Martian Manhunter was an unforeseen and intriguing character addition to Zack Snyder’s Justice League, but he also undermined what would have been one of the film’s best moments. The theme of grief runs deeply throughout the movie, from the world mourning the loss of Superman to other characters struggling to reconcile with the past. But these very human aspects of the film also offer a great lens for powerful, emotionally charged scenes.

Besides the entire world collectively reeling from its Kryptonian hero’s death (even displaying his trademark “S” symbol on the side of London’s Tower Bridge and dedicating a solemn memorial for him within the heart of Metropolis), those who knew him best are struggling with his loss too. Martha Kent (Diane Lane) visits Clark’s grave before leaving her now-foreclosed-on home in Smallville behind. Lois Lane (Amy Adams) still visits her fiancé’s memorial every day, but life for her seems as bleak as the film’s color palette. Halfway through the movie, Martha visits Lois to check in, offer support, and commiserate about what they’re both feeling. They have a touching conversation, one which showcases Adams and Lane’s acting chops, and emotionally transcends the screen.


But, after the moment ends, it’s revealed that Martha – in this scene – is really Martian Manhunter (who has been posing as Calvin Swanwick, played by Harry Lennix) disguised as Martha. It undermines everything the tender scene has just set up. The conversation, though incredibly sad, is raw, powerful, and beautiful. When a teary-eyed Lois says, “I’ll never love anybody the way I love your son,” the authenticity is palpable. And Martha’s painfully honest articulation of the frustration she feels about the world acting as if they personally knew Superman before his death is not only well-executed, it also speaks volumes about how society acts when a celebrity unexpectedly dies. The scene also gives a realistic look at what loss is like for many people: a sense of potent pain due to the deceased’s absence coupled with still feeling very loving towards and grateful to have known them. The Martian Manhunter twist unnecessarily cheapens the previous, meaningful scene, seemingly just to work him into the movie.

The inclusion of the Mars-hailing shapeshifter is fun within itself, but there were better ways to introduce him. Martha says to Lois, “You’re the only one who knows, who feels what I do – burdened by a secret on top of grief.” Though tragic, it’s a beautiful sentiment, which actually becomes frustrating once viewers discover they’ve been emotionally played for a few minutes. The Snyder Cut of Justice League already shakes so much of the original version, from further fleshing out beloved characters to its overall darker tone, and more. And characters that hadn’t made the 2017 version – like Darkseid, Vulko, Ryan Choi, and others – were woven into the film without undermining important moments. Surely Snyder could have found a way to keep this scene as a genuine moment between two important characters while also introducing Martian Manhunter at another time.

On the bright side of this twist, Lois does get to hear someone tell her that the world needs her again, which she deserves. Like Martha/Manhunter aptly points out, Clark’s loved ones are isolated as they feel their pain. At least the interaction is still a cathartic one and enables Lois to feel ready to return to journalism. And Martian Manhunter does seem to have some authentic empathy for Lois, as he soliloquizes in the hallway outside her apartment, “The world needs you too, Lois.” But, even so, it would have been nice for fans to have an untainted version of this touching moment in Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

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