At the end of Pixar’s new fantasy adventure Luca, the titular sea monster makes the difficult choice about his future, and a few tears are shed as Luca says goodbye to his family and his new best friend, Alberto. Fortunately, Luca‘s credits feature an epilogue in the form of still drawings that show what happens to the characters next.

Directed by Enrico Casarosa, Luca is set over a summer in the coastal town of Portorosso, in the Italian Riviera. Luca Paguro is a sea monster boy who lives with his parents and spends all day herding goatfish. One day he has a chance encounter with another sea monster boy, Alberto, who lives on the surface most of the time and claims to be an expert on human affairs. When his parents threaten to send him to live in the deep sea with his creepy Uncle Ugo, Luca decides to run away with Alberto to Portorosso, where they befriend a fiery girl called Giulia and lock horns with the local bully, Ercole Visconti.


As Luca, Alberto and Giulia train to beat Ercole in an upcoming race, jealousy threatens to tear the underdogs apart and the weather threatens to reveal Luca and Alberto’s true nature. Here’s our breakdown of Luca‘s ending, the movie’s overall message, and what the epilogue reveals.

What Happened To Alberto’s Father

When Luca first meets Alberto, the older boy tells him that he lives with his father on the island, but his dad is away a lot. It’s not until the two friends have a major falling-out that Luca learns the truth: Alberto’s father left him a long time ago, and isn’t coming back. One day he told Alberto that he was old enough to live on his own and abandoned him, but Alberto initially kept track of the days in the hope that his father would one day change his mind. It’s unclear whether Alberto’s dad went back to the ocean or stayed on the land, but based on the number of tally marks Alberto made before he stopped counting, he’s been on his own for several years.

This reveal explains why Alberto is so jealous of Luca’s friendship with Giulia. He’s afraid that Luca will leave him all alone, just like Alberto’s father did, so Luca instinctively rejecting him when he transformed into his sea monster form in front of Giulia was particularly traumatic. Fortunately Luca offers a happy ending for Alberto when Massimo, who has grown of fond of him while the boys were staying in Giulia’s treehouse, offers to let Alberto live with him permanently. This not only gives Alberto a father figure and someone to take care of him so that he can fully enjoy his childhood, but also gives the kind-hearted and instinctively paternal Massimo someone to care for while Giulia spends most of the year living with her mother.

Why Luca Decides To Go Away To School

For most of Luca‘s story, the two boys dream of buying a Vespa because Alberto says it could take them anywhere in the world. When they finally get the Vespa, though, Alberto realizes there’s another way that it can help Luca travel beyond Portorosso. Earlier in the movie the friends discussed how they could take the “useless” prize money from the race and turn it into a Vespa. In the same way, Alberto takes the Vespa and turns it into a train ticket so that Luca can go to school with Giulia and satisfy his immense curiosity about the wider world. After being accepted by the people of Portorosso and finding a new home with Massimo, Alberto is able to put his abandonment issues aside and trust that he and Luca will remain friends even when they’re not together.

Luca is initially torn over the decision to leave his family behind. Though he may have run away from home, he still loves his parents and grandmother and doesn’t want to be parted from them. But he’s also growing up and has discovered a great hunger for knowledge that he can only pursue by going to school. Luca’s willingness to get on the train shows just how empowering his friendship with Alberto and Giulia has been. Alberto’s “Silencio, Bruno!” mantra has helped Luca overcome his fear of the unknown, and Giulia has helped him discover the joys of learning about the universe.

The overriding message of Luca‘s ending can be summarized by the old adage, “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.” Sooner or later, parents need to let their children explore the outside world in order to blossom into the person they’re supposed to be. Luca’s parents arranging for him to go to school is actually an act of love, and so is Alberto selling the Vespa to pay for Luca’s train ticket.

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The Meaning of Luca’s Final Scene

In Luca‘s poignant final scene, Luca leans out of the train taking him to Genova and looks back at his parents and Alberto tearfully. As the rain drenches him, he changes into his sea monster form. Just as he seems to be overwhelmed with sadness, though, he looks out over the water and sees that there’s a gap in the rain clouds over Alberto’s island, which is still bathed in sunlight. Luca is comforted by this, and his sadness changes to excitement as he looks ahead to his new life. For Luca, the sight of the island is a reminder that at one point he was afraid to set foot on the island, but when he faced his fears (and said “Silencio, Bruno!“) he discovered an amazing new world on the surface, made new friends, and learned new skills like walking, bike-riding and eating with a fork. Though it was scary at the time, it ultimately worked out for the best, and going to school probably will as well.

What Happens To Luca & Giulia Next

The still drawings in Luca‘s end credits show snapshots of his life with Giulia and her mother, an artist who welcomes Luca into her home. Crucially, they reveal that Luca doesn’t need to hide his sea monster identity at school, and even demonstrates his ability to change forms to his amazed teacher and classmates. Meanwhile, he fulfils his dream of learning more about the surface world: he and Giulia are shown watching a movie in the theater, going to a library in the winter, and looking at the stars through the school’s big telescope. He writes lots of letters to Alberto and his family, maintaining his connections to his home even as he starts to grow up. Meanwhile, Giulia – who confessed to being treated like an outsider because of her loud personality – now has a kindred spirit who shares her interests and won’t ever tell her she’s “too much.”

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What Happens to Alberto & Luca’s Family Next

Back in Portorosso, Alberto finds not only a new father figure but an entire new family. Through their shared bond with Luca and Giulia, Alberto and Massimo also become unofficial members of the Paguro family. In some drawings the Paguros visit the surface, and in others Alberto and Massimo (with the help of the diving suit) visit the Paguros under the ocean. That family gets a lot bigger when Machiavelli fathers a large litter of mustachioed kittens, and Alberto’s tortoise friend Caligola comes to live with them as well. It appears that the hatred and fear of sea monsters in Portorosso is gone, and they’re treated like neighbors instead of a threat. Well, most of them.

Luca’s Post-Credits Scene Explained

Uncle Ugo misses out on most of the drama, but returns in Luca‘s post-credits scene as he welcomes someone to his creepy home in the deep sea trenches. His guest is revealed to be one of the goatfish from the Paguros’ herd, who doesn’t look at all happy about his new home. Between Ugo’s eyes pointing in different directions and his extremely odd personality, he probably he brought the goatfish back with him believing it is his beloved nephew, Luca. At least the poor goatfish will always have a ready supply of rotting whale carcass.

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