It has been over a decade now since the hits series Lost concluded its final episode. Yet the series has stuck with fans as reference rich nostalgia, meme-able to the fullest extent.

One of the show’s greatest references is the number sequence 4 8 15 16 23 42, used repeatedly throughout the series. They were first discovered in sequence in Danielle’s notes, recognized by Hurley as his winning numbers that brought him more bad luck than good. They were again found in the hatch as the code executed by Desmond every 108 minutes to prevent uncertain disaster. Fans of the show have become fond of the numbers, using them at every given moment, memes included.

10 Bad Luck Brian Wins The Lottery

This classic meme originated on Reddit in 2012 with an intentionally awkward high school photo posted by a friend of real life ‘Brian’, Kyle Craven. Supposedly, at the time of taking the picture, Craven rubbed his face until it was red and expressed the famous smile prompting his principal to demand a retake.

In true fashion, Craven was meme’d into Bad Luck Brian whom absolutely nothing good happens to. So if Bad Luck Brian won the lottery with the infamously unlucky set of numbers, you just know an equally awful fate awaits him with his winnings.

9 Expanding Brain Meme

When it comes to numbers, there are a couple of universal ones that crop up everywhere, namely for inappropriate reasons. For some unknown reason, human dirtbag brains love to constantly include these numbers in their lives as if they mean something.

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The Exploding Brain meme really touches on the human need to recognize and categorize. In this case, at the top of the list of unlucky numbers are the Lost sequence numbers that fans both love and fear.


8 Tada Will Smith

Any true Lost fan does not pick numbers at random. They have an ingrained set in their mind that appears with little to no prompt and fans are ready to rattle them off in sequence at any time, even when they know they should not.

So when they are actually prompted to give ‘random’ numbers, the numbers are not at all random. And as much as they do not want to give them, tada, there they are!

7 Slap The Button, Execute 4 8 15 16 23 42

When the Hatch (or Swan Station) was discovered, it unveiled an increasingly complex plot involving electromagnetism, fate, and this number sequence fans cannot seem to forget. Part of that complexity includes Desmond Hume having to execute this number sequence every 108 minutes to advert disaster. The one time he fails to, flight 815 crash-lands on the island.

So naturally, when faced with solving world poverty or world hunger, versus executing 4 8 15 16 23 42, Lost fans will pick the numbers every single time.

6 Jacob’s Email Password

This one is more of a comic strip than a meme but it still counts for a good laugh. At the beginning of the series, the writers did not really have any full intention for the numbers until suddenly they became a part of everything in the show.

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Each of the numbers represents a different passenger, six in total, who were prospective replacements for Jacob, the island guardian. If you consider how often a single individual forgets their own password, it would definitely need to be written down a million times for someone taking over a job.

5 Hey I Just Met You And This Is Crazy

Carly Rae Jepsen’s catchy tune is not just an earworm, it’s also super meme-able. It’s like Frank’s Red Hot, you can put those lyrics on everything.

Combine a picture of sweetheart bachelor Hurley, those all-too-clever lyrics, and a set of unlucky numbers, well then you have a meme that is so good it’s almost sad. When you remember his short-lived romance with Libby who was unfortunately shot, we really start to feel bad for the unlucky guy.

4 Bad Joke Eel

Of course, there is room for a ‘Bad Joke Eel’ meme. There is infinite room for the number of possible puns in any given series. This one is simply too easy but also perfectly adequate.

It’s actually well layered with the fact that Lost fans would totally play the numbers in the lottery and they probably would lose. Not to mention the set of numbers are not really meant to be lucky so it is really a waste of a ticket. Nonetheless, impulse beckons and you can guarantee numerous fans have tried these numbers at least once.


2 Complicated WIFI Password

Anyone that has ever had to type a wifi password of any level of complication can relate to this meme. Even typing your own password can be hard sometimes, let alone a case-sensitive combination of numbers and letters at the loud restaurant you just sat down at – did you hear the waiter right?

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It is especially relatable for Lost fans who remember the hieroglyphs displayed on the countdown clock in the hatch. The official translation of the hieroglyphs is said to mean ‘underworld’. True fans step up, this could be your new wifi password.

1 One Does Not Simply Forget The Numbers

This meme has been around forever and it rarely disappoints. It originated from Lord of the Rings with Boromir proclaiming ‘One does not simply walk into Mordor’ which is honestly hilarious in itself.

Lost fans simply cannot forget the numbers. They are everywhere. They use them to play the lottery. They use them in memes. They might as well name their children after them. This meme is more of a reminder than a meme and fans are laughing until they cry just a little bit.

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