Surviving in the world of Loop Hero takes a lot of work on the part of the player. They will have to be able to keep track of many different concepts at once like how each different card combines with each other, what pieces of gear and traits are best suited for what they are trying to accomplish, and what enemies will cause them the most trouble while playing. On top of this, they even have to decide what class to play as well.

There are three different classes in Loop Hero, and each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses. The Rogue for one has the potential to deal the most amount of damage to the enemies in their way, while also dodging out of the way of the majority of the hits thrown at them. The problem here though is that if the player designs their Rogue poorly, they won’t survive for very long. This guide shows players the best way to build a Rogue.


Loop Hero – Best Stats and Traits for a Rogue

Since each of the different classes in Loop Hero have different skills and abilities that they are best suited to, players will need to know which ones to focus on when playing as that specific class. The Rogue is well suited to acquiring new gear quickly with its Trophy ability and begins a run with an automatic 5% Vampirism stat. This means that players should do their best to focus on things that benefit the Rogue’s strengths.

One of the first stats that the player will want to focus on is the Vampirism stat. Basically, Vampirism grants the player with life-steal, so every time that they injure an enemy they will heal themselves for a certain amount of health. The higher that this stat is then the more that the player can heal themselves for when dealing damage. Basically whatever percentage Vampirism the player has then they will heal themselves for that percentage of damage dealt. For example, if the player has 10% Vampirism and they deal 50 damage to an enemy they will get 5 health back. Players should focus on acquiring as many points in Vampirism as they can in order to help themselves regain huge amounts of health on every attack.

The other two important stats for a Rogue are Evasion and Critical Chance. Both of these stats are percentage-based as well, and there are great reasons for boosting them as high as possible well. Whatever the Evasion percentage is becomes the chance of the player dodging an enemy attack. The higher the stat then the more likely the player will avoid damage entirely. Critical Chance on the other hand is the likelihood of the player dealing a critical hit, which deals double damage to an enemy. If the player pairs this with Vampirism they can actually heal themselves for a very large amount when dishing out a critical hit.

On top of stats, there are also a host of traits that the player will find incredibly useful for their Rogue. Unlike the Warrior, there are several traits specific to the Rogue class that can turn their build into an incredible killing machine. Players should look into using these traits in particular:

  • Picky – Once the player acquires this trait they can then use any of their trophies more efficiently. Trophies now become more valuable and the player can trade them in at their camp for higher quality gear than before.
  • Old Scars – This trait is perfect if the player manages to acquire it early on in a run. This is because from then on out the player will be granted a permanent boost to their health whenever they acquire a trophy. The more trophies then the higher the player’s health will become.
  • Lethal Weakness – This is an interesting one because it will very rarely be triggered during a fight. Basically every time that the player’s health drops by 10% there will be a .5% chance that they respond with an attack that deals 1000% damage. It won’t happen often, but when it does the player will more than likely kill any enemy it hits and also heal themselves a considerable amount with their Vampirism trait.

Loop Hero – How to Build the Loop and Strengthen the Rogue

Once players have thought about the kinds of gear and traits they would like their Rogue to have, they then must start looking into how they want to construct their loop. There are actually a few ways to boost the Rogue’s abilities this way, but there are definitely a few things that the player will want to focus on. First things first is that they will want to spend some time creating new buildings at their home base until they are able to construct the Arsenal. Doing this will unlock the Amulet slot for the Rogue, which will in turn grant them Magical HP. This is essentially a second health bar that enemies will have to destroy before they can actually start dealing damage to the player themselves.

With this done the player will want to start laying down Desert or Dune cards on their loop. These cards usually seem fairly worthless because bring everyone’s health, including the player, down. The thing is though this has no effect whatsoever on the amulet’s health bar. This essentially means that the player is able to lower all of their enemies’ health bars without harming themself at all. After this, they will also want to start laying out Forest and Thicket cards on their loop as well. These cards will increase the speed at which the player can attack enemies. When this is combined with an effect like Vampirism it means that the player is able to heal themselves more often as well. If the player lays out enough of these cards and combines their effects with River cards, they will be able to bring down quite a few enemies in less than a second.

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The other thing that the player will want to do when playing as the Rogue is to lay down things like Battlefields, Groves, and Spider Cocoons. These will cause many different easy-to-kill enemies to spawn, which in turn will grant the player more enemies to kill during a loop. As the Rogue, they will want the chance to kill as many smaller enemies as possible in order to rack up trophies. Gear isn’t dependent upon the quality of enemies killed by the Rogue, but rather the sheer quantity. This means that doing it this way allows the player to get their hands on a huge amount of trophies that can be turned in for better loot.

If the player does things this way and prioritizes the Vampirism and Evasion stats in particular they will find themselves becoming nearly unstoppable in no time at all. It is up to the player which of these stats they would rather invest more points in, but both of them are great choices. Keep in mind though that Vampirism pairs much better with Critical Chance and other stats in the game.

Loop Hero can be played on PC.

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