Felix Weston is a social pariah in the world of Love, Victor, but fans of the show adore him. He takes up the sidekick role next to Victor, The show’s main protagonist. Victor’s constant anxiety is combatted by Felix’s upbeat optimism. Reassurances from him convince Victor and the audience that everything will work out in the end.

Not all of his screentime is devoted to his interactions with Victor. Actor Anthony Turpel’s quirky character gets the chance to do some self-discovery too. Reveals come fast from this rambling character, so fans understandably may have missed a few things about Felix.

10 He Avoids Going Home

By Episode 4, the Salazars are already noticing how often Felix turns up at their table for mealtimes. He spends his days at every house but his own. Even school is a better alternative despite all the bullies. Skipping would be simple for him since no one is monitoring his attendance. He chooses to go anyway.

Everyone brushes it off when Felix tells his friend group that he feels like part of the Salazar family. Felix is not joking. He has to feel more at home there than he’s felt anywhere else for a long time.

9 He Has A Job

Not enough time is spent detailing this character’s life to figure out where he gets his money from, but it has to be work. He is able to afford gas money and school lunches. After subtracting these expenses, he’s left with enough money to sponsor a manatee and buy DJ equipment. Fans already know that the money can’t be coming from his mother. The disability payments for her depression might cover his living expenses. Felix must be picking up work on the side to collect some pocket money.


8 He Can’t Keep A Secret

Lake asks Felix to keep their relationship between the two of them. He tells Pilar about it the first chance gets. This is after she makes it clear that she does not want to know.

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Felix almost spills Victor’s secret the day after he comes out to him. He blurts out Victor’s sexuality in the middle of a school hallway for everyone to hear. That was just half of Victor’s secret. The part about Victor’s kiss with Benji slips out when Pilar interrogates him at the Spring Fling.

7 He Is Insecure

At first, it doesn’t seem like much can get to this kid. He endures maltreatment from his classmates, his best friend, and his crush with a smile. Once they’re ready to apologize, he doesn’t hesitate to forgive them. Benji isn’t treated with the same sense of understanding.

Felix warns Victor not to get close to Benji because people might think he’s gay, too. However, Felix isn’t at all bothered to discover that Victor is gay. Felix isn’t intolerant; he’s afraid. The things people say about him hurt him far more than he lets on.

6 He Loves Stripes

Nothing gets into Felix’s closet unless it has stripes. Vertical, horizontal, and plaid all work. On days when he’s feeling extra bold, he’ll mix all three. Striped, long sleeve shirts are his first choice. Cold-weather that demands more coverage calls for a sweater with a few stripes across the middle. The episode in which he is required to wear all yellow is an exception. Almost. At the last minute, Felix puts on a sweatband, completing his look with a single yellow stripe.

5 Victor Is His Only Friend

Moments after Felix meets Victor, he proclaims that they’re best friends. There must not have been many other candidates if Victor won the spot so quickly. This is shocking even if Felix is considered the school loser. He can’t be the only geek at Creekwood but no one is willing to risk talking to him. This is a tragedy since he proves to be an excellent friend. Victor is lucky to have met someone so supportive and loving on his first day in Georgia.

4 He’s Charitable

When listing some of the things that people don’t know about him, Felix says that he sponsors a manatee named Jessica. He pays money to support an animal that he doesn’t get to see. Felix can’t have much money to spend since he’s worse off than Victor. Those donations come from pure selflessness. This act makes it clearer that he helps Victor with his endless problems out of the goodness of his heart. It also means he loves animals; another reason why he and Lake get along so well.

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3 His Hair Looks Like That On Purpose

Felix always looks like he rolled out of bed and into the school halls. This disheveled style makes sense with how much she has to deal with at home.

Victor is shocked to discover that he styles his hair this way intentionally. That checks out since Felix is so meticulous about every other part of his life. He’s an early riser with plenty of time to sculpt the perfect bedhead look. This carefree hairstyle suits his happy go lucky personality.

2 He Always Plans Ahead

Felix is dressed and ready at Victor’s door when most people would still be hitting the snooze button. He showed up more than 20 minutes earlier than the time that they decided on.

In Episode 3, Felix tells Victor that he likes making scented shampoos. He immediately realizes that Victor will now know what he’s getting for his birthday. This is just a few days after they first met. Felix has already made plans for this new friend’s birthday gift.

1 He’s Not Wealthy Like The Other Students

Andrew pokes fun at Victor’s middle-class status by pointing out that he lives in the same neighborhood as Felix. If that’s the case, Felix must be lower-income than his classmates, too. His situation has to be far worse than Victor’s. Felix says that his mother rarely gets out of bed. That would make it impossible for her to maintain a job and bring in any substantial income. A second parent could support them both, but Felix never mentions the presence of one.

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