Warning! Spoilers for Captain Marvel #28 below! 

Marvel Comics just confirmed one of Captain Marvel’s biggest weaknesses, which she has in common with one of DC Comics’ most powerful heroes, Superman. In Captain Marvel #28, Carol Danvers tries to learn magic in order to prevent a dark future from happening, however, she quickly finds out the sorcerers in the Marvel Universe won’t teach her because it would take away her greatest weakness.

Captain Marvel is desperate to learn magic after she just came back from a future ruled by a magic user named Ove. The son of Enchantress and Namor, the Sub-Mariner is set to play a huge part in killing billions of lives and wiping away humanity, and now he’s teleported into the main Marvel timeline, Carol is struggling with the idea she won’t be able to stop him. Captain Marvel has had nasty nightmares about the death of the Avengers and calls upon Doctor Strange (who she’s recently hooked up with) to try to learn magic to prevent Ove from ever ruling.


In Captain Marvel #28 by Kelly Thompson, Jacopo Camagni, Espen Grundetjern, and VC’s Clayton Cowles, Captain Marvel tries to convince Doctor Strange to teach her magic so she can take down Ove for good. Strange doesn’t welcome the idea, as he tells her that not only would it take decades to learn magic, but he refuses because it’s one of the few weaknesses Captain Marvel has. He says it wouldn’t be great for the world for someone as powerful as her to not have any weaknesses at all.

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Marvel has alluded to Carol being weak against magic before, but the panel confirms it’s one of her greatest weaknesses. It means Captain Marvel and Superman, two of the most powerful heroes in their respective universes who are practically invulnerable, are susceptible to being defeated by magic. Doctor Strange is right to express caution towards the idea of teaching Carol magic since it would take away one of the few counters the Avengers would have should she go down a darker path in the future.

Doctor Strange wasn’t the only magic user who declined to help Carol, as Magik, Scarlet Witch, Niko Minoru, and Doctor Voodoo also refuse to help her due to the potential implications. Captain Marvel turns to Enchantress, who currently has no idea her son is going to try to rule the Marvel Universe. Carol is hellbent to try to tackle her biggest weakness. Like Superman, magic is one of the few ways to stop her. Still, getting rid of that vulnerability would be all kinds of dangerous. Captain Marvel#28 is in comic book stores now.

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