She may have played one of the most powerful feminist icons to ever grace the screen, but Lynda Carter is sharing her own stories of sexual misconduct from the set of the ’70s Wonder Woman TV show.

The former Miss World America helped bring Wonder Woman to life in 1975 and stayed with the show over its three-season run. Playing the titular Diana Prince, Carter became synonymous with the role of the fierce Amazonian warrior woman – continuing that legacy ever since. Now, in the wake of the Weinstein scandal and various #MeToo stories, Carter is reminding fans that even a superhero like Wonder Woman can’t always battle the tyranny of Tinsel Town.


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The 66-year old has come forward with a string of shocking abuse claims, which she says started when she took on the iconic role of Diana. Sharing her story with The Daily Beast, Carter wanted to highlight what’s happened to her over her decades in Hollywood, and in particular, when playing Wonder Woman. On the set of the show, Carter claims that a member of the crew “drilled a hole in [her] dressing room wall” to watch her undress:

“They caught him, fired him, and drummed him out of the business. I fended off my share. And I’ve been afraid. If a man tried something, I would say, ‘Are you kidding me?'”

Worryingly, the allegations don’t end there. Carter also revealed that she was subjected to the abuse of one man already being “done in” by the #MeToo movement, but feels that he is already getting his comeuppance:

“I can’t add anything to it. I wish I could. But there’s nothing legally I could add to it, because I looked into it. I’m just another face in the crowd. I wish I could, and if I could I would. And I would talk about it. But it ends up being about me, and not about the people who can talk about it. I don’t want it to be about me, it’s not about me. It’s about him being a scumbag. So legally I can’t do anything. If I could, I would.”

Melissa Benoist and Lynda Carter on the Supergirl TV show

Sadly, she also highlighted that the wave of stories only just coming out of the woodwork are nothing new. While those in the industry have come out against the likes of Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, John Lasseter, and Brett Ratner, Carter says it has been an epidemic since she first put on the costume and probably long before:

“I asked my husband if he was surprised by all the #MeToo stories. ‘Yeah, I’m surprised,’ he said. Ask any woman, they’re not surprised. It’s been going on for years. It’s not news to [women], but it is news to [men]. We’ve been trying to tell you. We’ve been trying to tell you for a long time and you haven’t listened.”

Wonder Woman represented a breakthrough role for Carter – leading to roles in the likes of Super Troopers and more recently Supergirl – so it is sad to think that these incidents were happening to her at such a young age. Heading to 2018, Wonder Woman herself is more relevant than ever, with Patty Jenkins finally bringing the character to the silver screen with last year’s Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot may have taken over from Carter as the leading lady, but it hasn’t stop Jenkins and Warner Bros. tipping Carter for her own cameo in Wonder Woman 2 to show just how influential Carter’s performance was. Just like her TV counterpart, Carter seems to be adamant to fight injustice and wave her flag high as a role model to many out there.

While it is tragic that it has come this far, at least Carter has the courage to come forward and talk about her experience with others who may be in the same boat or simply those who want justice to be served. She may not name names and point fingers, but sharing her ordeal with the media will only help to stregnthen the likes of #MeToo and give victims the solidarity that they need at this time.

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Source: The Daily Beast

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