Assault on VA-33, currently available on Amazon Prime, tells the story of a decorated war veteran named Jason Hill (Sean Patrick Hill) who must face off against terrorists to save his wife and her hospital. Action star Mark Dacascos stars opposite him as a fellow PTSD survivor who went to the side of evil.

Dacascos spoke to Screen Rant about getting into character for the role, his fight choreography in the John Wick franchise, and a surprising piece of his little-known Power Rangers past.

Tell me a little bit about your Assault on VA-33 character, Jackson.

Mark Dacascos: Jackson is not a good guy. I think at one point he was, but at this point in his life and in his career, he has sold out. He’s everything I think we humans do not want to become. He’s given up on the good, and he’s just going for the cash and doing his buck and working for money. He’s turned, and he’s there to create challenges and adversity for Jason Hill.

What immediately stood out to me about this film was the Die Hard vibes, which I love. What was it about the role of Jackson and the story that interested you in the project?


Mark Dacascos: I wanted to support our military and the veterans because, from a lot of people that I know who were in the military, they have a lot of emotional and mental challenges they’re still dealing with because of what they went through during their military career. I think the character of Jason Hill, and Sean Patrick Flanery’s portrayal, is spot on.

It’s funny, because when I got to set they’d already been shooting for a week or two, I think. But Sean Patrick was into character. Actually, maybe he’s just like that all the time. He was a little gruff, very grounded, and you could see that he has a good heart. I thought that was perfect for Jason Hill.

You can see that he’d been through the wringer, but he’s still trying to give his best and keep a soft heart for his family.

Can you talk to me about working with Christopher Douglas-Olen Ray and his directing style? What did he want out of you and Sean Patrick as actors?

Mark Dacascos: I met Christopher Ray on June 1, on a phone call on Zoom, and then met him in person on the set. And the great thing is he’s been in the military – I believe he was in the Navy – and he knew that world from the inside. So, it was very collaborative. I didn’t have a lot of scenes, but I had some really fun ones, and he just wanted to make sure that we could show that maybe Jackson isn’t up to the level of Jason in terms of skills, but he’s pretty darn close.

And that it’s unfortunately pretty easy to cross that line. From what I understand, when you’ve served in the military and been on campaigns, you see horrific things, as Jason Hill did. His heart was broken, and it’s, it’s pretty easy for for evil to seep in once you’re cracked, you know what I mean? Jason was able to do that, and Jackson was not. Christopher just made sure that I stayed on track the best that I could, and walk that line of, “Yeah, he could have been still a good guy, but he crossed it.”

It’s crazy, because I’m so familiar with you being a good guy, even though you’ve had roles of questionable morality before. Can you talk to me a little bit about some of the training that goes into a project like this, especially when you’re playing a marksman?

Mark Dacascos: Absolutely. Christopher and his stunt coordinator, they helped me on the day on the set with how to wield the weapon properly. But I think a lot of it comes from the inside out, in terms of justifying the action. It was my job to build a backstory to justify in Jackson’s mind and heart why this was okay.

Obviously, from an objective point of view, it’s a horrific, horrible thing to do – especially when you turn on your own. Whatever Jackson’s backstory was, it was like Jason Hill; he was crushed, and then the evil did seep in. He wasn’t strong enough to be like Sean Patrick Flanery’s character.

Was Jackson’s backstory something you created yourself, or was that more from the collaboration process with Christopher?

Mark Dacascos: They had it in the script. I talked with Christopher and just said, “This is how I kind of see him playing it.” Whatever tweaks he made, we just made right on the day. Because of the limited amount of scenes I’m in, you have to really give a lot of information as succinctly in detail as possible – but without portraying the “Haha, I’m a bad guy” thing.

Because Jackson didn’t go in and serve in the military and do the things he did intending to be a bad guy. That’s a massive thing; it’s just what happens when you go through challenging and traumatic scenarios, like these military people go through, and when you don’t get properly and adequately taken care of mentally and spiritually afterwards. I think it’s really easy to cross that line, and that was the dichotomy and the contrast of Sean Patrick’s character and Jackson. Jason was doing his best to get help, and he found love in spite of all the crazy, while Jackson just gave up on that aspect of life and utilized his training for evil.

Do you think that Jackson still has his sense of honor, even though he might be fighting on the wrong side?

Mark Dacascos: I think he has appreciation for people that are skilled; I think he has respect for the training he got and the people he served with. But I think he crossed that line, and he’s got a number. Whereas Jason Hill at this point doesn’t, and he’s doing his best to his humanity and do right by his wife and daughter.

For this film, were you guys shooting pre-COVID?

Mark Dacascos: Yes, it was right before COVID started really getting serious in America. We were already hearing about it all over the world and it was a threat, certainly, in America. But we weren’t given the mandate of mask wearing and all these other things yet. It was shortly before.

Perfect. I wanted to talk to you about another project that’s right on your horizon, based on a on comic called the Corto Maltese. Can you tell me a little bit about that project? Because there’s an anime adaption as well.

Mark Dacascos: I haven’t heard about that in a couple of years of because, unfortunately – and I miss him dearly – one of our main producers for that movie passed. It was going to be directed by the most excellent Christophe Gans, who did Brotherhood of the Wolf. I was fortunate enough to work with him, and he’s done Silent Hill movies; he did Crying Freeman, where I met my wife.

Christophe was going to direct and it was starring Vincent Cassel, I believe. And he had a great cast from all over the world. But Samuel Hadida, who was the producer of Only the Strong, Crying Freeman, Brotherhood of the Wolf, and many other movies – he passed away. When he passed away, the project was put in limbo. His brother, Victor Hadida, is now head of his production and distribution company. I don’t know if they figured out what they’re going to do with that movie.

Hopefully we can see that one day. I’m sorry to hear that unfortunate news. But you’ve been part of so many amazing franchises. Is there anything out there that you want to sink your teeth into as an actor?

Mark Dacascos: Joseph, I wish I could tell you right now, but there are two projects coming up. They’re both goes, and I think you’re really going to get a kick out of them. One project, I’m starting within the next month and a half. And then another big project, I’ll be away for about four months. Two really great projects, and I think you’d be very excited about them. I’m hoping you’d be excited about them. And I can’t tell you about them just yet.

There’s no official word yet, but I’m hoping that Zero caught his breath, and he comes back in John Wick 4 or 5.

Amazing. I wanted to ask you a little bit about that, because you are an action star through and through. Can you talk to me about the action in John Wick? Because I feel like the stunts and action choreography in the franchise is next level.

Mark Dacascos: I agree with you. 100%. The great thing is it that Chad Stahelski is one of the few that I’ve worked with that is only an excellent director, but he has this real sensibility for action because he himself was a stunt man. He’s worked with Keanu for over 20 years, and Chad has worked on big movies with a lot of great talent. He’s an excellent martial artist himself, so the people he brings in – in terms of everything, but especially martial arts – are the best he can find.

I unfortunately didn’t have much rehearsal time. I talked with Chad Stahelski on a Monday, not knowing I was playing this role. Monday afternoon, we signed the deal. Monday evening, I flew to New York from LA. Right there, Tuesday morning and Wednesday, I shaved my head. Thursday I was working. So, I didn’t get the training that I would have loved to have had with Chad and his people. But certainly I was supported and guided by some of the best in the industry. The great thing is, with Chad being a martial artist, he’ll look through the lens and see what he wants, then he can make the tweaks. And then he could come over on set and show us what he meant. It was amazing.

Assault on VA-33 is now on Amazon Prime and in U.S. theaters.

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