Devolver Digital’s Loop Hero launched on March 4 and has already attracted thousands of new players with its uniquely addictive gameplay. Developed by Russian studio Four Quarters, the game revolves around a lone hero who will continue to walk in a loop and automatically fight anything that stands in their path. Battles unfold automatically, and gamers can only play cards to alter the ground Loop Hero‘s protagonist walks on to spawn new enemies, better rewards, and amass resources. One of these cards is called the Treasury.

Treasuries are a pivotal way for players to collect materials so they can upgrade their camp to unlock all of Loop Hero‘s character classes and other perks. While these structures might sound like a place to store items found during an adventure, they’re actually an exhaustible resource. Once a Treasury is constructed, placing an eligible card down next to it will reward players with a random resource. But like most beneficial cards in Loop Hero, there’s a catch or two.


For starters, Loop Hero’s Treasuries can’t be built on a square that is already next to an active card, so building many of them requires careful planning. On top of that, once the tiles surrounding a Treasury have been filled, it will pay out players with a lump sum of materials and transform into an Empty Treasury. These vacant constructs spawn Gargoyles every three days and should not be destroyed using Oblivion cards, since that will cause gamers to lose the resources they previously rewarded. Still, while it might be tempting to create an Empty Treasury immediately, it’s even more beneficial to wait until later in a run.

Loop Hero: Treasury Card Explained

Much like Loop Hero‘s Battlefield card, the rewards that Treasuries pay out scale based on how many loops players have completed. That means the earlier a user creates an Empty Treasury, the fewer resources they’ll receive. It’s more effective to build a treasury and purposefully leave one of its adjacent squares open so they can be turned into an Empty Treasury at a later point of the game, rather than filling them out as they come.

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Timing when to create an Empty Treasury will ensure Gargoyles don’t overwhelm players at the start of a game, and they reap more rewards when they decide to escape the loop. Loop Hero allows users to escape a session and take all of their resources with them when they’re near the beginning of the loop. If players don’t believe they’ll make it past another one of Loop Hero‘s levels, they can fill out all of their Treasuries and escape with far more materials than they would have if they would have fallen victim to a Gargoyle.

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