Warning: spoilers ahead for “A Face in the Crowd,” appearing in Action Comics #1037!

In 2008’s Final Crisis, minor-league villain The Human Flame killed the Martian Manhunter, and now, 13 years later, the Manhunter has an opportunity for revenge. In “A Face in the Crowd,” a backup story appearing in Action Comics #1037, on sale now in print and digital, J’onn J’onzz comes face to face with his killer while investigating a mysterious theft at a museum.

Since his first appearance in 1955’s Detective Comics #225, the Martian Manhunter has become a fixture of the DC Universe. A founder of the Justice League, he’s one of its staunchest members. Thanks to his Martian physiology, the Manhunter has super-strength and endurance, in addition to telepathy, shape-shifting, and a variety of other abilities. But despite his great power, the Martian Manhunter has one weakness: fire. The mere sight of flames can cause the Martian Manhunter to tense up, making him easy prey. In 2008’s Final Crisis #1, the villain Libra attempts to recruit the Human Flame, a previously minor villain the Manhunter had faced years ago, into his Society of Super-Villains. As an enticement, Libra gave the Human Flame his one desire: the opportunity to kill the Martian Manhunter. He did not stay dead long, however, returning at the conclusion of The Blackest Night. The Human Flame then slipped into obscurity once again, but now he has returned—giving the Martian Manhunter a golden opportunity to avenge his death. The story is written by Shawn Aldrige, with art by Adriana Melo, colors by Hi-Fi, and letters by Dave Sharpe.


The Martian Manhunter has relocated to Metropolis, and, passing as a human, works for the city’s police department. He’s investigating the disappearance of a seemingly random artifact from the city’s art museum, an artifact that may have ties to his home planet of Mars. Before he can ask the curator for more information, a voice off-panel says he did not come to learn, but to burn. The voice is revealed to be that of the Human Flame, who stands tall and defiant, flames jetting out from his armor.

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Although the story ends there, the stage for the Martian Manhunter’s revenge is set. The Human Flame was able to best the Manhunter at their last meeting, but he may not be as lucky this time; the last time they fought, the Flame also had Libra and the Society on his side, which gave him a power boost. In a true test of strength, the Martian Manhunter could easily defeat the Human Flame and the Flame knows this. His cybernetic, flame-shooting armor is the only way he can level the playing field. Is the Human Flame responsible for the theft at the museum? Or has he come to merely to test his mettle against the Martian Manhunter once again? Whatever the case, J’onn will not be caught off-guard again, and the Human Flame must be ready.

Rarely does a comic book character get a shot at revenge against the one who killed them, and the Martian Manhunter now finds himself in exactly that situation, as he takes on the Human Flame for the first time since Final Crisis.

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