Over the past decade the Madden series has introduced various new modes, such as the Ultimate Team mode from EA’s successful FIFA franchise, The Yard, and more. The heart of Madden for hardcore fans, though, is Franchise, a mode that had grown rather stagnate in recent years. Not for long, though, as Madden 22 is giving some serious attention to the fan-favorite mode.

EA has already showed off a number of gameplay improvements in Madden 22 such as the Dynamic Gameday features and Next Gen Stats overhaul, and it has also given players a glimpse of some big changes for Madden 22’s Franchise as well. Recently, the company went more in-depth with the most essential update for Franchise – scouting. There are some major improvements for Madden’s scouting feature like position scouting, regional focus, and more, but players won’t be able to check them when Madden 22 first launches.


Scouting is the lifeblood of Franchise mode. While the other improvements Madden 22 is bringing to Franchise, like the weekly strategy and coaching skill trees, are substantial changes players have wanted for some time, Franchise mode dies without scouting. When players are going for twenty or so years into a Franchise league, they have to have draft classes to replenish and improve their rosters. However, this year’s release will follow the strategy of Madden 21‘s periodic Franchise updates. Once Madden 22’s scouting update does hit, though, players will have a lot to enjoy.

What’s New In Madden 22’s Scouting Update

One of the biggest headaches of the old Madden scouting system is its static nature and the weekly allotment of points just to work through each round. Those days will soon be gone, though, as Madden 22 will introduce a new dynamic draft board that updates multiple times a year organically and also by influence of the players. So, if players find a prospect projected in the fifth or sixth round with first-round talent, they won’t stay there anymore. As Madden 22 players scout prospects it brings national attention to said person, and other teams will take notice as well, moving that player up the draft rankings as the season progresses.

This rolls into the new Madden scouting system where players have both national scouts and regional scouts, and they all have various position specialties. This means it will no longer will it be as simple as finding each Madden class’s best rookies and working to snag them. Players will have to strategize the positions they need most, hire staff that can focus on that position, and then find which region has the best prospects. Once they find some potential draft choices, the game becomes even more complex, bringing the whole experience closer to a more nuanced reality of real-world scouting.

Each new year in Madden 22’s Franchise mode will see changes in where the top prospects are concentrated to keep players on their toes, and EA has already said there are more updates to come throughout the years, such as additional abilities for Madden 22’s scouting staff. The scouting improvements go along with the myriad of other updates that were much-needed in Madden. It is currently uncertain when this update will actually be available, but in a recent Deep Dive EA says its “targeting September.” So fans eager to check out the Franchise improvements for Madden 22 will have to stay tuned closer to launch for when these features will actually be added.

Source: EA/YouTube

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