Poor John Locke. He always knew there was something strange going on on that island, but it took him a fair few seasons to get any support, and his death to truly let it all sink in. Then he came back physically, but with his actions controlled by The Man In Black, and things took a turn towards a more evil version of Locke.

However, even when John Locke wasn’t controlled by the immortal spirit of an Island guardian, he did a few questionable things. We’ve ranked ten of them.

10 The Whole Man In Black Situation

Obviously, the stuff we saw ‘John Locke’ do in season six was way worse across the board than anything we saw him do in the previous seasons. He killed people like it was nothing and wandered around being like a brutal, aggressive, and angry dictator.

However, we can’t really say it was John Locke that did any of it; he had just been killed by Ben. That’s why the time The Man In Black spent possessing and controlling Locke’s body only makes it to number ten on our list.

9 Kept Killing Animals

The plane crash meant a massive group of people was stuck on a deserted island with barely any food or water. They had to survive. We get that. John Locke’s new legs allowed him to fulfill his dreams of exploration, so he would frequently wander off into the forest to forage and hunt, sometimes bringing back animals for dinner.

The group probably wouldn’t have made it very far if it wasn’t for being able to eat the native animals, but still, a lot of Locke’s character in those early days revolved around him wanting to kill animals.


8 Judged People

This was one of Locke’s fatal flaws. In effect, he became an elderly man who was being bullied by a group of people much younger and much less experienced than him. We didn’t like to see it, but there was no denying that in certain situations he brought it on himself.

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After landing on the Island and getting his legs back, he became a man of faith. Fair enough, his legs just magically started working again. However, the problem with this transformation is that he became judgy of everyone else, who would rather have followed a scientific route.

7 Killed Mattingly

Throughout most of Lost, John Locke remained kind and caring, no matter how many times he was dragged down by the other survivors. This meant he didn’t do a whole lot of killing in his time. When the time came, however, Locke stepped up to save Juliet.

He threw a knife into his side, killing him. This was necessary because if he hadn’t, Juliet would have been stabbed to death, but it still showed the darker side of John Locke.

6 Kept Trying To Trust His Father

Half of John Locke’s background was built around his obsession with trying to reconnect with his father. His father ended up being one of the evilest characters in the show, using Locke for his kidney and then being the reason for his disability.

But after a while, and after all of the betrayals and representations of evil, Locke still kept trying and still kept forcing himself to trust his father. In the end, it only caused bad things to happen, so he should have stopped much earlier on.

5 Wandered Off On His Own

While the group was working out the quirks of the Island in season one, way before the show transformed into a massive conspiracy show full of time travel and alternate reality, John would sort of do his own thing. A lot of the time, this didn’t have much of an influence either way, but most of the time he wouldn’t even tell anyone where he was going.

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This meant people were wasting their time running around trying to find out where he had disappeared to, or he wasn’t there to help when they needed him.

4 Got A Bit Obsessed With The Hatch

Speaking of Locke running off on his own: when he an Boone were trying to dig up and enter the hatch, no one really knew they were there. And they were there a lot.

Locke’s obsession with the hatch meant he let all of his other duties slip to the side, leaving the rest of the camp to feel the negative impact while he tried to smash open a massive metal thing with no luck.

3 Became Leader Of ‘The Others’

The entirety of season one and two made The Others seem like some scary, otherworldly group who were going to fight against the survivors.

In the end, we found out that most of them were alright. However, Locke’s decision to abandon his group and take control of theirs was very strange.

2 Trusted Ben

When Ben was first introduced to the show, he was masquerading as Henry Gale. There was certainly something creepy about the man, but John decided to trust that he truly wasn’t a member of The Others.

It was effectively his fault that Ben was able to escape, and if Locke hadn’t trusted him, a fair few people would still be alive. In fact, Ben was eventually the one to kill John Locke, so if he had been a little more careful, he might not have even died.

1 Put Them All In Danger

After forcing everyone to press the button in the hatch for days and days on end, John Locke eventually convinced everyone it was something that needed to be done. Then by the end of season two, he had done a full 180 and was convinced the button meant nothing. He tried to stop people pressing the button, then when Desmond was about to stop the event he had created a few months ago from happening again, he destroyed the computer.

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This caused a massive amount of energy to build up and make the entire station implode. His own arrogance that he was right caused himself to lose his voice, and nearly kill everyone else.

Next10 TV Shows Where Dead Characters Kept Coming Back