In April 2021, HBO Max released all eight episodes of the first season of Made for Love, a comedy-drama-thriller hybrid starring Cristin Milioti and Billy Magnussen. Considering the series left myriad cliffhangers by the time the first arc of the show wrapped up, fans were definitely clamoring for a renewal of the show.

The powers that be on the new streaming service came through, in the end. Made for Love was renewed for a second season. Hopefully, the show will use its new episodes to answer all the questions fans still have after season 1.

10 What Is The Public’s View Of The Hub?

The first season revolved around a core group of characters, some of whom were not even included in the action until the back half of the show. But it would be fascinating for the show to expand beyond that circle and think of how the world, at large, views the hub.

Yes, a journalist got into the mix in season one, but the public perception of an aloof tech billionaire would be fun to explore. Anchoring and expanding the narrow view of the hub could help build the world of the show.

9 What Was Ignacio’s Deal?

It’s unclear how much the pandemic affected the shooting and editing of season one. Yet, with the number of character arcs left dangling in season 1, it might be in the show’s best interest to dig a little deeper.

For example, Ignacio (Mel Rodriguez) seems primed for a major role on the show when negotiating the “proper” ways for someone to escape the hub. Yet, he never appears after his initial scenes and isn’t even really mentioned. Is Ignacio meant for a larger role on the show? (The same goes for Liver (Augusto Aguilera), too.)


8 Are Those Real Animals?

As the show positioned its characters across a wide-reaching chessboard, it left Herringbone (Dan Bakkedahl) and Fiffany (Noma Dumezweni) in a precarious place. Fiffany is seen hiding in an imprisoned cube and she seems to be genuinely terrified about the predatory animals around her.

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Are those real animals that could actually kill her? She seems to think so, but it also seems impossible that one of Gogol’s cubes could actually create a reality like that.

7 And What Of The Dolphin?

Speaking of animals, though, what are fans to make of the dolphin? It might seem like an Alligator Loki-type character, in that it has a few silent moments of fun, but doesn’t actually have a major bearing on the story. Yet, it seems like it has a bigger role in the eyes of the characters.

For example, it points Hazel to freedom. Maybe, it’s just a symbolic element of the show. But there is definitely a question to be answered regarding just how far Byron’s tech goes and what is actually capable of creating.

6 How Can Fiffany Escape?

Back to Fiffany, though, it’d be very interesting to see how she escapes her imprisonment or if she’ll even escape at all. Fiffany, though, is locked in a cube that only a few people know about, which doesn’t make her odds look to good.

However, if she is freed, it could illuminate many more questionable elements of the hub and its cubes, in general.

5 Is It Curtains For Herringbone?

Herringbone is arguably in worse shape than Fiffany when he turns up in the simulated savanna. Fiffany at least has her wits about her and is quick to think on her feet.

Herringbone, on the other hand, is less adaptable. Considering he also did everything he could to get back in Byron’s good graces and he still failed, only a massive redemption turn could spare him. Might this be the end of the character?

4 Does Judiff Give Up?

Another fascinating element of the show came when it introduced Judiff (Kym Whitley) in a guest role. Like Ignacio, Judiff seemed primed for more to do, and hopefully, season 2 will have a clear path forward for her.

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She knows a great deal about Hazel’s current predicament and is the only one equipped with the skills and knowledge to do something about it. Will she give up or will she persevere on her journey to help someone who sacrificed her own happiness?

3 Has Byron Changed At All?

Part of Hazel’s decision was made easier by the fact that Byron (Magnussen) seemed to display at least some remorse for how the first decade in the hub transpired.

Considering his myriad efforts to improve himself with the hilarious Bennett (Caleb Foote), it’s curious to think of the idea that Byron may have actually grown a bit. Will he be a new man or will the second go around in the hub be more of the same?

2 Can Hazel Escape Again?

Depending on the answer to the Byron question, this one about Hazel (Milioti) could go either way. If he truly atones and becomes the model man he wants to be, then there’s a chance Hazel may not want to escape.

But if he doesn’t change, Hazel might want out. Now that Herbert’s (Ray Romano) health is involved and Byron is aware of the fact that escape is possible, she might have a much harder time getting out a second time.

1 When Will Herbert Find Out?

Herbert was ready to die, but Byron cured him. The only catch is that Herbert now lives in a hub-recreated version of his more run-down abode.

The hub is impressive, but it surely cannot cast such an illusion forever. At a certain point, Herbert is going to learn what Hazel did and fans hope to learn how he’ll react to their new predicament.

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