Gandalf is the only character from Peter Jackson’s six movies in Middle Earth and the wizard plays a huge role in all of the films. Being the wise leader of both the dwarf company and the Fellowship, Gandalf provides great advice and counsel throughout the journeys, which leads him to provide some very quotable lines.

Gandalf is an incredibly clever character, but he is also happy to put people in their place when needed. He also enjoys being involved in fun and jokes as well, which is why he’s such a likable character, but what are his greatest quotes?

10 “All We Have To Decide Is What To Do With The Time That Is Given To Us.”

The main reason that Gandalf is so incredibly quotable is because of how wise he is as a person. He has been around the block and experienced everything there is in Middle Earth, which is why he is smart enough to give Frodo this piece of excellent advice.

It’s a quote that people have really latched onto outside the Lord of the Rings world as well, simply because it suits normal life so well. People only have so long in this world, and it is crucial to make the most of every moment, as Gandalf himself states.

9 “It Will Be Very Good For You, And Most Amusing For Me.”

Gandalf first burst into the world of Hobbits when he arrives at Bilbo Baggins’ door, seeking him out to help with an adventure. While Bilbo has no clue what is going on, Gandalf remains very vague with his wording, however, he does know that joining the dwarves will be good for Bilbo.

That is something that he’s correct about as Bilbo returns to The Shire as a totally different person, with confidence and new skills. The quote also shows Gandalf’s funnier side, as he admits it will be amusing to see Bilbo on the quest, although Gandalf does spend the journey being more concerned about Bilbo than anything else.


8 “You Shall Not Pass!”

When it comes to Gandalf quotes, there are few more iconic than this one. When coming face to face with the Balrog, Gandalf steps up to the plate and knows that he is the only one skilled enough to deal with the beast, and that is exactly what he does.

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His iconic “You shall not pass” quote is what he screams out when they first stare each other down and this showcases how protective of the others Gandalf is. Staring danger in the face, he makes a major stand and it ends up working out for him.

7 “Don’t Tempt Me Frodo.”

This is an iconic line from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring and while it may not showcase Gandalf in a nice manner, it does show how he can quickly turn to be very serious when needed. With Frodo trying to pass off the one ring to Gandalf, this quote in a stern voice makes it very clear he doesn’t want it.

While he is serious with Frodo, he has to be to get the message across. It also shows how kindhearted and good-natured Gandalf really is. He turns down the ring because he knows the damage he can cause with it, thinking about the benefit of everyone else over his own greed.

6 “I Suppose You Think That Was Terribly Clever?”

From the exact same movie in the Shire, Gandalf showcases a lighter side of himself as he addresses Bilbo Baggins and his decision to use the ring to vanish from his own birthday party. Bilbo thinks that he has got one over on everybody, but of course, Gandalf is far too wise to be fooled.

The fact he is already waiting for Bilbo inside his home makes the scene funny as it is, but this quote makes it even greater. He takes a light approach with Bilbo here, unlike the tone he gives to Frodo, but he makes his thoughts very clear in the delivery.

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5 “Death Is Just Another Path. One That We All Must Take.”

Gandalf is great at giving advice which calms other people, and in Lord of the Rings: The Return Of The King, that’s exactly what he does with Pippin. As the young Hobbit worries about death, Gandalf makes it very clear that it is just something that everyone has to go through.

He explains it as the next journey, rather than a definitive end. It’s a beautiful way of looking at death and is something that can put a lot of peoples minds at ease, making it one of his best quotes.

4 “It’s The Deep Breath Before The Plunge.”

Speaking of Gandalf’s time with Pippin in the final movie, the two of them spend a lot of time together before the major battles begin. Gandalf provides a lot of comfort to the Hobbit, and when Pippin is wondering why it is so quiet, Gandalf makes it clear that is simply the quiet before the storm.

He explains it in a very calming and nice way, all while making it very clear that war is about to be upon them. Pippin might be scared, but this shows Gandalf at his best, being a sense of comfort and intelligence.

3 ” I Did Not Pass Through Fire And Death To Bandy Crooked Words With A Witless Worm.”

While Gandalf is, for the most part, a very mild-mannered person who doesn’t often raise his voice, there are certain moments when he makes his feelings very clear. When having to deal with Grima Wormtongue, Gandalf shows that side of himself.

He doesn’t hold back with his thoughts and he sharply fires back at him. It’s a great moment from the series as fans had been patiently waiting for someone to put Grima in his place, and Gandalf just so happened to be the man to do it.

2 “I’ve Been Sent Back Until My Task Is Done.”

Gandalf’s main mission is destroying the one ring, it is something he works on throughout all six movies and he really does lead the group well. When he battles the Balrog, most fans originally assumed he was dead, so when he returns as Gandalf The White, there is a big moment of surprise.

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When he explains his return, this quote is the perfect way of doing that. Making it clear he is back for one purpose, which is to complete his task, and that is it, showcasing how important it is to him.

1 “Fly You Fools.”

This is certainly Gandalf’s greatest quote, purely because of how memorable it is. Anyone who has seen any of the movies tends to remember this one and hardcore fans love it. As Gandalf is being pulled down by the Balrog, he has one final moment of advice for his fellow Fellowship members.

The fact that Gandalf is still so caring and thinking of others in this moment of desperation showcases just how kind he is as a person. He knows that the rest of the group need to flee the area, and he makes that as clear as possible in what the group initially thinks are his final words.

NextLord Of The Rings: 10 Best Rivalries In The Franchise

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