Warning! Spoilers for Thor #15 below.

As his hammer mysteriously gets heavier, Thor is seeking out his fellow Avengers to figure out what’s causing his issues with Mjolnir. However, after meeting up with Captain America, the God of Thunder loses control of his enchanted weapon. In order to protect himself, Captain America uses his vibranium shield to block an out-of-control Mjolnir, confirming it’s still one of the best defenses against Thor’s hammer.

In the current Thor arc by Donny Cates, Nic Klein, and Matt Wilson, the King of Asgard has slowly been losing control of his hammer. As a result, Mjolnir is getting heavier and more unpredictable, as everyone from Loki to a random mechanic on Earth has been able to lift it – while he has struggled to do so. After his latest incident, where he became trapped under the weight of his own hammer, Thor returned to Midgard to see if the Avengers could help him understand why his connection to Mjolnir is faltering.


In Thor #15 by Cates, Michele Bandini, Elisabetta D’Amico, Wilson, and Joe Sabino, Thor arrives on Earth as the Avengers fight a horde of alien robot monsters. Using his thunderous powers, he eliminates the enemies with a single blast. He immediately turns to Captain America but loses control of Mjolnir as his hammer lunges itself at his longtime friend. Captain America is forced to block the blast with his shield, as Thor screams out in horror after accidentally attacking his teammate.

Captain America has blocked Mjolnir before – as the hammer has done damage his shield in past battles – but in this case, the vibranium weapon stops it in its tracks. After Thor pulls Mjolnir away from Steve Rogers, Cap’s shield is left with scuff marks as smoke is seen from the impact. After the incident, Captain America and Thor have a conversation about his hammer at Avengers Mountain, where the God of Thunder speculates the original enchantment has been altered after he’s become King of Asgard. Thor ultimately leaves the hammer with Captain America.

Captain America’s shield is near-indestructible, as it was designed to counter some of the strongest attacks possible. However, villains and heroes have used Mjolnir and other weapons to shatter it before. Most famously, Thanos broke Steve’s shield in Avengers: Endgame’s final battle. Basically, Steve’s shield is as strong as the writer of each story needs it to be. In this case, it was able to withstand Mjolnir as it usually has in the past – confirming that in a fight between Thor and Captain America, the patriotic hero isn’t completely screwed against the powerful enchanted hammer. Thor #15 is in comic book stores now.

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