When it comes to brains, he’s got the lion’s share. And if his claws are anywhere near as sharp as his wit, the Pridelands have a lot to fear from this maniacal monarch. The Lion King‘s Scar is without a doubt one of the most ruthless and popular Disney villains, and his performance is certainly noteworthy.

Like all great villains, Scar is absolutely loaded with quips, witticisms, and the occasional dose of sass. Scar’s lines are some of the best out of any of Disney’s rogues gallery. From both the animated classic and the remake, Scar has a tongue as sharp and as large as his personality.

10 “Life’s Not Fair, Is It?”

Whether it’s sarcastically or out of pure self-pity, dozens of Disney fans everywhere have without a doubt uttered this first phrase from the lanky lion.

Immediately within the first few minutes of screentime, Scar establishes his motivation for his actions throughout the rest of the film in three sentences or less. He’s not just being dramatic, he’s expressing his anguish at any chance of losing the throne, leading into the next entry.

9 “Well I Was First In Line, Until The Little Hairball Was Born.”

Not only does Scar have the verbose charm of a Shakespearean villain, but he’s also got a fair amount of sass stored up in that luxurious black mane of his.

In the first few minutes of the film, Scar goes from defeated to predatory, sarcastic, and even a bit of a diva all in a short exchange between him and Mufasa. Although he is essentially having a prideful spat with his brother, Scar’s disdain for the newborn Simba is positively palpable.


8 “I Answer to No One.”

The Lion King’s live-action remake was problematic, to say the least. But there has to be some appreciation for Jon Favreau’s interpretation of Scar. Up until the second act of the film, Scar is genuinely more of a threatening presence than he was in the animated classic.

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This version of Scar is absolutely fierce. He lost his dark humor and replaced it with pure malice, which comes through vividly as he utters lines like this. Quick, deadly, and to the point. This Scar doesn’t mess around.

7 “I Wouldn’t Dream of Challenging You…Again.”

If there’s one thing the live-action version did right, it was Scar’s motivation. In the original, Scar just wants the throne out of his lust for power. Standard Disney Villain 101, right? But the remake has it creatively paired with a desire for vengeance.

Where Scar’s namesake was left a bit of a mystery in the first film, it’s heavily implied that Mufasa is responsible for Scar’s disfigurement. Perhaps it was injustice deliciously squared…

6 “As Far as Brains Go, I Got The Lion’s Share…”

It’s vain, it’s conceited, but it’s still a pretty solid pun. Mufasa is indeed the shining example of leonine strength and nobility, but to say Scar isn’t accurate in this line would be untrue.

Scar is truly one of the more clever and ambitious of the Disney villain lineup. He was smart enough to deceive an entire kingdom, after all, and plots the death of a king in a scheme that will leave the throne open for himself.

5 “Forgive Me For Not Leaping For Joy. Bad Back, You Know.”

Once again, fans are blessed with Scar’s trademark sarcastic humor. The first seen exchange between Scar and Simba is a beautifully contrasting pairing.

Simba is bright and bouncy, Scar is stark and sardonic. And nothing truly captures Scar’s attitude better than this meanspirited jab that seemingly goes over Simba’s head. Too bad Simba was a bit blinded by his own childish delight to pick up on the sinister overtones.

4 “Surely We Lions Are Not All That Bad.”

When Scar is revealed to have been present at the Elephant Graveyard, his tie to the hyenas is left as a brief mystery. However, when he appears behind a jet of green steam after the trio’s encounter with Mufasa, he’s quick to grab the audience’s attention.

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That silky smooth delivery behind that sinister smile, that lounging pose, Scar definitely has an aptitude for presence.

3 “Be Prepared!”

Short, sweet, and to the point, if there’s one phrase that is almost always seen paired with Scar, it’s this one. Whether that’s referring to his iconic song or simply his mantra for life, fans can rest assured that the phrase will be accompanied by Scar’s smirking mug.

Simple yet effective, there are few characters in Disney’s canon that can be so simply summarized.

2 “Long Live the King…”

These four words are perhaps the most chilling ones uttered throughout the course of the entire movie. Frame by frame, Scar maliciously and shamelessly unfolds the apex of his evil plot.

With this line, Scar does what few Disney villains talk about but hardly ever do. No witty banter, no maniacal laugh, just straight up sends one of the leads to his death, no doubt traumatizing a generation of ’90s kids in the process.

1 “I’m Surrounded by Idiots.”

And here it is, the biggest and arguably most famous quote by everyone’s favorite fiendish feline. Working with a gaggle of giggling henchmen can’t be easy, so it’s no wonder Scar would let this little gem slip.

Sarcastic, sharp, and with just the right amount of malice in his delivery, how could any other quip or quote compare? It not only captures Scar’s humorous side, but this quote also highlights that the lion’s relationship with the hyenas is not built on mutual respect.

NextTom Cruise’s 10 Best Movies, According To Letterboxd

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