Love, Victor, a spin-off show based on the successful movie Love, Simon, is filled with many characters with amazing qualities, so that means many potential partner material! It’s no secret young adult television shows are riddled with love triangles, and the first season of Love, Victor came prepared.

Throughout season one of Love, Victor, audiences have the chance to ship two different people for Victor: Mia or Benji. Mia is the popular girl everyone loves, but Benji is the lead singer of a band with dreamy eyes for days. So which one should Victor end up with? Here are the 5 reasons Mia is endgame and the 5 reasons it’s Benji.

10 Mia: She Understands Victor’s Family Struggles

One of the main reasons Mia is a great girlfriend to Victor is that she can relate to the family struggles he is going through. Mia has had her own fair share of family heartbreak – her mom left her and her dad when Mia was a young girl.

Even though Victor’s mom didn’t run off to start a new life, the affair that’s putting a strain on the family is something Mia knows all too well, and because of it, she can easily be there for Victor.

9 Benji: He’s Insanely Romantic

Not everyone is a romantic, but Benji definitely is and this is why he’s so swoon-worthy. He recreated the restaurant setting he and his (now ex) boyfriend went to on their first date for their one year anniversary!

In addition, he sang a slowed-down version of “Call Me Maybe” on the same day he danced to that song with Victor. Everyone needs a little romance in their life, so why not Victor?


8 Mia: She Puts In Effort

A relationship that lacks effort isn’t a relationship to keep around. But when it comes to Mia, she goes the extra mile every time.

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She was the best girlfriend she could be when meeting Victor’s family, even going so far as to talk to Pilar when she stormed off to her room. She’s the master at checking in via text, even if Victor didn’t respond most of the time. Mia is always around for Victor and that effort shows.

7 Benji: He’s Open

One of the best qualities of Benji is that he’s utterly open and honest with Victor. Benji goes to Victor for relationship advice and they even have a heart to heart more than once on their road trip to fix their coffee machine.

It takes a lot for someone to open up to someone else and that’s exactly why Love, Victor’s Benji and Victor are endgame.

6 Mia: She’s Supportive

If there’s one thing Mia is, it’s supportive. For instance, she cheers on for Victor at his basketball games!

She dressed to impress at his birthday party to show his family she’s respectable, and she helped out Victor’s mom, even when she was being cold to Mia. These selfless acts are just another great reason why Mia is good for Victor.

5 Benji: He’s Understanding

When Benji and his boyfriend at the time showed up at Victor’s birthday party, Victor asked him a huge favor: to not show affection with his boyfriend in front of his Abuelo. This request was a huge ask of Benji and it even insulted his boyfriend.

Benji may not have liked it, but Benji understood the struggle and pressure Victor was under at his birthday party around his Abuelo. He knew what was on the line for Victor and that kind of deep understanding can go a long way.

4 Mia: She’s Forgiving

It’s no lie that Victor flaked on Mia…a lot. But the best part is that even though it frustrated Mia, she was forgiving with Victor about it.

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Victor wasn’t ready to vocalize his internal struggle with Mia until he was ready. So that meant excuse after excuse of why he had to blow her off a couple of episodes in a row. But despite his flakiness, Mia ultimately forgave him and gave him chances to redeem himself.

3 Benji: He Sets Boundaries

Every person has boundaries they need to set in order to stay healthy. If not, things can go dark really fast. And setting healthy boundaries is exactly what Benji does in Love, Victor! Victor misread the signs and kissed Benji in act of passion in a hotel room, much to Benji’s surprise.

Clearly, Victor crossed a line and Benji needed Victor to know that what he did was wrong. Benji setting boundaries wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, it was an act of self-respect, and it’s a perfectly great reason why Benji would be the one for Victor.

2 Mia: She’s A Total Sweetheart

The smile, the personality, the look – Mia is an ultimate sweetheart. Sure, she may be feisty when it comes to Veronica, but at the end of the day, Mia is the total bake-cookies-when-she-comes-over type and that’s why she’s great for Victor.

With all the chaos in his personal life, a little bit of Mia’s charm and patience will go a long way with him.

1 Benji: He’s Responsible

Another reason to love Benji? He’s responsible in the best way. Not only is he the store manager of a coffee shop as well as being a full-time student, but he’s also the lead singer in a band.

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That means he has time for his studies and his extracurriculars as well as maintaining a hobby he’s passionate about. Balancing multiple things can be difficult for a person, but Benji takes it in stride and then some!

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