the viking ship. This most likely represents Fenris – the beast Hulk tussles with on the Rainbow Bridge. Since Fenris was a loyal servant of Hela, the “dragon” Sylvie pits against her Valkyrie doll might actually represent Thor’s evil sister, and this entire scenario could be playing out the flashback battle from Thor: Ragnarok.


As well as revealing Sylvie as an avid collector of Thor merchandise, the Loki episode 4 flashback also confirms Ravonna Renslayer was once part of the Minute Men, just like B-15 and C-20. While escorting the youngster through TVA headquarters, however, the number on Renslayer’s garb is revealed as “A-23.” This is almost certainly a nod to the character’s comic book origins, with Ravonna making her very first appearance in Avengers #23 or, if you prefer, A-23.


Mobius and B-15 are feverishly trying to track down their missing variant Lokis, monitoring for any fluctuations on the timeline. As the screen’s old-school readout rolls by, it seems the TVA are keeping tabs on the planet Morag. In the MCU, this locale will be best known as the place Star-Lord danced toward an Infinity Stone in Guardians of the Galaxy. The comic books feature Morag IV in the same Annihilation storyline as Lamentis, perhaps explaining why it pops up here.

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Loki’s Losing Streak (& Knack For Cheating Death)

While Loki and Sylvie wait for the apocalypse on Lamentis-1, Sophia Di Martino’s version wonders whether a Loki’s defining feature is losing spectacularly, which Hiddleston then admits happens a lot. Although this version hasn’t experienced them all, Loki’s MCU losses include facing his brother in Thor, the Avengers in New York, and Thanos on the Asgardian evacuation ark. Presumably, there were many more beforehand too.

It’s not all doom and gloom, however, as Hiddleston Loki points out his uncanny knack for survival. He’s absolutely right too, as the God of Mischief has cheated death far more than he’s tasted defeat. Loki survived falling from the Rainbow Bridge, escaped the Avengers to form a Nexus event, faked his death after fighting the Dark Elves, then talked his way into a position of influence on Sakaar. We can now add Sylvie taking a bite of Ravonna Renslayer and stealing a TemPad to that list, and more close shaves might be still to come…

Jaimie Alexander Returns As Lady Sif

After Loki and Sylvie are rescue-captured by the TVA, Loki finds himself in a memory prison, set to play out one of his worst experiences on a loop, and this provides a perfect opportunity to bring back Jaimie Alexander as Lady Sif. One of Thor’s trusted (albeit usually absent) Warriors Three, Sif appeared in the first two Thor movies, as well as ABC’s Agents of SHIELD TV series. Now she’s making another cameo specifically to kick Tom Hiddleston in the testicles over and over.

This memory is from a pre-MCU period where Loki thought it amusing to cut Lady Sif’s hair while she was sleeping. That might seem like a strange gag for Loki to pull, but the story is inspired directly by Norse mythology, in which Loki does indeed cut off Sif’s “golden” hair. The circumstances are a little different, as Lady Sif was Thor’s wife and immensely proud of her long, flowing locks.

Time Theater 47

While Loki is left nursing his tender scrotum, Sylvie remains waiting in Time Theater 47. That room number is curiously prominent as Mobius speaks to B-15, suggesting some kind of significance. The “47” could potentially allude to Marvel’s What If… #47, released in 1984. This sideways story is all about what might’ve happened if Loki had taken Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir. Given events later in the episode (we’ll get to that shortly), the comic reference could be foreshadowing the upcoming post-credits sequence.

Loki’s Thanos Partnership

When Mobius dares to suggest that Loki and Sylvie might be working in cahoots, the God of Mischief is aghast at the idea of playing second-fiddle to another. Mobius hits back, “I guess you don’t do partners… unless, of course, it benefits you and you intend to betray them at some point.” Loki stresses that “it was a means to an end” and is most likely referring to his dalliance with Thanos in this line. Between Thor and The Avengers, Loki jumped aboard the Thanos copter and did the Mad Titan’s bidding by invading Earth with an army of Chautari. Given how Tom Hiddleston’s character has developed since, it’s feels odd that Loki would serve another villain, but his determination to point out how befriending Thanos was part of a larger plan retrospectively explains their partnership.

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“Kree, Titans, Vampires”

During Mobius’ exchange with B-15 outside of Time Theater 47, Owen Wilson’s character bemoans the cloak and dagger surrounding Sylvie, pointing out previous cases that involved “Kree, Titans and vampires” which weren’t remotely as secretive. Given their love of conquering, it’s no surprise Kree have been targeted by the TVA in years gone by. The warrior race even featured in Miss Minutes’ animated video presentation during the premiere episode. Subduing the people of Titan is also impressive, and Mobius’ line might even be hinting toward the existence of Thanos variants. Most intriguing of all, however, is the inclusion of vampires.

Korg mentioned the blood-suckers in Thor: Ragnarok, but in such a comedic way that it was impossible to count as firm confirmation vampires exist in the MCU. Mobius is certainly not messing around, which means the Marvel world is set to go full-Bram Stoker very soon. The line nicely sets up the forthcoming Blade movie, which stars Mahershala Ali as the titular vamp-hunter.

Yellow Brick Road

Since the very first episode, Loki has drawn parallels to The Wizard of Oz, particularly with regards to the Time-Keepers – an unseen force dictating down to a subservient population, just like L. Frank Baum’s emerald conjurer. As a liberator from another land, Loki occupies the Dorothy role, and Sylvie is Elphaba – the “wicked” witch with more beneath the surface. The thematic parallels continue in “The Nexus Event” with the most obvious homage yet. As Loki and Sylvie are marched to meet the Time-Keepers (the show’s own Wizard of Oz), they’re taken down a path glowing with yellow golden lights, mirroring the famous Yellow Brick Road.

Sam Wilson’s Big Three Theory

Many Loki viewers suspected the Time-Keepers were a ruse, but no one was entirely sure how. Were there no Time-Keepers at all? Was it Kang and two friends dressed up? Or were all three Time-Keepers different versions of Loki himself? Episode 4 reveals that the TVA’s three overlords are, in fact, androids – and this means Sam Wilson was right all along. In Falcon & The Winter Soldier, Sam tells Bucky about the villainous “big three” of androids, aliens and wizards, and how it’s always one of them causing trouble. Bucky disagrees, but were the pair able to see Loki’s latest misadventure, Sam could be forgiven for feeling a little smug as the Time-Keepers prove his “big three” hypothesis surprisingly accurate.

Coulson’s Revenge

Loki and Sylvie engage in a brutal fight against Ravonna Renslayer and her TVA goons, overcoming the odds to emerge alive. Loki looks as if he’s about to make a dramatic declaration, but Renslayer creeps up from behind and stabs him right through the back. Somewhere in Tahiti, Phil Coulson is enjoying a good, long chuckle. Loki’s “death” provides a close facsimile for how the God of Mischief bumped off SHIELD’s friendliest employee in 2012’s The Avengers movie – from behind with a big stick. Not only does this callback acknowledge one of Loki’s most heinous crimes, however, it also helps redeem him, giving the trickster a taste of his own medicine.

Avengers Tower

In episode 4’s monumental final scene, Loki awakens in a decimated New York City, potentially caused after a successful 2012 invasion. To the right-hand side of the decimated landscape, the ruins of Avengers Tower can be spotted.

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The Four Lokis

More important that the setting, however, are Loki’s new friends – four brand new versions of himself, many of whom have roots in the Marvel comics. Beginning with the most prominent, Richard E. Grant plays an older Loki, whose cartoonish costume is a dead ringer for the character’s very first outfit in 1962, with its bright, block-y components and exaggerated horns. There’s also Kid Loki, who hails from a 2011 comic arc that revived the God of Mischief into a younger form. Croco Loki and Boastful Loki (chap with the hammer, according to the German credits) are less obviously attached to the source material, but the latter appears to be carrying a version of Mjolnir – paying off Loki‘s earlier foreshadowing.

New Loki episodes stream every Wednesday on Disney+.

Key Release Dates
  • Black Widow (2021)Release date: Jul 09, 2021
  • Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)Release date: Sep 03, 2021
  • Eternals (2021)Release date: Nov 05, 2021
  • Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)Release date: May 06, 2022
  • Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)Release date: Jul 08, 2022
  • Black Panther: Wakanda Forever/Black Panther 2 (2022)Release date: Nov 11, 2022
  • The Marvels/Captain Marvel 2 (2023)Release date: Feb 17, 2023
  • Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)Release date: Jul 28, 2023
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)Release date: May 05, 2023
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