Warning! This article contains spoilers for Spider-Woman #19

After the Skrull Queen comes back to terrorize Spider-Woman by shapeshifting into the people she has been close with in the past, Marvel Comics confirms that Hawkeye has the most punchable face of all the Avengers, at least as far as Spider-Woman is concerned. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman have a problematic past with both heroes hurting each other in unforgivable ways. When the Skrull Queen Veranke tries to use psychological warfare on Jessica Drew, she reveals exactly why transforming into Clint Barton was a mistake. 

In Spider-Woman #19 by Karla Pacheco and Pere Perez, Veranke has become Spider-Woman in an attempt to abduct her son after she was released from Norman Osborn’s containment by the Kingpin. Spider-Woman arrives before Veranke could make off with her boy, and the two engage in brutal combat. During their fight, Veranke turns into a number of the Avengers including Iron Man, Captain Marvel, Hawkeye, and even Jessica’s own son. While the Skrull is trying to mess with Spider-Woman’s head by transforming into people she knows, Veranke only succeeds in making Jessica even more focused and angry. 


Veranke takes on the form of Ronin and reminds Spider-Woman that she made him watch his wife die, an event that was entirely out of her control, and that he will never forgive her for that. While Spider-Woman acknowledges that that is probably accurate to how Clint actually feels, she doesn’t let Veranke’s dark reminder get to her especially after what Hawkeye did to her in the past. Hawkeye and Spider-Woman were briefly romantically involved while the two were Avengers teammates, until Hawkeye cheated on her with someone he had just met, forcing Spider-Woman to break up with him. When Veranke became Hawkeye, the Skrull Queen didn’t remind Spider-Woman of the guilt associated with Clint as she intended. Instead, Veranke only brought up the anger Spider-Woman felt towards Clint when the Skrull transformed into him, and Jessica had no problem punching Hawkeye’s cheating face. 

While this is the first time Spider-Woman punched a Skrull pretending to be Clint Barton, she has proven that his face is just prime for punching in the past by actually punching it. In Hawkeye #9, the issue goes through a number of Hawkeye’s ex-flings including Jessica Drew. Their relationship ended with him cheating on her and claiming that he believed that what they had was just casual and not withholden to the parameters of a monogamous relationship. Instead of arguing, Jessica just punches (and slaps) Clint in the face.

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It’s obvious that Hawkeye and Spider-Woman were incredibly toxic for each other in a number of ways, and their best course of action should be to never see each other again. Veranke becoming Hawkeye during her fight with Spider-Woman just rekindled the hatred she held for him. While letting all of that disdain back into her heart while fighting the Skrull, Spider-Woman proves that Hawkeye has the most punchable face of all the Avengers, and after hearing her reasons as to why that is the case, many would agree with her.

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