Marvel has announced a new Deadpool series. Deadpool: Black, White and Blood, which will continue the adventures of the Merc with a Mouth – with even more blood. Deadpool is well on his way to more over-the-top stories.

Deadpool is currently celebrating his 30th anniversary. The mercenary has been regularly featured in various series and has a special issue for his anniversary. Deadpool is known for being rude, crude, and socially unacceptable as well as incredibly violent. His modus operandi does not seem to be changing anytime soon.


Announced at Deadpool Nerdy Thirty – a virtual event that brought together some of the best writers in Deadpool’s comic history – Deadpool: Black, White and Red, is slated for release in August 2021. As of yet, no writers or artists have been released for this series, although a cover by Declan Shalvey has been revealed. The announcement from Marvel states:

Just announced by Editor-in-Chief C.B. Cebulski during yesterday’s Deadpool Nerdy Thirty Virtual Event, Deadpool will be starring in a brand-new series just in time for his 30th anniversary celebration. DEADPOOL: BLACK, WHITE, AND BLOOD will be packed with Deadpool’s wildest stories to date, all depicted in a prestige black and white format—with a heavy splattering of blood all over! Each action-packed issue will have an all-star lineup of creators teaming up to honor the character’s incredible legacy with the kind of chaos and violence that Wade Wilson loves!

Black, White & Blood has been a recent initiative by Marvel to showcase some well-known characters in bloody adventures. The first series released was Wolverine: Black, White & Blood, which began publishing in 2020. The second series that will be released is Carnage: Black, White & Blood, in March 2021. Deadpool will follow five months after. Deadpool will follow the artistic style that has been present in Wolverine: Black, White & Blood. This color palette fits perfectly with the title of the initiative. Additionally, each Wolverine issue has included multiple stories by various creative teams, resulting in a compilation style of issues instead of a traditional one. Deadpool: Black, White & Blood will most likely have the same format.

So far specific writers and artists have not been announced for this series. Currently, Deadpool is the reigning King of Monsters on Staten Island. He has also been part of the fight against the King in Black and his symbiote army. With this announcement, it is clear that Deadpool is still the reigning king of violence. This is the perfect venue for the mercenary to hack off limbs and lose his own in standard Deadpool fashion with a little extra artistic flair. This extension of Deadpool’s anniversary celebration from Marvel should prove to be a visual treat for fans. Deadpool: Black, White and Blood will release August 2021.


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