Whether it’s the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of Loki brought to life by Tom Hiddleston, or the Marvel comic book version of the Norse God, Loki is one deeply tragic and complex character. Although the movie universe does make him a much more sympathetic character in comparison.

Loki’s mischief and gloating, scheming and escaping, and tricking and lying, were sometimes motivated by the more tragic aspects of his past and self, which also motivated some of his attempts at redemption.

10 He Sought Odin’s Approval & Acceptance

Loki was never the favorite son. Frigga saw that he stood in the shadow of Thor and Odin’s relationship, their presence, and Loki was aware of this as well.

Frigga even shared her magic with Loki so he could have his own sun to disappear the shadows. But Loki sought Odin’s approval. He wanted to be a king, the true ruler of Asgard. But his father had little patience for him, and time and time again Loki was met with disdain.

9 How He Learned Of His Frost Giant Origins

Loki was raised believing he was the biological son of Frigga and Odin and brother to the favored son, Thor. When Loki felt the effects of the Casket of Ancient Winters, he asked Odin if he was cursed. He demanded Odin tell him the truth of his origins and was left emotionally hurt.

He had learned he was abandoned, left to die, and the son of a King who had not wanted him, and now the son of one who took him for his own purpose. “So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up, here, until you might have use of me.” And instead of having someone by his side as he came to terms with what he had just discovered, Odin fell into a deep sleep.


8 His Inner Conflict

Loki’s complicated relationship with his father and brother causes him to feel conflicted. On most days, he and Thor are on opposite sides of the battlefield with Thor saving the universe from his brother’s latest scheme. But on some days, the two brothers are fighting side by side, using “get help,” bantering, and making sacrifices for one another.

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Loki’s Trickster nature causes him to create chaos whether good or bad but his self-preservation is often stronger than his motivations. He’s a master of deception who suffers inner turmoil, even disguises it from himself with power band-aid solutions. As well as his Trickster nature, Loki has to ties to both Jotunheim and Asgard, a further cause of isolation.

7 His Complicated Relationship With Thor

Loki and Thor’s relationship is entertaining and heartbreaking to witness. Loki’s feeling of being an outsider his entire life grew into resentment for his brother. Loki’s feelings were fickle, and his well-intentioned sacrifices, temporary, causing his brother pain over his multiple deaths.

The time that the two powerful brothers could have had growing together was slashed by the idea Thor would be king. Loki despised the idea that Thor would one day rule while he would have nothing. Loki loved Thor but was unable to show it.

6 He Was Placed In Solitary Confinement

After the events of The Avengers (2012) Loki was taken by Thor to answer to Asgardian justice. He faced a hearing with Odin in which Frigga was sent away. He was sentenced to life in the dungeons and told that the only reason he was still alive was because of Frigga, who he would never see again.

He was told that his birthright “was to die as a child, cast out on a frozen rock.” He was made to feel obsolete, unwanted, and unloved. Odin had the expectation that Loki would be unruly and unsalvagable, but his constant reminders that he felt this way pushed Loki to be have in even worse ways.

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5 His Final Interaction With His Mother

Frigga treated Loki with calm attention, wisdom, honesty, and love. Loki’s and Frigga’s interactions proved she was the only one he truly cared for. In Thor: The Dark World (2013), Frigga used her influence to make Loki comfortable while Thor and Odin failed to share her concern about his prison conditions.

In a deleted scene, Thor asked his mother if she regretted sharing her magic with him, to which she said no. Loki and his mother’s final interaction consisted of Frigga telling her son that “a true king admits his faults.” When Loki said Odin was not his father, he confirmed to Frigga that she was not his mother, a heartbreaking final exchange.

4 He Blamed Himself For Frigga’s Death

Although Loki was not the one to kill his mother directly, he did have a hand in her death. When Kurse freed the Asgardian prisoners from the cells, Loki told him how to lower Asgard’s defenses.

Loki later learned that his mother was killed during the invasion while he was stuck in his prison and the battle raged around him. He was devasted by the news.

3 He Was Tricked By Thanos

When Thanos promised Loki dominion over Earth in exchange for the Tesseract. Thanos gave Loki a Scepter that held an infinity stone, but Loki was unaware that it also held influence over him.

In The Avengers (2012) it was believed that Loki was the villain, the one calling the shots, but looking at the way the Tesseract influenced even the Avengers just by proximity, it’s easy to see how it increased Loki’s desire for power, success and darkened his soul.

2 He Died After Making Amends With Thor

Thor: Ragnorak (2017) was a huge milestone for the two brothers, bringing further depth to their sibling relationship. It is in Ragnorak that Thor appears more mature and Loki’s chaos seemingly naturalized. Their dynamic shifts into something new and seemingly better.

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The film focuses on the individualized responsibilities of their actions as they worked together, and Loki’s acceptance of his actions. The end credits scene provided one last moment of quiet for the two before Avengers: Endgame (2019). Loki died at the hands of Thanos mere moments after the conclusion of the movie where he came so far.

1 He Died After Accepting Himself

Loki’s journey was fraught with trials. He was angry, confused, hurt, and alone. He felt isolated and as a consequence, truly isolated himself. Just as he started to come to terms with his circumstances, just as he realized his place, he died. His final words with his brother were those of optimism. That the sun would shine on them again.

He knew he wasn’t Asgardian but accepted that he was a “Prince of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful King of Jotunheim,” and the God of Mischief. He told Thanos that he would never be a god. It might have been a perfect end to close his story and a way to start again with glory and mischief in Loki (2021), but this version of Loki had only just redeemed himself. It was ultimately heartbreaking to see.

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