Making it through Loop Hero is by no means an easy process. Players will have to compete with a range of different difficult enemies, keep track of all the different ways that cards can be combined in the game, and even rely on a decent amount of random chance to acquire high-quality rewards. Those who don’t stay on their toes probably won’t survive for very long.

One of the most important aspects of the game is understanding how each of the classes work and the best way to play as them. The Warrior class is the first one that the player will begin as. This class doesn’t sport any of the advantages that the Necromancer or Rogue do, but its high defense stat makes it a very interesting class to play around with. This guide shows players how to create the best Warrior build possible.


Loop Hero: The Best Warrior Traits and Stats

Just because the Warrior is the first class in the game doesn’t mean that the class is useless to play as. Essentially the reason to play as this class is that since the Warrior doesn’t bring a lot of unique mechanics to the table, the class is actually incredibly easy to play as. More than likely a player won’t be able to complete the entire game playing as the Warrior, but it does provide enough simplicity to carry players of all skill levels through the early hours of the game.

The trick to playing as the Warrior is sticking to its strong suits. This class isn’t particularly good at evading or dishing out damage, but it is definitely well suited to taking a hit. Since the defense stat is so high already, players will want to focus on increasing this stat as high as they possibly can. This will ensure that the player is able to survive an encounter longer and give them more opportunities to damage their enemies. The other main stat that the player will want to focus on is Regen. Since the warrior has a high amount of defense and health, by increasing the Regen stat the player can ensure that they can stay alive for longer.

It gets a little trickier when looking into traits to acquire for the Warrior because this class doesn’t rely on traits nearly as much as the Rogue or Necromancer. There are three traits for sure that every Warrior will want to have at their disposal if at all possible:

  • Article of Protection – With this equipped the player will receive a second health bar that is equal to 65% of their total health. Every time they complete a loop this bar will refill. Once again anything that grants the Warrior extra health or defense is a great thing to add to the arsenal.
  • Shield Master – Another interesting mechanic in this game is stunning enemies, so this trait grants every attack that the Warrior dishes out a 10% chance of stunning the enemy for one second. That may not sound like a lot, but that can be the deciding factor between the player or their enemy being brought down for good.
  • Blade of Dawn – Every time a new day starts the player’s next attack is able to deal double damage to an entire group of enemies. This is great for bringing down a whole group in one fell swoop.

Once again players can kind of play around with these features a little bit to try and shake things up, but in order to make the Warrior as strong as possible the player should spend their time focusing on Regen and Defense as much as possible to prolong their life.

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Loop Hero – Building the Loop and Strengthening the Warrior

Now the player is going to want to know how to construct their loop in order to allow their Warrior to become as strong as possible. The first thing that the player is going to want to do is focus on building a Mountain Peak. By placing Rock and Mountain cards in a 3×3 grid the player will be able to create a Mountain Peak that grants them an additional 120 points of health, and it increases even more as the player adds Rocks or Mountains next to it. Not only does this make the Warrior tankier, but Peaks summon Harpies instead of normal mountain Goblins which are much easier to defeat.

The player will also want to lay down Meadows and convert them into as many Blooming Meadows as possible. These will boost the player’s health Regen stat considerably and are one of the more common cards in the game. If the player has access to River cards they can also lay those out nearby both Meadows and Mountains/Rocks in order to double all of their effects.

Now there are two other things that the player will want to lay down on their loop in order to make their Warrior more powerful. Battlefield cards in particular are very useful because they can be combined with several other card types (Rivers and other Battlefields for one) in order to create higher quality enemy summons and grant a chance for chests to appear nearby. Both of these will give the player the chance to obtain better gear that will increase their stats considerably.

Players will also want to lay down Vampire Mansions and Village cards next to each other. This will create Ransacked Villages that will eventually be converted into Count’s Manors. Not only does this bring stronger enemies to defeat to the loop, but there are also more opportunities to obtain better quality gear this way.

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If the player has done everything correctly when laying out their loop, the Warrior will be able to move through these areas and kill their enemies, pick up better loot, and then continue to increase their best stats. Players should continue adding Meadows and Mountains/Rocks in as often as possible to raise their Health and Regen as often as possible. Just make sure to have an Oblivion card ready to eliminate any Goblins or Vampires that become a little too strong.

The only other thing to keep in mind with the Warrior is that players should invest time in leveling up their Herbalist’s Hut in order to have more potions on their person. These potions will help keep the player alive for longer, as they will drink one whenever they find themselves low on health. Making the Warrior as defense and healing heavy as possible is more important than damage because the Warrior does have one very specific special ability. For every second that the Warrior is in a combat scenario, they will earn a +2.0% increase to their damage stat. This means that the longer easier battles are drawn out, then the more damage the Warrior will be able to dish out later in the run. This also means that increasing the damage stat with gear is kind of worthless since the player can increase that stat with barely any effort regardless. If players remember to focus on Health, Defense, and Regen they will have a strong Warrior in no time at all.

Loop Hero can be played on PC.

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