Lupin Part 2 ending explained. The French series became quite popular when it first debuted on Netflix in January and the wait is finally over for the release of Part 2. With a cliffhanger that left fans wondering what Assane Diop (Omar Sy) would get up to next and whether he would be caught by Detective Youssef Guedira (Soufiane Guerrab), there was a lot of pressure for the second half to deliver on the heist plans and mystery Lupin set up in Part 1. 

The end of Lupin Part 1 left off with Raoul, Assane and Claire’s son, being kidnapped by Leonard, one of the devious Hubert Pellegrini’s henchmen. Meanwhile, Guedira seemed like he was finally on to Assane and arrived in town just as Raoul was being carted away, while finally coming face-to-face with Assane himself. Lupin Part 2 picked up immediately where the first half left off, providing audiences with plenty of action, fresh schemes, and Assane’s determined goal to take down Pellegrini for framing his father (and killing journalist Fabienne Beriot) once and for all. 


Full of twists and turns, Lupin Part 2 wrapped up its main plot while also setting up a potential Part 3.  With Pellegrini and Dumont, who covered up the rich man’s crimes on the police side of things, arrested and Assane on the run, the finale of Part 2 had a lot of loose ends to tie up before it wrapped.

Assane’s Final Plan Explained (& Pellegrini’s Goal)

Assane enjoys pulling cons and just when the audience believes he’ll be caught, he’s quick to ensure he had it all figured out from the start. Assane had to go into hiding after he was framed for Leonard’s death, one that was staged by Pellegrini, who sent another one of his henchmen after Leonard. This was a major setback to Assane’s plans because he suddenly found himself on the run from the police, with the cops being called to his home to find Leonard and all of his disguises. But, of course, Assane was already several steps ahead because he had already hired a young man, going by the name of Philippe Courbet, to act as Pellegrini’s financial advisor, who convinced the man to turn Juliette’s charity concert into an opportunity to launder the money being donated to the Canary Islands. Assane also pitted Juliette against her father, which led to convincing her mother to out Pellegrini as well (though that only lasted so long). 

Pellegrini loved nothing more than to get richer than he was, even if he had to steal the money straight from his daughter’s foundation. Not only was Assane able to redirect the money into the charity’s account, but he used a smartwatch to record Pellegrini’s confession, which included plans to frame Babakar Diop from the start for the theft of the necklace, then have Leonard kill him in prison before collecting on the insurance money. Pellegrini thought he had the upper hand the entire time, only to realize he’s been played and publicly shamed by Assane, who made sure to show a picture of him and his father at the concert while detailing Pellegrini’s schemes on stage. The blow to Pellegrini’s ego is likely what Assane wanted and there’s nothing like being embarrassed and outed in front of other rich and powerful people for the rich criminal to feel the true effects of Assane’s well-plotted revenge. With the assistance of Guedira, who was able to gather clues to find the flash drive full of evidence against both Dumont and Pellegrini, Assane was able to send the confession and get away unscathed. A master con man indeed.   

Who Is Ganimard? Guedira’s Connection To Lupin Books 

Guedira was the only one to figure out that Assane was pulling from Maurice Leblanc’s Arsène Lupin stories as inspiration for his heists. While he spent the majority of Part 1 connecting the dots, Lupin Part 2 officially finds Guedira and Assane loosely working together to take down Pellegrini. Their enemies-turned-friends story is similar to that of Inspector Justin Ganimard and Lupin from Leblanc’s books and Assane confirms as much to the detective when he reveals he knows exactly who he is. 

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In Leblanc’s stories, Ganimard is constantly chasing Lupin from one escapade to another. Wherever Lupin goes, Ganimard is never far behind. Naturally, Lupin gets annoyed by this because he wants to do his own thing without the threat of being caught hanging over his head at every turn. Despite their contentious relationship, however, Lupin has respect for Ganimard, who is the only person capable of getting close enough to figuring out his schemes. In Lupin, Guedira is also the only one who pieces together the clues of Assane’s plans, with the latter trusting the detective enough to do the right thing and solve the puzzle to take down both Pellegrini and Dumont.

Where Assane Will Go After Pellegrini’s Arrest

While Lupin seemingly wrapped up the story by finally having Pellegrini arrested for his crimes, Assane had to leave Paris to avoid being caught by the police. He’s in even more of a sticky situation because it’s not like he can hide at Benjamin’s store or his apartment now that they’ve both been discovered by the cops. They would go looking for him at Claire and Raoul’s place, so heading there is clearly off the table as well. Assane could go anywhere at this point, wear a disguise, and hop on a train out of Paris without being detected. He could go to England, Italy, but he could also head to the south of France if he is hesitant to leave the country altogether. But would he hide out alone? 

Aside from Babakar, Assane has made no mention of other relatives. His mother, who is presumed dead, is barely referenced and Assane remains quiet when Anne Pellegrini questions what happened to her in Part 1. It’s possible Assane will leave France and reconnect with relatives living elsewhere in Europe. He could hide out with them before eventually returning to Paris. It would be a good way to explain where Assane goes next and to expand on his backstory that doesn’t have to do with his father’s death. Considering the mystery surrounding his mother, Lupin Part 3 could also see Assane reconnecting with her wherever she might live. Assane needs a place to go to hide out for a while and, although he is usually a lone wolf, even a gentleman thief needs connections. 

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What’s Next For Assane & Claire (Will They Get Back Together?)

Claire and Assane hit even more of a rough patch in Lupin Part 2. After the scare of Raoul’s kidnapping, Claire went to Pellegrini which, in many ways, betrayed Assane. He was hurt by this and the fact that she wouldn’t return his calls, but she was also scared about Raoul being involved in the dangerous life Assane was involved in. Despite their ups and downs and Claire’s disappointment regarding Assane’s broken promises, she seems willing to forgive Assane by the end of Part 2, especially after discovering the entire story about Pellegrini and his framing of Assane’s father. 

The fact that she comes with Raoul to meet Assane at their bridge says a lot and it seems like the first step to repairing their relationship going forward. The pair have never really stopped loving each other, but their romance has hit a lot of bumps in the road because of Assane’s focus on taking down Pellegrini. Now that he’s been arrested, Assane and Claire could start fresh in that there are no longer any lies between them. With the way things ended, it’s possible that they could give their relationship another shot. That said, the fact that Assane is now on the run makes things increasingly complicated for their future and it’s unclear whether the pair will ever have a stable relationship because of Assane’s con man life.

What Lupin Story Assane Could Pull From In Lupin Part 3

Omar Sy has already hinted that Lupin Part 3 is coming, but there has been no official confirmation from Netflix. The show’s creator, George Kay, has also stated that there has been work done on another installment of the series. While the chapter on Pellegrini is closed, there are plenty more tales to be told. After all, Assane is on the run and could therefore plan a number of cons to get back to Paris without having the police come after him. Lupin Part 3 could pull from “The Mysterious Mansion,” which sees Arsène Lupin disguised as a sailor who winds up at a count’s mansion to uncover the mysterious history surrounding two wealthy families who hate each other. 

Lupin Part 3 could also tackle “The Countess of Cagliostro,” which could take Assane to Italy. In the story, Lupin steals money from a casino only to discover it’s counterfeit. He is eventually thrown into the orbit of a countess, an old treasure, and a mystery involving the countess’ youthfulness despite her claim of being more than a 100 years old. There were already hints of “The Countess of Cagliostro” in Lupin Part 2, when Assane tried to trick Leonard by bringing up a detail from that very story. However, Part 3 could expand on it. It’s also possible for Assane to meet his own Herlock Sholmes — Leblanc’s spin on the name after Arthur Conan Doyle complained about the original use of his character — in the next season. Herlock was referenced in Part 3, but the show could go all in with a true battle of wits. Whatever comes next, there are plenty of stories remaining for Lupin to tackle from the source material while continuing to add its own twists. 

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