The Mario Kart series is famous for its many different items. From the surprise of a heat-seeking Red Shell to the feeling of invincibility granted by a Super Star, each item adds its own unique brand of mayhem to the cartoon racing game. While each item is famous in its own way, none are as infamous as the Blue Shell. The item is well known for its ability to break hearts and ruin friendships, but there are a few simple ways to avoid the dastardly Shell in Mario Kart 8.

For the lucky few who have never experienced the pain of a Blue Shell, the item is very simple, yet deadly. The item is thrown, like most other Shells in the game, and then automatically seeks out the player in first place. The Blue Shell comes flying in from overhead, circles the person in first place, and then explodes in a wide radius of destruction. If a player is on the cusp of taking first-place and a Blue Shell is quickly approaching from behind, they may want to slow down and avoid the front spot for a bit.


Although the Blue Shell is well known for its destructive ability, there are several easy tricks for avoiding it. Here are five ways to survive the Blue Shell in Mario Kart 8.

Avoid The Blue Shell In Mario Kart 8 – Get Out Of First Place

This is one of the easiest ways to avoid a Blue Shell, but it can be tricky depending on how close other racers are to first place. Seeing as the Blue Shell automatically locks onto the person in first, if a player slows down enough to allow someone else to slip into the lead position, the Blue Shell will lock onto the other player instead. It can feel extremely satisfying luring someone else into first place just to watch them blow up, but a player may then find themselves trying to fight their way back the front – so it can be a risky move.

Avoid The Blue Shell In Mario Kart 8 – Hold Onto The Blue Shell

This trick can leave a player at a bit of a disadvantage, but it allows them to hold first place without any worry of a potential Blue Shell. Only one player can have a Blue Shell at any given time in a race. So, if someone were to get a Blue Shell early, they’d be able to hold onto it for the remainder of the game and safely maintain their lead. Of course, this would take up an item slot and leave a player defenseless against other Shells and items, so it does have its drawback. It’s also important players in first place don’t accidentally throw the Blue Shell because it will come right back and hit them.

Avoid The Blue Shell In Mario Kart 8 – Dodge With a Mushroom

It’s possible to dodge a Blue Shell with a Mushroom, but it may be the most difficult method for avoiding this destructive power-up. Timing is everything. When the Blue Shell finally catches up to the racer in first place, it circles around the player and then points straight down before it explodes. If this player uses a Mushroom just before the Shell hits the ground and explodes, they’ll be able to safely dash through the explosion instead.

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Avoid The Blue Shell In Mario Kart 8 – Turn Invisible With a Boo

Another easy way to avoid a Blue Shell is by taking advantage of the Boo item. The Boo turns a player invisible and allows them to steal another player’s item. It also makes a player invulnerable to any incoming attack, so if someone sees a Blue Shell coming at them, they can just turn invisible and they’ll be able to pass right through the Shell’s explosion.

Avoid The Blue Shell In Mario Kart 8 – Break It With a Super Horn

Although there are may different items in Mario Kart 8, only one is actually capable of destroying the Blue Shell: the Super Horn. Outside of using a Boo item, this may be the best way to avoid a Blue Shell. Once the Shell begins circling the player in first place, one honk of the Super Horn and the Blue Shell will be destroyed before it ever gets the chance to explode. The notorious Blue Shell can be tricky in Mario Kart games. Thankfully, there are some great and easy ways to avoid it.

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